Legends of Ghostbusters

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

COOOL 10 we can now play 5 a-side football (soccer) at christmas!! lol :d :s

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

now we have enough to fill two starting rosters for basketball. Its game-time.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

check out the home of our Group! (click my banner!) :d i did promise and i delivered!!

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

I warn you all now. I suck at sports :d

I about fell out of my chair when I got Ludacris's email. All I wanted to do was congratulate you guys on the great idea you had forming here and look where it got me… :s

I thank you all for inviting me into your team, and I hope we can make this a rousing success. Well, I think it looked to be a rousing success already–I'll just try hard not to screw it up too badly for you!!!

I'm going to start going back and rereading the rest of this thread to get some ideas of what my niche should be, how everyone will fit together in both the seperate teams and the combined team–I've followed the thread for a while, but…y'know, not knowing I'd become part of it I didn't study it intensely.

My first instinct, if it works, is to figure I should either be the “cranky old guy” (i'm thirty-two in real life :0 ) and/or one of the “smart guys”–not neccessarily some Egon-esque font of paranormal knowledge, but I was a chem major in college (didn't graduate) and in Real Life work in a cash office.

The basic info:
Name: Fritz Baugh
From: Indianapolis, In
Brown hair, blue eyes, 5'10", about 200lbs. I wear glasses to drive or real little tiny type, so if making them part of my character design adds visual variety, go for it. Slightly pudgy build, but less than I used to be…Does not have to be a crack shot with a proton beam. Would like to carry a PKE meter, but this isn't neccessary if it's redundant.

Once again, thanks to all of you, especially Ludicris, for extending this opportunity!

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

We welcome you to our team fritz and thank you for joining. Its an honor that you found this idea promising because i and the whole ghostbusters community respects you greatly.
Thanks for putting up your profile up so quickly. Once I get the rest of the case studys up, you guys can choose the style and ill start drawing everyone's characters. (the character in the study cases is mine).

Welcome aboard, veedramon.

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

I've read a couple of his fics, very good stuff. Is he going to be writing our cases? :0 :O

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

well, we all are but i especially hoped he would if thats okay with him anyway.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago


I just reread the whole thread as promised, and one idea kind of percolated in my head concerning our origins. I kind of have an interest in Ghostbuster continuity, you know and the idea of “maybe the originals pick us” which as been suggested kind of combined with something from XGB:

According to “Back In the Saddle”, none other than one Dr. Peter Venkman moved to California in the Nineties and became a Hollywood agent. I'm not saying this should factor into our origin, but it's a potential connection that we might keep in mind.


by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

I think that is an excellent idea. Maybe he could also front the money to start our division since he sees the importance of a gb francise on the west coast. Questions, comments?

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

To both Chadderbox & Veedragon.

Do either of you have AIM? If so, could you give me your names so we can chat?