Latest GB Comic Info

by sinister1

17 years, 9 months ago

A bit of both.

I find myself spending more time here now then at the HQ. Which is something I never expected.

Well that's good to hear! :-)

Tbh, I really miss the old days. I suspect neither GBHQ or GBN will truely recapture them. There was just so many more people with a much more friendly attitude, where fanfic was published on a daily basis and well…

Things were good back then.

by misfit1

17 years, 9 months ago

… Before the war.

I dunno, GBN was pretty much the only GB board back when I first wandered over here back in the emkow era. Of course as time has gone by people have filterd out and gone their own ways. Other boards, other fandoms. But right now, I think we have a pretty decent group of people here. The dickery is at just the right level. We all know each others limits. Good times abound.

by Kingpin

17 years, 9 months ago

… Before the war.

I dunno, GBN was pretty much the only GB board back when I first wandered over here back in the emkow era. Of course as time has gone by people have filterd out and gone their own ways. Other boards, other fandoms. But right now, I think we have a pretty decent group of people here. The dickery is at just the right level. We all know each others limits. Good times abound.

Don't mention the war!

“You started it!”

“No I didn't, you started it when you invaded Poland!”

by slimer3881

17 years, 9 months ago

you guys kiddin? of the whole time i've been comin here i havent seen any rivary or pissing contests. this is probably the best,friendliest, and more importantly funnest forums, that i go to. even though theres few that i go to. but of the lifespan ive had an internet connection, and all the forums ive visited, this is certainly the best.

by zack1

17 years, 9 months ago

Well for some good info, head on over to the official website.

update your shipping address online! GHOSTBUSTERS : LEGION SHIPS IN FALL 2007. I'd say take that for what's it worth, but I think this may be what everyones including myself has been waiting for. (^_^)


by imported_Ghoulishfright

17 years, 9 months ago

So its official then? The hardcover is finally getting released this fall. Well its about *%#$!^@ time! I still can't believe it's been over 2 years! since this was supposed to released! Absolutely crazy. Well lets hope it was worth it…

by zack1

17 years, 5 months ago

Wow. The comic book forum was dead for nearly a month. The last post being on August 13th. Guess it was good to just forget about 88MPH and hope they get their affairs in order and let the process happen hopefully We just stopped talking. The Weaver Hall forums are dead as well. I guess we should see the hardcover soon if all goes as planned? I feel like it's been kind of a “boy who cried wolf” thing. haha they've said it's been released so many times, everyone really seemed to stop caring. Well I guess it's about time for it to arrive on our doorsteps before too long? I think…



by fome

17 years, 5 months ago

yep but last post on this thread was May 30 lol :p

by zack1

17 years, 5 months ago

yep but last post on this thread was May 30 lol :p

yeah, figured I'd reply to latest comic info. Even worse we've had the info since then (*winston) even worse the post I mentioned, just looked it, it was about an anime ghostbusters remake. Seems people were so frustrated and bored with talk of the comic, nobody even wanted to talk about it, especially since there has been no news since the shipping in the fall, confirm your address status.

Even more frustrating has to be the fact that most of the topics in the comic forum are about the damn status of the book rather than the books themselves… :-) I hope to one day be able to read parts 2,3 and 4. (*egon)


by robertknippels1

17 years, 5 months ago

at last my pc is working again….I do enjoy the ghostbusters comics. I have the whole legion series and the zeddemore factor. I did love the art and I do hope that we will see more comics one day. because when this comic started everything looked so great but then the long wait came and a lot of people lost interest.

I am still curious about the story for the ungoing series. I was always curious about that library part. I thought that ray would go back to the library in the second issue of the ongoing series. I am still wondering if they ever made the first two issues?? because there where some covers allready drawn.

Annyway..somehow I do hope that the ghostbusters still get a comicbook series. The quality was good and they made a nice story.

Best regards,
