Last Video Game You Played..

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 4 months ago

Yep. I can't wait. And for those unhappy with how they specced their Jensen you'll get the option to redo it all in the DLC.

Dead Island: Cons - Dreadfully controls, repetitive weapons / enemy / missions types, uninteresting story and characters, tacked on RPG / MMO mechanics, multiple game ending glitches.

Pros - The Island, by large, looks amazing.

Game was an interesting experiment with a decent concept behind it…but flawed execution inho.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 4 months ago

Playing Gears of War 2 at weekends (this weekend will be 20x Exp, if you´re interested)… just waiting for Gears of War 3 release on 12 days!!

Also been playing Dead Space, unlocking some more achievements.

by inebriantia

13 years, 4 months ago

Dead Island

Dead Island:

First off let me say this game is fun, however only in shorts bursts. I play tons of games, seriously I've bought 50 games this year, lol. So I love to play games for long periods of times, and don't get bored. However, this game I've put in 46hrs in since Tuesday(actual play time it tracks) I just beat it yesterday and wow am I tired of it.

The combat is 98% melee Oblivion style, with a Borderlands type world with quests, enemies that have HP and stamina bars along with levels, tons of various melee weapons with various stats like BLs, that can be upgraded at work benches and combined to make new items like in Dead Rising, just not over the top like them, they're kinda more reality based, but not at the same time. It's not one big open island, it's split into zones like BLs, items are colored by rarity and the same color system BL uses. It's 4 player coop where you can pop in and out like BL and do several missions at once.

Most of the game is filled with the exact same weapons, just upgraded stats. Most ppl I played with used machetes and katanas and a handgun or two. Most of the mods are worthless as electricity seems to be the best ones and most widely used. Seeing an enemy electrified is really cool the first 70 times, then it becomes stale when you get elec. ammo, elec. swords, elec. bats, elec. maces….. you get my drift. There is fire, poison, and bleed effects, but they don't last as long or do as much damage. The best weapons by far are the katanas, and most use them.

The graphics in some places are just amazing, certain views in one area really reminds me of Jurassic Park in certain areas. Sometimes though they're awful, mouths don't move when talking or don't line up right. The story is plain and simple non-existent, in fact that's how I descibe most of this game..plain and simple. It's a jack of all trades, but master of none. Most of the game seems like copies of something, and not done as well as the original. The skill tree is just a cover to make it seem like there's a deep system, but mostly it's just simple buffs and variations of the same skills other team members have.

The end area and boss are just awful and incredibly easy, one of the worst I've seen to be honest and I've been gaming since Atari. For some reason ppl seem to be thinking this game is hard, but I never really found it that difficult. I rarely died, 75% of those were my fault, or glitches. Sometimes my entire landscape would disappear, and I'd be walking on nothing, get stuck trying to walk up stairs only to be flung back down by some invisible rubber band over and over. Poor hit detection on both sides, makes the melee based game difficult sometimes, but not the good kind of difficult.

To end on a good note, the game is fun and can be addicting sometimes. SP and MP both have thier pros and cons and I recommend trying both. There's a TON of potential here, there really is. For the possible first game in a series it has me highly hopeful for the future of this series. It released with many bugs and glitches so many there was a day 1 patch. however only PC got it, and PS3 and 360 will just have to wait a bit longer. It's a great game to pick up, play for a couple hours, do a few quests, but like BLs, it can get stale if played for too long in a short period of time.

I give this game 7.75/10

I wanna give it a solid 8, but the glitches were too many, even got a glitch that made me lose everything in the game having to start all over, and this has happened to many ppl.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 4 months ago

I agree with you on most of that inebriantia.

Speaking of glitches, you ever run into that one where it wouldn't let you leave a location. Use my first time coming across it as an example. I went down some steps into a bathroom in order to chase down a zombie I needed to kill for a key. After I kill him, I tried to leave and once I got to the top of the stairs it threw me back down to the bottom of the stairs. It essentially did that until I restarted the game.

Happened 3 times, in 3 different area's in the course of first 2 hours.

by inebriantia

13 years, 4 months ago

Yeah that's the glitch I was talking about rubber banding me, lol. I went down there, then when I went to leave everytime I got to the top of the stairs it flung me back down. There's a trick i found, if you crouch, turn around, and walk up the stairs backwards you can get back up there, lol.

I spent 20 mins tryin to get out b/c there's 2 types of auto saves, there's checkpoints which saves your location, then there's stat saves, that only saves your inventory, level, and abilities. So if you ever see it say game saved, make sure it says checkpoint, b/c if you quit it'll take you back. Once I lost 2 levels, 2 orange weapons, and 2 hrs of time….not to mention my corrupted game file at level 9 that made me start all over.

Getting ready to play Shadows of the Damned, heard it's kinda funny, hope it is I could use some humor before all the serious games start releasing.

I don't know if very many ppl still read this topic, I started it b/c I play tons of games, but I'm not very biased and try to find the good points every game has to offer, while still listing the cons so ppl don't get “over hyped” so to say. Plus, if others give reviews I feel it helps them notice more stuff that a game has to offer and won't be so quick to judge a game good or bad in just a hr like so many ppl do these days. So it's nice to hear from someone who thought I was fairly accurate on this game. Makes typing them more enjoyable.

Hopefully, others will start writing some reviews this topic was kinda popular for a little while, but I don't know how many ppl still come to this site

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 3 months ago

Finally put my hands on Gears of War 3 last week, such a great game… love the multiplayer mode, specially Capture the leader mode. Haven´t played the Campaign mode that much. But it looks fantastic.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 3 months ago

Finally put my hands on Gears of War 3 last week, such a great game… love the multiplayer mode, specially Capture the leader mode. Haven´t played the Campaign mode that much. But it looks fantastic.

The campaign is freaking fabulous. Funny in all the right places, tense in all the right places. Difficult in all the right places.

by Dascolsanders

13 years, 3 months ago

Last game was “call of duty black ops”

by inebriantia

13 years, 3 months ago

Gears of War 3 and X-Mensmileestiny


The game is pretty decent, but honestly for me failed to live up to the hype. The only shining spot in this game for me was the Horde and Beast modes. Horde mode has been upgraded and is now kinda like a horde tower defense. You earn cash for kills, which can be used to buy barriers, weapons, turrets, etc. It lasts for for 50 waves and can take about 3 hours, which with randoms is a bad thing b/c most drop out around wave 30 and unlike in 2 they don't replace players, and unless the host has a open nat type you can't invite others.

Beast mode is kinda the opposite of horde, you play the horde trying to destroy the cog bases. You get cash for kills, which can be used to buy bigger and better horde creatures. It's fun but it's only 12 waves so it doesn't last longer than 15min usually.

The MP for me is pretty boring, it's just the same ol' same ol' from EPIC. There really wasn't any big upgrades to it. The Sawed off shotgun tends to rule with pro players being deadly with it, to noobs hiding around corners waiting to surprise you. It's fun for short bursts, but gets stale really fast, actually most of the game feels this way. There's TDM, KOTH, Execution, Warzone, CtL, and Wingman.

The Campaign is what I was looking forward to the most, however I was a bit disappointed. Most of the stages just felt the same as the others, only a couple really stood out unlike in Gears 1 and 2. There were some big moments in this game that were good, but to me felt like they could've been great with a little tweaking, and some extra dialogue. The graphics feel like they're barely updated and still pop-up like in the others. Which graphics aren't a big deal to me, but is for others, so I felt I should mention that. Not much of the loose ends I felt were tied up, and actually left me with lots of new questions.

The gameplay is almost exactly the same which isn't a bad thing, but it's not a good things either. It's not a very hard game at all this time around either, my first playthrough was on hardcore and didn't offer up a challenge. Insane is doing better, but only b/c you don't get downed you just die. Act 1 on insane was tough, was for some reason it seems to be getting a lot easier. Arcade is nice, it's a score mode for campaign that tracks kills, revives, etc. and the person with the highest score gets ribbons, medals and such.

Overall I give the game a 8/10

It's a good game, but honeslty just feels like it's missing something, and doesn't have the replayability the others had. After I beat the campaign, it's been really hard to try and get back into, same for any of the MP modes as well. It feels like there's a lot of content, but at the same time doesn't it a very odd game, lol.

by inebriantia

13 years, 3 months ago

X-Mensmileestiny -

This game was made by Silicon Knights, who made Too Human, which is still the 8th best selling RPG on the 360 as of 4 months ago. This had me really excited for the game, however I know they're in a legal battle with Unreal over their failure to be able to handle all of their needs with the Too Human game. So I didn't expect the game to be great looking, but as long as it was deep and fun I wouldn't care.

The graphics are really sub-par, like early 360 days. The characters throughout the game look great, but the enviroments pretty much suck. You start off the game in San Fran, were a rally is destroyed. Xavier is dead, Cyclops runs the X-Men, and are now based on the West Coast due to being overrun by the purifiers after Xavier was killed by Bastion. These aren't spoilers in case you're worried, it's all told at the start.

You get to choose between 3 mutants whose powers awaken at the rally. There's a plain white guy football player, a small asian chick, and a white yet spanish kid named Adrian Luca. You get a choice between 3 basic powers: dark matter-which lets you form blades and move real fast to attack, force field-which lets you create forces to defend and attack, and Matter Displacement-which lets you readjust matter like heavy fists to punch, or feet to be immovable. As you play, you come across certain events, that “awaken” new levels of your powers. You can also gain XP orbs, that you can use to buy new levels of those powers.

Along the way, by finding them or completing challenges you get X-genes and suits. The suits give you touches of the superhero whose costume you're wearing. Like Colusses gives you the ability to harden and take less damage. You get a slot for offensive, defensive, and utility. Offensive, like the Iceman offensive gene gives you the ability to add frost to your attacks, Wolverine defensive gene gives you HP regen, and utilities add things like super speed, xtra health bar, flight, etc.

The gameplay is simple beat'em up type style, even on hard difficulty the game is pretty easy. You just walk around beating up the same simple enemies. The game isn't deep, but it's nice every now and then to play a simple game. It's not worth $60 so give it a rent, your kids will love it most likely. It's only about 6 hrs long maybe 8 if you explore what little there is. It's only 8 missions long, and really has no replayability except for the extra ending. You can either choose to join Magneto, or the X-Men so it has 2 endings.

Overall I give it a 6.5/10 for kids and 5.5/10 for adults and as always 5 is average. There's lots of cameos in this game which makes it kinda fun to see all the characters. There's also a very wide range of them, from the brotherhood, to X-men, MRD, UMen, etc. Once again it's just a fun simple game to rent and play over the weekend if you want a break from all the hardcore games.

P.S. For those that read the comics, these 3 characters will be added into the comics soon, so they will eventually matter, they aren't just some stupid nobodies, lol.