Legend of Zelda The Movie...

by inebriantia

16 years, 11 months ago

Man when I saw this headline the other day I admit I flipped. IGN announced that a Legend of Zelda movie was the shrouded project that has been in the works. On top of that they were premiering the teaser trailer for the movie. I went to the site quickly read the article on the 1st, then watched the amazing trailer. Now even though it looked a bit of the low budget side, it still rocked. As I watched I got more and more excited, then almost jumped for joy. Then I saw the release date etc. It was then announced that the trailer was indeed an April Fools day prank, a quite elaborate one. They starting working on it back in June or July I think it said.

Needless to say if your a Zelda fan you have to go to IGN and watch the amazing video they made. I mean it really gets some ideas sturring into your brain. Check it out! Here's the link:


by Sunna3000

16 years, 9 months ago

This is real???????????????????????????????????????????'
I dont know but, links so cute when so dont said anything, and ganondorf i dont like it, looks like a bear ><
naaaa its a fan movie, and step on the day of release XDDD

by JamesCGamora

16 years, 9 months ago

as stated in inebriantia it is nothing more than an April Fools prank IGN pulled this yr. One of their better ones in my opinion