Last Video Game You Played..

by ghstbstrlmliii1

13 years, 1 month ago

Still working on Arkham City (taking my time and loving it) - but over the weekend I finished Back to the Future and Jurassic Park. While, as a fan boy, I enjoyed the story (more-so the BTTF story than the JP) - I absolutely hate the game play on both games.

BTTF was puzzels that either didn't make sense or that I had already figured out before the game was ready for me to and I was spending time trying to get it “solved” when I hadn't triggered the dialogue to “start” the puzzel yet.

JP was just button mashing and one of the most linear games I've seen in a long time. While I thought the dinosaurs looked pretty good, the humans looked like a video game from the last generation of consoles.

Bottom line - If you like BTTF - story is ok and I think you can pick it for for 20 bucks. If you like JP - just rent this one. I'm tempted to take my copy back because I'm having trouble seeing the replay value here.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years, 1 month ago

Ghostbusters The Videogame

Long time don´t playing it… only played one player mode, it seems nobody play it online anymore, never found a match to play.

by inebriantia

13 years, 1 month ago

Take this all as biased opinion, but, I can't stand Skyrim. I hate the inventory system (wieght instead of item count), I hate the combat system (though the shouts are kinda fun), the animations range from utterly ridiculous to uncanny valley….

But like I said, I am biased. I really don't like the Elder Scrolls games to be perfectly honest.

Yeah, that's cool, Skyrim is the first Elder Scrolls game I've ever played. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, doesn't mean someone's wrong or right, a 10/10 might be a 3/10 for someone else. Personally, so far I'd probably give a 7/10. The dragon fights aren't very epic and pretty easy. Combat is the same pretty much the entire game and for a 300+ hr long game, that sucks. Exploring is pretty much the only thing i play it for being an old school rpg fan myself smile

Yeah, the weight thing does get annoying just like in Fallout, having to make multiple trips just to clear inventory space, etc. I'm dealing with a lot of glitches as well, they're supposed to be saving a bunch of small patches for one big release in January as they've been getting a lot of complaints, but it truly is a massive game.

For all it's faults, it's truly nice to see a game longer than 20hrs these days, hopefully devs will see ppl still like long games, and not everyone is just a “casual” gamer so to speak.

I'm really enjoying the new Zelda title as well. It doesnt really take any new steps forward, but it doesn't really do anything bad. The controls are great to me, but I've heard of some ppl not liking them, but it's 1:1 motion control so the action is pretty nice, though swinging a controller for hours gets tiresome, lol.

MW3 is getting pretty stale for me as well, the maps are just boring and bland, and just all feel the same to me. I'm not a fan of Black Ops by far, but I do think their maps were a lot better. The campaign was decent like I expected, but had to push myself through as it's gets dragged out.

Looking forward to AC:Rev one of these days, got enough games to last awhile, lol.

by missygirl8520001

13 years ago

the game i played was sonic 3 and knuckles and sonic the hedgehog 2. these two are my favorite games.

by ghostbusters2131

13 years ago

On xmas bought Batman:Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City for XBox 360.

Finished B:AA in about a week on an 85%, and now I`m playing B:AC, great games btw.

by jakemathis

6 years, 2 months ago

Final Fantasy Tactics and Super Mario Kart