Law of trilogies

by RentonGb

22 years, 8 months ago

I think Jurassic Park III would have been better if they had a better reason for going back to the island and Steven Speilberg had directed it.

by doncroswhite

22 years, 8 months ago

The thing with trilogies is that they should be written as triologies. Back to the Future was obviously written to be three films. Most sequels happen because of a craving by the studios to cash in on a popular movie. Jaws was a perfect example of how a trilogy can kill a great story. If GhostbusterIII comes out it better have a darn good plot or it's just gonna suck-to-high-heaven! Story is everything, special effects are cool.

by Proton_Pack

22 years, 8 months ago

actually while watching meet the directors i think that is what its called.. anyway Back to the future was only going to be made the other two films werent expected infact BTTF almost didnt come out because of budget and time restrictions and the fact that the first movie's ending looked like it was leading into a second was pure qouincidence sp? BTTF was not meant to be a trilogy

by Biggsexi

22 years, 8 months ago

Woah woah, killa' Back to the future wasn't meant to be a trilogy? then what with the “To Be Continued…” Until the 3RD one's “The End..?” I disagree i believe it was meant to be a trilogy from the beginning..

by Ghostbuster_D

22 years, 8 months ago

I think he means that before it came out, BTTF was supposed to be one movie and then when they realized it started to hint towards a second, they decided to make a second, then a third.

by deadderek

22 years, 8 months ago

Some movies can be unpredictable. In example,Austin Powers 1 was ok,but the second one kicked ass. The third,who knows yet? Jurassic Park 1 rocked,2 sucked and 3 was better than 2. I think GB3 would have to be pretty damn good.

by GB3

22 years, 8 months ago

Star Wars, Indy Jones 1-3, JP's 1-3, Superman 1-4 (got pretty bad at 3), Batman 1-4, BTTF 1-3, Ninja Turtles 1-3. Trilogies are always mixed. Some are really good and decent and ok, but most aren't continuosly great.
What about Robocop 1-3? That got worser and worser. ‘nuff said.
GB3 I’m hoping for still.

by Proton_Pack

22 years, 8 months ago

sorry but right from the mouth of Robert Zemeckis! BTTF was not meant originaly before it became a hit in theaters to have a sequel it wasnt planned it was a possibility depending on how good the movie was but it wasnt planed let alone a trilogie Believe me or not I dont care!

by Movies205

22 years, 8 months ago

The reason robocop trilogy stinks was because they didn't use the orignal director(Paul VErhoven WHO ROCKS) and writers. What happen was while the orignal writers were writing next draft. It was a little late and was a very rough draft. It was about how Robo died in the 15 minitues. And is Rewoke 20 years later in a very different society but MGM thought it was too different. So you see what happen.

by Zack

22 years, 8 months ago

There are good and bad ones. BTTF just seemed like it was intended to be a trilogy from the get go because of how well they all flow together…Star Wars(which of course was) also is up there. Then there are some bad trilogies smile
