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by Kingpin

17 years, 3 months ago

Crossing the Streams
Master Spider
Hahaha Ben are you serious?! Give it a break, man. We know you're defending the comic to the grave and some of us, actually me for instance, admire your steadyness on the matter. But how could you possibly chastise Zack for making a joke more than once? Be real…

Tom, it's nothing about defending the comic to the grave, everyone and their mother knows this thing is bloody late, Zack's more than made his point plenty of times in the past. Even joking about 88MPH can get boring pretty quickly and Zack has been milking it a Hell of a lot.

I also know Zack's more talented then having to resort to posting a picture of the ‘Five Years Later’ caption from the start of Ghostbusters II and that it's disappointing seeing him resort to that level.

give it a rest

i thought it was funny, im pretty sure a number of people agree with me on that.

stop attempting to boss people around its really annoying.

Me bossing him around would be me telling him if he didn't knock it off, I'd either tell Chad or ban him. As I wouldn't do the former and I can't do the latter I don't think telling him what I felt of the joke was me ‘bossing people around’.

I'm sorry my response to Zack's joke wasn't the response you felt was fair… but like a lot of people finding a sense of humor with this bloody comic is difficult these days… I'd rather a new post here in this topic is here because the collection has finally be released, rather than for a joke… I don't think that's too much to ask for… (*egon)

by zack1

17 years, 3 months ago

Didn't mean to stir anything up with this. Just wanted to make a simple joke regarding the delay of the book. The comic forums were collecting a little dust… :p Maybe I should have put it somewhere else other than comic info. I forget when exactly Winter is so I guess giving the benefit of the doubt, it's still Fall ‘07. Again was just trying to inject a little humor into the bad situation. I wasn’t really being particularly bitchy or vulgar as a lot of people in the past have been with the delays. Not that I think they weren't justified. Really just business mistakes were made and people are upset about the book they're still owed.

I rarely say anything about the book as it is. Maybe something once or twice a month if that so I'm not doing it daily… :-) I likely won't continue to but as much as it can probably be considered beating a dead horse, I feel people can complain all they want about it as long as they invested the $30 some odd dollars in the book until it's in their hands… (*ray) just my thoughts though.

It is sad though the comic forum turned out to be more “where's the book?” then discussing the book which I wish we all could be but unfortunately I've only read the first issue.

Yes come to think of it again, I should have just let it be. I hadn't posted on the comic because there was nothing going on with it and I had grown tired of even making fun of it. I should have like everyone else just say nothing until we hear something. It certainly was not my intention for everyone to jump on Kingpin. (*egon) That's all I'll say on the book until we hear some new info from Seb or 88mph and company.

by DocFritz

17 years, 3 months ago

You know, when I saw that “Five Years Later” it occured to me it has almost been five years since “Red Ketchup” started jerking us around.

by zack1

17 years, 3 months ago

I hadn't even thought of that but looking again at you're right, Fritz.

May ‘03: New Ghostbusters Comic On The Way: Artwork Available

Again my apologies to Ben. I really didn’t want everyone to jump on him. (;_

by fusi0n1

17 years, 3 months ago

Hell, if it wasn't for Zack's remarks, I wouldn't even visit the Comic forum.

Keep it up Zack, the “5 years later” caption made me smile, thanks.

Would make a great Ghostbusters.nuts strip…

by GuyCC

17 years, 3 months ago


That's just awesome. Only two more to go until it's true!

I just wanted this book to come out. At this rate, the game will be out before the book is, unless he's going to wait to release it alongside the game at this point. I mean, really, why not? What's another year at this point?

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, can't we all just giggle and laugh about the game now?


by busterbrother1

17 years, 2 months ago

So is there any life left in the ongoing series or is it time to bury all hopes and say a quick prayer. Does anyone know the current status of this?

by Kingpin

17 years, 2 months ago

So is there any life left in the ongoing series or is it time to bury all hopes and say a quick prayer. Does anyone know the current status of this?

There hasn't been any life in it for a good long time.

by muthapussbucket1

17 years, 2 months ago

On going series? DEAD DEAD DEAD

Hell, we're just trying to get ahold of our TPBs.

By the way, weaver hall's forum merely links you back to the main site.