Latest information on the comic... (6-9-03)

by russellnuttz

21 years, 8 months ago

To reply to the Egon drilling a hole in his head- In the dvd commentary it tells how some people belive that drilling into a certain part of yor head will release you into a state of pure and permanent nirvana. I have read about people doing this in real life.

by born2bustheads

21 years, 8 months ago

pure and perminate death is more like it

by Cliff-Roswell

21 years, 8 months ago

I just checked out the 88mph site. Wow. Someone get me a drool-cup! I can not wait for this at all!! It rendered me speechless, so no more will I say until I have something to say.



by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

This is the most excited Ive been since…ever. Thank you so much 88mph studios, you gotta love em. Seeing the television and movie columns made me wet my pants. I still am just starting to breathe again. Thank you to everyone involved. You have made me the happiest ive been since going to see the ghostbusters at universal as a child.

To those of you speaking of the library ghost, it says winston's first night on the job and the library ghost, im pretty sure they took care of that ghost once they got started. I dont know maybe they never went back to take care of that ghost That would be kind of funny if they didnt.

Thank you to everyone involved.

by RentonGb

21 years, 8 months ago

Also, when you think about it, it would be hard to bust the Library Ghost because it is in such a confined space you couldn't do it without doing a lot of damage. That would be cool to see.

by Stay-PuftDaddy

21 years, 8 months ago


Don't you mean two of those names look familiar? Beau is me. :d

Stay-Puft Daddy :s

by EctoSlick99

21 years, 8 months ago

In response to the “movies in progress” post..actually on a local Science Fiction Radio Station in Central Florida they were talking about the new Ghostbusters Comic and they had gone to a comic convention in L.A. a month ago. Anyways my point is they were talking about how probably we're going to see a GB Cartoon Movie. Why? Because 88mph studios apparently from what the Show said is trying to get a deal with the owners of Transformers to make a Transformers Cartoon Movie, like they did in the 80's. I would..well probably soil myself in delight if they did end up making a Ghostbusters Cartoon Movie and released it on video, or DVD. Of course with our luck..this isn't true and is just two radio jockies trying to get ratings. But hey..sponges migrate a foot a half sometimes..and even “vibrate.”

by evil_toaster

21 years, 8 months ago

It'll be another good several years before another gb movie came out, if that's what you guys are alluding to. (Is that a word?) But the guys are indeed currently working on a new transformers movie, but, dig this, it's NOT A CARTOON.

by EctoSlick99

21 years, 8 months ago

Evil, strange that you say that. I was doing a search for 88mph studios this morning after I posted and it said something on som news site that 88mph studios is trying to get a CGI Transformers out or something. A live action Transformers would be something to go see just because it'd be neat.

by Lush

21 years, 8 months ago

back to the hole in the head thing.. I believe it's called Trepanning.
Here's some more info:

Happy hole drilling!