Last Video Game You Played..

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 7 months ago

Played a few minutes of Ghostbusters the Videogame for Wii, hard to use to the wiimote and nunchuck controllers…

by inebriantia

13 years, 6 months ago

Yes, I agree! When the game first came out my Xbox had broke so I had to play it on the Wii, it was very much a pain in the ass, not to mention b/c of the graphics and such it was kinda a completely different game even the end boss fight was different.

I just finished Fear 3 and Red Faction: Armageddon. Both good games in my opinion, but not worth buying… they are great weekend rentals though. Fear 3 has some good co-op and some fun MP modes, but you'll fly through them since the MP is only horde mode type matches, with only 3 different maps. Unless you buy the game which gives you 2 new modes, along with 6 new maps (3 each) but isn't worth it considering you can beat them easily.

RF:A some ppl are mad b/c of the lack of open world. While I agree it's still a great game, if you don't compare it to RF:G. Campaign is short, but sweet, MP is a horde mode, with 2 goals, 1 you just survive, 2 you defend a structure. Both feels just tacked on, fun for a weekend.

Rental on both only - 8/10

by slimelord1

13 years, 6 months ago

RoboCop Vs. The Terminator
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition
The Lost World: Jurassic Park

All on the Genesis.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 6 months ago

Just bought “Assassin´s Creed: Brotherhood” for XBox 360, I love this AC games.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 6 months ago

I found AC:Brotherhood to be easier than ACII

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 6 months ago

I found AC:Brotherhood to be easier than ACII

Really? I found AC2 very easy… got the 50 achievements unlucked in a couple of weeks.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 6 months ago

Now, I never said ACII was hard. It isn't by any stretch of the imagination. I just found that AC:Brotherhood was easier. Partially, I believe, due to the Assassin Signals gameplay mechanic.

Though, there was this one Memory on the 13th Sequence DLC I about pulled my hair out on in ACII….but beyond that….very easy.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 6 months ago

Now, I never said ACII was hard. It isn't by any stretch of the imagination. I just found that AC:Brotherhood was easier. Partially, I believe, due to the Assassin Signals gameplay mechanic.

Though, there was this one Memory on the 13th Sequence DLC I about pulled my hair out on in ACII….but beyond that….very easy.

I think you missunderstood me… I mean if AC2 was very easy, can´t imagine AC Broterhood even easier… I´ve played it only a few hours… and I´m finding it interesting (I love how they display the city of Rome 500 years ago).

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 6 months ago

Got back to Gears of War 2, this is a 20x experience weekend… let´s try to get the level 100.

by inebriantia

13 years, 5 months ago

I agree, while I did enjoy AC:B very much I felt it was missing something. Maybe the lack of places to go like in AC2, made me feel that way. The assassins on demand smile was pretty nice, but it made an already easy game even easier. Still fun though calling in your AOD and watching them silently dispatching a group of bad guys then spider-man their way outta there lol.

Got a bit of a list here lol.

Playing Metro 2033 right now
For those of you that haven't played, it's a very underrated game. I'm finding it to be pretty fun. Like most games nowadays it's only worth a rental, but still a 8.5/10 rental.

Yesterday I beat:
Sonics and Knuckles
R-Type Dimensions
Rez HD
Some Japanese Side-Scrolling Shooter

All on XBL Arcade