Latest GB Comic Info

by Chad

21 years, 5 months ago

Fear not Ghostheads! :-)

I'm in touch with the folks from 88mph on a daily basis and nothing but GREAT things will be coming our way. Look for some new surprises soon. I will update with details when possible.

by icerrose1

21 years, 5 months ago

I can't wait… must have comics…hehe.

by GothicBuster

21 years, 5 months ago

When should we be expecting the first comic?

by Kingpin

21 years, 5 months ago

i dunno maybe im being a dick here….but does anyone else even care about tron 2.0??? seriously why 88 mph isnt making ghostbusters thier one and only priority amazes me…but then again so does freeze dried ice cream!

I am also looking forward to the TRON 2.0 comic, Tron was a visual masterpiece in it's day, a demo of the game I rocks, and 88's art for it so far rocks.

Sure, avert art would always be better then the standard art, but in 88's case, not much of a difference.

by raysgal1

21 years, 5 months ago

I was at a bookstore today and I randomly picked up one of those magazines about comic books and stuff. There was a little blurb about the new Ghostbusters comic book. Now it's probably already been said and I'm just repeating, but I wanted to put my few cents in. It said that they're coming out in November. (Please don't shoot me if I'm repeating.)

by DocRyedale

21 years, 5 months ago

Fear not Ghostheads! :-)

I'm in touch with the folks from 88mph on a daily basis and nothing but GREAT things will be coming our way. Look for some new surprises soon. I will update with details when possible.

It was me who told him to make sure they heard our voices. :p :-)

by clareblues

21 years, 5 months ago

Has anyone else experienced troubles accessing the 88mph studios web site? It appears to be down at the moment!


by FaNBoY

21 years, 5 months ago

Site works for me.Also…I work in New York City's biggest comic store.I check Diamond Previews as soon as we get it in,and I haven't seen the comic mentioned in the Nov issue and from what I hear,it ain't in the Dec. issue either.Hope my info is wrong.We'll find out next week I suppose.


21 years, 4 months ago

Chad wrote:
Fear not Ghostheads!

I'm in touch with the folks from 88mph on a daily basis and nothing but GREAT things will be coming our way. Look for some new surprises soon. I will update with details when possible.
Really?! That's cool. I can't wait to see the comic and these new surprises.
The suspense is driving me crazy!!!!

by robertknippels1

21 years, 4 months ago

I relly can't wait to see the first cover of the comic. It's a great feeling to see our beloved hero's back…YYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

What can I say…KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!



Be ready to believe me… :-)