Legends of Ghostbusters

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

A fan base is exactly what we need as well. I mean, we're writing this for GB lovers to read.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

ok ill put it on hold but we really do need to get this site up look at the other divisions!

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Good point Proton_User. Im gonna wait one more day though if thats cool with you.

Kyle- well, you seem to be very close to jiggsatdale so I figured you guys should be on the same division. Anyway we all are technically on one team so you guys can be on the same team. By the way, has jiggsatdale ever posted on this thread? I think he should start being part of the group because its almost like hes not on the team. Whats his gb.net name again aswell? Are you sure jiggs wants to be on the team because i dont think he knows what this team will be doing? Let me know if he still wants in.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

im gonna setup a teaser homepage no news or anything just a poster with “Coming Soon…”

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Ludi, you'll need to start doing some art for the team. I'd better write a verbal description soon. I'll get it to ya soon.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all,
I am planning on scanning some different style pictures today/tonight, so put my renderosity page on your favorites and check later for acouple new styles.

by Scoleri_guy

21 years, 9 months ago

*Stumbles in door like Kramer from Seinfeld*
Hey Hey Hey! *Audience applauses*
*waits for crowd to die down*
Hey guys! I just popped in to tell you Im typing up a DOOMSdAY update for you, I had one done, but it didnt fully meet your teams qualifications, seeing as how youve divied up into two divisions, so im making one for both teams, you should have it by the end of the week. Good Luck!


by imstillsingle

21 years, 9 months ago

say lud

i just now learnd how to us gbn and now i will be more active on the board and i was wondering what is the n and s teams?? i mean kyle is the doc for the south and i was wondering if i could be on the north team since i want to be a doc i mean i talked it out w/ kyle and we both like medican so i was wondering if i could be the north teams doctor? plz reply
and thxs for letting me be part of the team :d :s

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Thats okay Scoleri, we work as one a lot aswell so its all good.

Hello all.

Delay: I wasnt able to get the pictures scanned after all, today. Ill try to get them tomorrow. Sorry again, acouple things came up.

well, nine always seemed like an odd number (no pun intended) and ive thought about adding another member to the team but I couldnt think of anyone to take the spot. After seeing Veedramon's interest in the team through the post, I immediately thought of the tenth spot because this is someone with great experience in fan fictions and you all know him from his ghostbusters time line (if you havent read, read it now, its a must for ghostbusters fans). I wasnt even going to fill the tenth spot unless someone i really respected that had a lot of talent was interested and Veedramon is that person. Ive talked about it with some others from the team and they agreed, so now there is five members on each sub-division. To make it official, veedramon, welcome aboard.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

ok Here's our new Roster….

South Subdivison-
Kyleogb1983- Co-Captain
SpectarHarness- Co-Captain
Peter Kong
I'm Still Single

North Subdivison-
Ludicris- CEO
Ray Parker, Jr.
Veedramon, welcome aboard.