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by Kingpin

17 years, 1 month ago

Ack… c'mon Greg, an ‘emoticon-only’ post? That's beneath you.

I'd almost prefer your “Sebastien needs to be sued” vibe to you posting only an emoticon.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

A simple “wink” may mean more than ten words…

by gjustis1

17 years, 1 month ago

See? This guy gets it.

It's all in fun.

by fome

17 years, 1 month ago

ha ha good one NewRecruit :p

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

My last line actualy had more than one meaning, but it will still end with the same result… :p :-)


I think there's one thing that need to be said here about all those “no short comments please”: it has nothing to do with authority or exagerated “moderator power”.

The concept is to have a board which will contain more informative/structured contents than “irregularity”, to reflect a quality that will attract/entertain all ages.

It's a rules not always maintened (relief) to keep a human side in the forum; there's a lot of short comments, everywhere on the board, not realy necessary, but still pleasant to read because they follow “the chain”. And we all like to say short words there and there.

I realise, as I'm writing this, that the “crew room” isn't bad after all.

What is confusing is when someone cuts a subject with a content which looks not a part of it. But, we're all human, we all do that sometimes. What's important is to not make it an habit.

When an “irregularity” happens, the user receive a “warning”. But, I must admit, I feel sad when I read a “warning” on one user when the other is simply “ignored” (it didn't happen recently ). You realy wonder why; was the person in a bad mood when he/she gave the warning, was it simply a lesson, was it a misunderstanding? Well, even if such thing shouldn't happen, we're all human; everybody would do the same mistake.

A pro-active moderators isn't always bad, it's the way he/she works that is important (and I must say that some are surprising (in a good way).

by gjustis1

17 years, 1 month ago

You know ya'll are just pushing this further and further OT, right? Right?

My winky-smiley-face was to signify that I was just messing around with you, and not actually insulting your English. Like you said, the smiley conveys a message by itself…any additional commentary is redundant, and I'm not about to go on and on just because the smiley is a short post. I thought the fairly minor interjection was finished at that point; I was wrong.

Fact is, I really don't care whether or not a mod thinks its was appropriate. It was appropriate to me and to the dialogue, and that's what matters (or should matter).

I'm not someone to pop my head in, screech “I LOVE GHOSTBUSTERS!” and leave. Better to accept it than push the discussion further off-topic…after all, I'm not the only one.

People should know that, if they keep on me, I'm more than game.

Gaw…I feel like such a center of attention.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

My winky-smiley-face was to signify that I was just messing around with you, and not actually insulting your English. Like you said, the smiley conveys a message by itself…any additional commentary is redundant, and I'm not about to go on and on just because the smiley is a short post.

I really don't care whether or not a mod think its was appropriate. It was appropriate to me and to the dialogue, and that's what matters (or should matter).

You see, the sad thing is: I was not targeting you. (*egon)

There was a lot of comments about “inappropriate” messages on the board since a couple of weeks. I didn't say anything about it during that time for many reasons, and it was not necessary. But I thought that it would be nice to explain why a “short reply” might bother; the door was wide open for that.

Don't worry about your emoticon, if I had something to say, you would have heard me during jan 02 or 03… not the 21 :-)
I still think that comments about spelling mistake are unnecessary; it's more productive to help someone “connect” with your own language than “cutting” the line. But nevermind that.

I'm not someone to pop my head in, screech “I LOVE GHOSTBUSTERS!” and leave. Better to accept it than push the discussion further off-topic.

This had nothing to do with ghosbtusters.

by gjustis1

17 years, 1 month ago


I got nothin', man.

You win.

by newrecruit1

17 years, 1 month ago

Naa, I didn't won a thing… oh ok, ok, give me that god damn teddy-bear!

People should know that, if they keep on me, I'm more than game.

You know… you sound like Micheal J. Fox in “Back to the Futur”. You know what they say in the movie, it's not recommended :p

by Gotham95

17 years, 1 month ago

I order my comics through I've pre-orderd (besides the two I ordered from 88 MPH) a third copy as well as two each of the Lithos of the Ghostbusters. I just noticed that the Winston Litho as well as the Legion TPB have been canceled.