Legends of Ghostbusters

by Sinister

21 years, 10 months ago

So there we go, LOG or whatever , is now apart of D-Day!

by Ludicris

21 years, 10 months ago

i must have forgotten to tell you guys. sorry, were based in the west coast. We take care of all the paranormal activity in the west coast.

ideas for names:
1)ghostbusters:west coast division
2)ghostbusters:west side
3)any other suggestions for the name

since we have eight members in the franchise we will sometimes split up in to two sub division teams. The sub division teams have not been made yet though. Though we will work alot as a team as a whole, just sometimes our teams need to split up because there are two major calls at once. We need ideas for a head ghost to be in our first story, like a gozer or vigo type of monster that we fight at the end of the story. In the opening/first story we will have to meet, go into business for ourselves and take down a major ghost. It might be pretty long because its our first story and we have alot to cover in it. I am hoping we can all work together to write the first story so we can each see our visions of the story come true.( i hope that made sense)

NOTE: I also need descriptions on what your characters are going to look like so i may do the study cases. After we get alot of the details worked out, i am hoping we can all post a little profile about our character to see how the characters could gel and work as a team but well do that alittle later.


by egon901

21 years, 10 months ago

I have a villian that I created for my first story but I have had writer's block but this seems the perfect time to introduce him to you. His name is Borgorath. He is a class 7 or higher. He looks like a centaur with bat wings, scaly skin, no hair, and horns like a gazzelle on his head and claws instead of hooves. He has all the attributes of a reptile. Let me know what you think. :s :d If you don't know what a centaur is, it's a half man half horse. Oh, by the way, I like name 1. And who are the members now?

by Ludicris

21 years, 10 months ago

the members as of now are:
2)Ray Parker Jr.
5)Peter Kong
6)Egon 901

by Ludicris

21 years, 10 months ago

oh, i would like to anounce we have the final member of our team, kyle. I know it makes an odd number but this way since we have so many people its more believable that we can control the whole west coasts paranormal activity but this has to be the last member because if we get too big, it would be too hard to develop the characters but the subdivisions will help out with that. So one sub division team will have five then the planned four but kyle is going to help us out alot on this. welcome aboard.

by Chadderbox

21 years, 10 months ago

so we will need a big bulding and the work begins lol oh yeah and i want to have ecto googles

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 10 months ago

Perhaps, I can assist you with the subdivison team, we could work at the north and south division, but share the central, since it would be vulnerable for a ghost attack.
The team that I think would be good for us is - Ghostbusters- West Coast Division .

I have descided to help use the villains from my N.Y.M.M.A.T.storylines aswell.

1. Monherions.
2. Snow or Ice Demons
3. Darmond the Tormentor.
4. Celcent the eyecollector
6. Blemisher
7.Werewolves or were-beings
8.Cywong- the Vampire
9. Stacy the Zombie
10. Goblins
11. Fairies.
12. Modbods- Futuristic Killer robots
14. Cobleeches.
15. Sea Serpents.
16.Orges and trolls
17. Lepreachuans.
18.Hobnail the Hobgoblin
21.Witches and Warlocks.
22. Isabel- vampire/ succubus.
23. Lizbunt- the lizardcreature.
24. Frau Geistimann
25. Herr Giestimann.

*26. Jenny Hanivers
28. Gremilns
29 Anubis.
*30. Lord Shiva and Damiae and Stay Puft

* Edited by Kyleogb1983

by egon901

21 years, 10 months ago

Complete division list now up and we're not on it. :u :f

by Chadderbox

21 years, 10 months ago

im curently desining pretty basic drawings for our HQ any suggestions just give them to me

ps: im aware that i didnt ask anybody about this so if it isnt good odnt use it im just bored and probably going to have my third snow day in april tomarrow lol if im lucky
did i mention i want ecto googles lol

by egon901

21 years, 10 months ago

Ok, so the members are:
2)Ray Parker Jr.
5)Peter Kong

If so, then I have all but Proton_User's and Ray Parker Jr.'s e-mails. This is just so we can keep in touch with you and let you know about important things that are happenning.