Last Movie You Watched

by slimelord1

13 years, 8 months ago

Total Recall
Die Hard With a Vengance

Total Recall is an Action/Sci-Fi classic and DHWAV is my favorite of the series. I'm weary about the upcoming TR remake.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

13 years, 7 months ago

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 7 months ago

I take it you saw TF3?

I will be seeing it this weekend with my nephews.

by CrimsonGhostbuster

13 years, 7 months ago

Yeah, it was big, dumb, loud, and stupid… but if you ignore all the human crap and just focus on the Autobots and the Decepticons, it's pretty effin' neato.

Also: sneak in beer. It enhances the movie.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 7 months ago

Best review of TF3 I saw said the movie was about how much we hurt Michael Bay's feelings over our hatred for TF2 and how neglected he feels.

by slimelord1

13 years, 7 months ago

Transformers (2007)
Transformers: Revenge Of The Fallen
Transformers: Dark Of The Moon

Watched the first two this morning before seeing the new one. The original is better than I remembered it being but still pretty bad overall, and the second isn't very good but can be entertaining in a dumb fun sort of way if you're in the right mood. DOTM though is surprisingly pretty good, a big improvement over the first two in a lot of ways.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 7 months ago

Black Swan

Great performance by Natalie Portman

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 7 months ago

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Seeing XMen: First Class a while back made me want to go back and watch this one, and I finally had a chance to to do so. I think it's enjoyable and a good prequil into the X-Men trilogy.

Having just watched this - I can see now that it doesn't mesh with the story being told in First Class. Was this part of the plan all along (First Class basically being a reboot/new story line) and I just missed it? Or was First Class supposed to line up with the rest and it just doesn't? (Case in point: In wolverine, Emma Frost is part of the group of kids rescued from 3 mile island and is taken with Professor X, add to the fact that Professor X is played by Patrick Stewart and he's not yet confined to the wheelchair. In contrast, in First Class Emma Frost is grown and part of Kevin Bacon's team well before Xaiver even starts the “school for the gifted” and he becomes crippled at the end of the movie - while he's still young.)

by slimelord1

13 years, 7 months ago

Terminator 2: Judgment Day (Special Edition)
Independence Day (1996) (Special Edition)

Watched T2 on the 3rd to celebrate it's 20th anniversary, and watched ID4 yesterday to celebrate the holiday.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 7 months ago

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Seeing XMen: First Class a while back made me want to go back and watch this one, and I finally had a chance to to do so. I think it's enjoyable and a good prequil into the X-Men trilogy.

There are other inconsistencies with the story of First Class than the ones you made mention of…but…it is possible a few of them could be fixed in sequels to First Class. That and a few of them were “yeah, but” situations. For example in the first X-men movie, Xavier says that Erik helped him build Cerebro…thought it is implied the first incarnation, he never said which incarnation.