Legends of Ghostbusters

by Ludicris

21 years, 10 months ago

oh. I just wanted to apologize if I sounded mean Proton_User. Oh, what about this idea for the base: instead of having three different bases, what about one huge base in the central area where we will have high security with gaurds, high technology, helicopters on our roof, boats at the dock all armed with special proton cannons, a huge room with a containment facility and such. What do you guys think?

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 10 months ago

Ludicris, I like he idea, and I was thinking that we should use id bages and type in a 3-digit code, and only the members would know it , plus this pervents someone or something stealing our gear and to help us not to lose anything.

And we should have a thing similar to the cerebro thing on X-Men, that can us us find ghost or monsters in anohter country.

by egon901

21 years, 10 months ago

Kyle, I agree with the first idea, but, there are other groups that can handle overseas work. We could probably have a pke meter on the roof. I also like the idea of a van.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 10 months ago

Egon901, From What I am hearing this that we are one of the few teams in the West Coast, I think that we should have a high tech boat, since there's a huge amounts of seawater there.

Anyways, whatever you guys decided is cool with me.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 10 months ago

Okay this is my vision of Ghostbusters: West Coast Division. We have 2 bases (one north, one south) we designate the north the main headquarters. The north base will be almost the same as the south only a little larger. At the north base we will go through training and learning about ghosts in the beginning. All checks from busts will be sent to GBHQ North. Both bases will include the following a garage to store our ectos which will be both 1959 caddys with the original GB design. The garages will have all the tools to keep a 1959 caddy running. They will both have conference rooms, for meetings and such. They will have some sort of room for a containment unit either basement or a back room. The containment unit will have an 4 digit code to open, close and turn the system off. They will have laboratories to test and design stuff. They will also have a reception area where customers can wait but much like the GB firehouse it will be out in the open. Both will have some kind of offices these will obviously vary in size and number of depending on the chosen locations. They will include some form of sleeping area and a kitchen. GB North will have a small press room…nothing fancy just a stage with a podium and microphones in the event we need to do interviews or briefings for the area. GB North will also have a separate garage where it stores the Ecto 5000 (name to be determined) which will be a swat van with proton canons mounted to the roof and high tech equipment inside, kinda like a big Ecto 1. GB North will also be located on the docks of San Francisco, off of the docks will be the SS Ecto our ghost catching boat of the high seas. GB South will be located lower on the West coast possibly Nevada they will be equipped with the Ecto Chopper (helicopter) to catch those spooks that fly too fast and too high. The helicopter will be parked on the roof of the GB south base.

This is only my vision but i think its the right choice for the team. any comments are appreciated

by egon901

21 years, 10 months ago

Kyle, I'm not sayin' that we don't need a boat, I just don't think we need to answer calls from another continent. And, instead of a Cerebro like machine, we should just have a pke meter on the roof of HQ. I do like the idea of photo ids and number codes, but let's also have hand print or retinal scanner's because people or ghosts could findout the codes.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 10 months ago

retinal scans…hand prints… i think that's a little over board its Ghostbusters not a military base. not to mention Ghostbusters technology isn't really sophisticated its building stuff from scrap…i find it hard to believe the same company that uses a colander to take brain scans would have hand print required security and such

by egon901

21 years, 10 months ago

That's just so the ecu doesn't get shut down(accidentally or otherwise).

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 10 months ago

no dude i get the reason im just sayin its a little bit too much for ghostbusters

by Proton_User

21 years, 10 months ago

i agree with Ray on this one its a little over board!!