Left 4 Dead

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

I do not feel like typing this again so:

I was recently introduced to an upcoming Turtle Rock Studios (guys behind the Counter Strike Series) game by the name of Left 4 Dead. Anyone who knows me can tell you I am a huge fan of the survival horror genre, in particular the Resident Evil franchise. I love them, and now I finally thanks to Turtle Rock we will be getting one with the subtle nuances of FPS Counter-Strike and the zombie shoot-‘em-up action of games like Dead Rising or to the lesser extent the RE series.

I must say that I am quit surprised by my first impressions of the game…the game is being built from the ground up with the Source Engine with Co-op in mind, just like CS. The main game will focus on 4 scenarios involving the 4 players (or bots taking the position if no player is available) trying to survive in a city overrun with undead. One of the main features that has grabbed my attention is the AI Director that dynamically balances difficulty and mood depending on the players' progress and situation. This same AI system at the beginning of each scenario as well progressively throughout the game systematically (as they do not like to use the word randomly) places enemies on the map instead of having spawn points.

Also available in Multiplayer verses mode is the ability for players to get to play as the Zombies or “Infected” themselves. That right there makes the game seem like it could be a worth while experience….

I wonder how many people on my friends list knows about this game and will be getting it…

Supposed to be out this fall for PC and 360.

Laziness for the Win.

Anywhom. Anyone heard about this game / intrested in it. Trying to find a collective of people to play with when this game comes out because…well…bots suck.

by muthapussbucket1

16 years, 6 months ago

PC or console?

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

Supposed to be out this fall for PC and 360.

by robbritton

16 years, 6 months ago

i thought it looked okay on the orange Box secret trailer thing, but - y'know - running zombies… always a bit of a turn off.

Sure i'll pick it up when it gets down to £20 or so.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 6 months ago

I LOOOOOOOOOVE shooting Zombies! I hpoeing It'l be like Dawn of the Dead meets Grand theft auto. I've always wanted to see that. or it could be like Dead rising, ecsept NOT a turd- hogie on ice…..

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

I LOOOOOOOOOVE shooting Zombies! I hpoeing It'l be like Dawn of the Dead meets Grand theft auto. I've always wanted to see that. or it could be like Dead rising, ecsept NOT a turd- hogie on ice…..

What are you talking about Dead Rising was awesome. It's biggest flaw in my opinion was the ingame text was too small

by eatingfood1

16 years, 6 months ago

the small text was sa big problem in the game. let's hope left 4 dead's text is readable…

by Mjollnir

16 years, 6 months ago

Sounds like a great idea for a game. CS+Dawn of the Dead=win or Left 4 Dead, in this case.. I might pick it up.

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 6 months ago

the small text was sa big problem in the game. let's hope left 4 dead's text is readable…

Well in Counter Strike Style, the storyline is going to be extremely vague…in that the only information you are going to have will be the information in the game booklet that will probably be coming with it.
You may be very small amount of information other than that but not much.

They are not trying to bulk up the game with unneeded convoluted storylines that are obsessed with itself…they are keeping it as simple as a classic Zombie movie. You are stuck in a city full of zombies…you need to survive…simple as pie.

by eatingfood1

16 years, 6 months ago

Fighting Zombies is my field. I'm a pretend docter in it! haha. if there's plenty of zombies, and guns to own them with, count me in! (^_^)