Last Video Game You Played..

by OniellFord

16 years, 7 months ago

I'm actually playing Phantasy Star Universe on PS2, I've just reached the Chapter 4 now.

You have Phantasy Star Universe? What's it like? I became a fan of Phantasy Star ever since I played the old ones for the Sega Genesis. I might get it, if it's worth it.

by niolani

16 years, 7 months ago

Oniell Ford
I'm actually playing Phantasy Star Universe on PS2, I've just reached the Chapter 4 now.

You have Phantasy Star Universe? What's it like? I became a fan of Phantasy Star ever since I played the old ones for the Sega Genesis. I might get it, if it's worth it.

It's the first Phantasy Star I played so, I can't say much thing about it but I quite like the game. I bought the game after I checked GameSpot users score, which was of 8.5 out of 10. I buy most of my game according to the users scores on GameSpot, I don't care about the critic scores.

I own at least 20 game systems and I want to buy as much games as possible for each consoles. This is why I always check GameSpot before buying a game. I don't want to have regrets after a purchase.

By the way, I'm looking forward to buy the old Phantasy Star games for Genesis.

by OniellFord

16 years, 7 months ago

Oniell Ford
I'm actually playing Phantasy Star Universe on PS2, I've just reached the Chapter 4 now.

You have Phantasy Star Universe? What's it like? I became a fan of Phantasy Star ever since I played the old ones for the Sega Genesis. I might get it, if it's worth it.

It's the first Phantasy Star I played so, I can't say much thing about it but I quite like the game. I bought the game after I checked GameSpot users score, which was of 8.5 out of 10. I buy most of my game according to the users scores on GameSpot, I don't care about the critic scores.

I own at least 20 game systems and I want to buy as much games as possible for each consoles. This is why I always check GameSpot before buying a game. I don't want to have regrets after a purchase.

By the way, I'm looking forward to buy the old Phantasy Star games for Genesis.

I have them on the PSP game “Sega Genesis Collection”. I played Phantasy Star II, III & IV. They're great, but IV is the best of them all story-wise and gameplay-wise. Number II is good, but I am still stuck on the beginning. :p

I hate the 3rd one. It's wierd, awful, confusing both gameplay-wise and story-wise. It's refered to as the “Black Sheep” of the series. :@

But thats my opinion

by pantshater24

16 years, 7 months ago

Just got done playing Metal Gear Solid 4. one of the best games i have ever played and game of the year hands down.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 7 months ago

I finaly beat Grand Theft Auto IV. It blew me away. It makes you feel like you ARE Niko, not just controling him. I laughed, I cryed. it was an awsome game. If they ever do a GTA movie, I want THIS story to be made into a film. buy this game. you'll thank your self!!!

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 7 months ago

Playing “Reservoir Dogs” from the original xbox on my xbox 360.

A good one, but not great, kinda hard the thing of taking hostages, disarming cops… making the game slow. The car scene was good, great soundtrack.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 7 months ago

Finally Finished Fable: The Lost Chapter. Wanted to beat it before FableII comes out…hopefully some time this year.

by ghostbusters2131

16 years, 7 months ago

Last saturday I bought BIOSHOCK for the xbox 360… at t he beginning didn´t like the game… didn´t understand it… but last night, after playing a couple of hours… I LOVED IT!!!

Such a scary great game, graphics are awesome, good challenge, the environment makes the perfect scenario for this kind of games.

Let me go through the game and I´ll tell you how it is going.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 5 months ago

Started Playing Battlefield: Bad Company. I love this game…if not for anything else than for the character of Haggard. The character interactions are hilarious.


by inebriantia

16 years, 4 months ago


Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - Great game I love it! I can't wait untill a new Zelda game is announced. Also the Wii version is a lot neater than the gamecube, but I can only play it in shorted spells cause I get tired of having to swing the remote for every little thing, plus all the speaker sound effects drains my batteries.


Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword - Although I was really hyped up to play this game, it was severly over-hyped. The game is beautiful for the DS, but there aren't any other main weapons really. There's the ninpo, but it kinda sucks. Everything is done with the stylus, and the game is just extremely hard. It's not the stylus, cause Phantom Hourglass, was made like this and I rocked that game. The enemies just have so much strength and life it's crazy.