Last Video Game You Played..

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 3 months ago

X-Mensmileestiny -

This game was made by Silicon Knights, who made Too Human, which is still the 8th best selling RPG on the 360 as of 4 months ago. This had me really excited for the game, however I know they're in a legal battle with Unreal over their failure to be able to handle all of their needs with the Too Human game. So I didn't expect the game to be great looking, but as long as it was deep and fun I wouldn't care.

The graphics are really sub-par, like early 360 days. The characters throughout the game look great, but the enviroments pretty much suck. You start off the game in San Fran, were a rally is destroyed. Xavier is dead, Cyclops runs the X-Men, and are now based on the West Coast due to being overrun by the purifiers after Xavier was killed by Bastion. These aren't spoilers in case you're worried, it's all told at the start.

You get to choose between 3 mutants whose powers awaken at the rally. There's a plain white guy football player, a small asian chick, and a white yet spanish kid named Adrian Luca. You get a choice between 3 basic powers: dark matter-which lets you form blades and move real fast to attack, force field-which lets you create forces to defend and attack, and Matter Displacement-which lets you readjust matter like heavy fists to punch, or feet to be immovable. As you play, you come across certain events, that “awaken” new levels of your powers. You can also gain XP orbs, that you can use to buy new levels of those powers.

Along the way, by finding them or completing challenges you get X-genes and suits. The suits give you touches of the superhero whose costume you're wearing. Like Colusses gives you the ability to harden and take less damage. You get a slot for offensive, defensive, and utility. Offensive, like the Iceman offensive gene gives you the ability to add frost to your attacks, Wolverine defensive gene gives you HP regen, and utilities add things like super speed, xtra health bar, flight, etc.

The gameplay is simple beat'em up type style, even on hard difficulty the game is pretty easy. You just walk around beating up the same simple enemies. The game isn't deep, but it's nice every now and then to play a simple game. It's not worth $60 so give it a rent, your kids will love it most likely. It's only about 6 hrs long maybe 8 if you explore what little there is. It's only 8 missions long, and really has no replayability except for the extra ending. You can either choose to join Magneto, or the X-Men so it has 2 endings.

Overall I give it a 6.5/10 for kids and 5.5/10 for adults and as always 5 is average. There's lots of cameos in this game which makes it kinda fun to see all the characters. There's also a very wide range of them, from the brotherhood, to X-men, MRD, UMen, etc. Once again it's just a fun simple game to rent and play over the weekend if you want a break from all the hardcore games.

P.S. For those that read the comics, these 3 characters will be added into the comics soon, so they will eventually matter, they aren't just some stupid nobodies, lol.

I haven't played it yet, but I followed this games development for some time. Was really curious about it since I love Silicon Knights ever since Eternal Darkness…but basically everything you have said about the game is pretty much what I was expecting it too be. So that being said I am glad I didn't buy it but I know a friend who did so I will probably just end up borrowing it from her.

Only one of the playable characters interested me. I believe his name was Adrian. The one who in his bio states he was raised by a Mutant Hating father…you know the whole “becoming the thing you were raised to hate” dynamic.

by inebriantia

13 years, 3 months ago

Yeah Adrian is the guy I picked, there's really not much story at all which left me quite dissappointed. There's just a bunch of 1-liners spread throughout the extremely linear game, be prepared for a simple beat'em up game like a TMNT game. There's only 1 combo and 3 specials, so it's really not deep at all. I beat it yesterday well the last level after typing my review and overall on hard difficulty it took me 5 hours I found every collectible, and hidden challenge, did everything I could, even though it's hard not to see something in a 1 path game lol.

Like I said it's fun for a short weekend romp, but if I paid $60 for it, honestly I would be really mad.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 3 months ago

Yeah Adrian is the guy I picked, there's really not much story at all which left me quite dissappointed. There's just a bunch of 1-liners spread throughout the extremely linear game, be prepared for a simple beat'em up game like a TMNT game. There's only 1 combo and 3 specials, so it's really not deep at all. I beat it yesterday well the last level after typing my review and overall on hard difficulty it took me 5 hours I found every collectible, and hidden challenge, did everything I could, even though it's hard not to see something in a 1 path game lol.

Like I said it's fun for a short weekend romp, but if I paid $60 for it, honestly I would be really mad.

My friend got it for like 45 at Toys R Us. I will admit there was a time when I wanted to buy when it was first announced, but it quickly died down after seeing it become the beat-um you described. It's like watching your favorite book be turned into a movie by Uwe Bowle

by jay_tigran1

13 years, 3 months ago

I've been playing Resident Evil 4HD on the x360

by inebriantia

13 years, 3 months ago

How is RE4? I've been wanting to play it, but I heard it was going to be released on disc with Code Veronica so I've been waiting for that. I loved it on Gamecube, so I figured it'd be great on 360.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 3 months ago

How is RE4? I've been wanting to play it, but I heard it was going to be released on disc with Code Veronica so I've been waiting for that. I loved it on Gamecube, so I figured it'd be great on 360.
RE4 and Code:V are only going to be re-released on disc in Japan. Every other territory it's a digital download.

by inebriantia

13 years, 2 months ago

Been on a roll lately. So here's my list:

Batman:Arkham City
Battlefield 3
Spiderman:Edge of Time
Modern Warfare 3

1st Review - Batman:Arkham City:

This game has tons of reviews listing all the great qualities about it, so I wanted to list some stuff I found not so great about it.

This was a game like others I was very much looking forward to. Unlike others, I failed to become “blind” to the faults. While the game was good, it failed to live up to Arkham Asylum in my view. The combat is great for awhile, however it gets a little dull after awhile performing the same combos over and over on the same bland thugs. Which brings me to another point, the whole gang territory thing they talked about didn't really play much of a role, and all kinda looked alike. There are tons of bad guys, most well-known, a couple you may not. However, most are never in a scene for more than a min or two, then it's off to fight the thugs again. Would've liked a long drug out battle with the Joker across an entire level, or maybe fight someone more than once.

The main story started out really great, but felt like mid-way through they couldn't decide where to go and change the direction of it. The ending while very short, was satisfying, and left you wanting more, which is the biggest flaw in this game. Unlike A.A. which was 75% main story - 25% side quests, this felt like 25% main - 75% side. The game while having a ton of content, felt like it didn't, maybe b/c they were all pretty short. On my new game plus, just doing the main story alone it only took me 5hrs, which showed me just how short the game was if you get rid of exploring.

The game while about twice as big as A.A. is not 4x like they said. Traveling around is very free-flowing though, they really made getting around easy. Batman really feels like Batman in this game. There's tons of Riddler's Challenges for those who like to test their skills. The campaign challenges are annoying though, they're the challenges you already beat, but you gotta do it all over again with little stipulations involved making an already annoying challenge more annoying, did I mention you have to play 3 in a row as well, and you gotta be perfect all the way through so if you do good on 2 outta 3, you gotta play all 3 again, just to get that 1 medal outta 9 you missed.

Great game overall. Short, sweet, but feels a little empty. I give it a 8.75/10

I'll post my next reviews after I take a break.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 2 months ago

I found fighting with Catwoman far more enjoyable and challenging that Batman.

by inebriantia

13 years, 1 month ago

I found her fun at first, but then quickly got bored, her gadgets just didn't do it for me. Although, they could probably make a smaller XBL game featuring her, based off her ACity gameplay. I wouldn't play a full-length game as her, but something small wouldn't be bad. Maybe round 15-20hrs long, like a quick fun weekend game.

I've been meaning to write my other reviews but Skyrim has taken up so much time, and just picked up Zelda today, so I'll prolly be busy for awhile, lol.

by JamesCGamora

13 years, 1 month ago

I've been meaning to write my other reviews but Skyrim has taken up so much time, and just picked up Zelda today, so I'll prolly be busy for awhile, lol.

Take this all as biased opinion, but, I can't stand Skyrim. I hate the inventory system (wieght instead of item count), I hate the combat system (though the shouts are kinda fun), the animations range from utterly ridiculous to uncanny valley….

But like I said, I am biased. I really don't like the Elder Scrolls games to be perfectly honest.