Last Video Game You Played..

by PeterVenkmen

13 years, 5 months ago

Time Crisis 4 (PS3)
House of the Dead 2 & 3 Return (WII)
Army of Darkness Defense (Ipod)
The A-Team (Ipod)

by EgonSpengler86

13 years, 5 months ago

I played Mortal Kombat Vs. DC last night. Spoilers

I don't really care for the endings of Darkseide and Shao Kahn. They both end up escaping which means the heroes of both sides have to defeat the both of them again. Such an unsatisfying ending.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 5 months ago

Just downloaded that “Fun Labs” for Kinect, and tried those “Googly eyes” and “Kinect me” games… I think Microsoft needs better ways to take advantage of the kinect technologies, not only on casual games, or it will die soon.

by inebriantia

13 years, 5 months ago

Agreed ^
However there's nothing that Kinect can do to improve gaming, it's just another gimmick. It's the exact same as the Wii, everyone who bought it including myself was ripped off again by the game companies. Who instead of making quality games to improve sales, continue to come out with accessories instead and we buy them without any games to even play them on. Why? B/c we're dumb lol.
Even the cool Ghost Recon Gunsmith that everyone loves, could be done simply with a controller.

Been playing EDF:Insect Armageddon it's a fun game, but it's one of those where you have grind for hours to get the achievements. Like you usually have 200 kills max on a level of various enemies and there's only 15 levels. Most of the big achievements require you to kill 10,000 of certain enemies. Some are a 1,000 but there's maybe only 6 in a playthrough, so unless you do like a Survival mode it takes a long time, but Survival, doesn't give you XP like Campaign.

It also takes a long time to level up to 8, even on Inferno you only get like 20,000 XP a level and takes over 400,000 to level up. So yeah prepare for hours and hours of killing the same 5 enemies over and over and over and over again, lol.

There's 4 unique characters to play with, and a cheevo for leveling up each one, to give you an idea, I've killed over 13,000 enemies at 200 a level, and I still haven't reached level 8 with 1 of the armors lol. There's also no real change in enviroment, you fight in the same New Detrot landscape the whole game.

Fun game for about 10hrs then it just gets tiresome but it is a budget title and only costs $40 which it's nice to see a company not charge full price for something that doesn't deserve it.


by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 5 months ago

Played GHOSTBUSTERS THE VIDEOGAME last night, I´m trying to beat it on the Professional difficulty.
It´s sad that tried the online mode and didn´t find any player to play

by inebriantia

13 years, 5 months ago

No way!? ^

That really bums me out, I've been meaning to go and rent it again, so I can get some of the online achievements, but that sucks. I rented it a few months ago and there was still a bunch of ppl playing it. I actually got some friend on my XBL list that have been playing it the past couple days. What a bummer….

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 5 months ago

No way!? ^

That really bums me out, I've been meaning to go and rent it again, so I can get some of the online achievements, but that sucks. I rented it a few months ago and there was still a bunch of ppl playing it. I actually got some friend on my XBL list that have been playing it the past couple days. What a bummer….

Well… that happened to me last sunday, maybe you can get luck another day… or make a date with your friends (those who have the game) to play it. That´s the only sure way to play online. wink

by inebriantia

13 years, 4 months ago

BodyCount and Deus Ex:HR

Bodycount - Normally I find the good in most games, but this game was hard to find something. The online lobby system is broken, sometimes matches just never start. There's only 4 maps….4! That's it! They aren't big sprawling maps either, no leveling up, everyone starts with everything, and never gain anything. The campaign is alright, it's a spiritual successor to Black which was why I rented it, so it plays like that. Hip firing, loud guns, no iron sighting, tons of enemies in a arcade style shooter. The levels get recycled though.. Like the 1st level you start on one end of bridge and go to the other, beat that level you go to a bunker, then the next level you're back on the other side of the bridge returning to your original location. Then you're in a battle back in different section of the map you passed on the way to the bunker to diffuse something. It's all quite boring, I hate to give the game this score but it deserves it. 6/10

Deus Ex - This game is a lot like Splinter Cell with leveling up to buy new skills like cloaking and radar etc. There's a push for stealth, but you can play combat, you just die really easily if you're not careful. The story is pretty lacking for my tastes, but the general population will prolly be satisfied. The combat is pretty fluid, you can't edit the controls at all, the southpaws, will be at a disadvantage. Overall pretty smooth flowing game, but over pretty quick at only 30 hrs long including all side quests. 8/10

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 4 months ago

I had actually forgotten about this thread

Deus Ex: Human Revoltion - Absolutely love it. A far better follow up than Invisible War even if it is a prequel. The game has some problems in both narrative and gameplay but highly worth it. Love the foreshadowing to shit in the in the original Deus Ex. Also thought it was cool the addition of Tracer Tong (Augmented Edition) giving it a character link to the original (and Ironically making him the only character so far to appear in all 3 games)

by inebriantia

13 years, 4 months ago

Square announced the other day the first DLC for Deus Ex called “The Missing Link”. It takes place during those 3 days when Jensen went “AWOL” and covers how he escapes from a freighter. He meets new ppl that help him along his way. No pricing was listed and will be released in October no specific date listed either.