Legends of Ghostbusters

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

by the way,

Kyle just graduated tonight and I would like to give him a toast…..toast. enjoy and may life be good to you my friend and stay off the drugs, for your mom's sake.

back to the topic…

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Congratulations, Kyle! Here's a Twinkie and a bottle of Coca-Cola (in a glass bottle. It's a special occassion!)

Okay, here's the link to…

A Conjecutral Prelude to the Ghostbusters: West Coast Division

I decided not the change it yet to reflect some of the ideas bandied around on the last two pages–a lot of this is still up in the air, after all. Once we finalize our origin story, the Prelude can be rewritten or thrown out completely. For now the link in this thread is the only link to it (it's not linked to any other page at my site).

One caveat…the only GBWC member to actually appear is Andy…though Joey is mentioned by name and Kyle and Jiggs are refered to without being named. It's mostly Venkman and…well, I don't want to spoil all the surprises!

On the animated movie concept: as all of us are beginning with interest in the paranormal to some degree, but we're kind of scattered around the country try this:

Kyle, Jiggs, Peter Kong, and possibly Ludicris actually live in California (Kyle and Jiggs work at the same hospital, Peter is employed by Disney). The movie is something with a paranormal theme…all of the rest of us are at the premiere because we won contests on the radio or something, and we entered because as paranormal enthusiasts the movie idea sparked our interest. It might explain why all of us come together from such far-flung non-West Coast locales like Indiana and Canada and such. It could even leave room for the “weird bond” angle…we all felt…“compelled” to enter the contest.

I await your judgements… :s

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

That was very good. There were even times a tear rolled down my eye when Egon & Peter were saying goodbye. It was very moving.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

Veedramon!!!!That was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!I think thats perfect and you dont have to change a thing. The further along we get with this team the better it looks

A little something with the drawings:
As I said there will be one more up soon but before that comes I would like you to vote on your favorite animation style for me to draw the team in and then you will just vote between the new one and the one you voted for. So just go ahead and put the one you prefer down in your next post aswell as a “physical/appearance” description so I can begin to draw the team. (the way you want your character to look).

thanks everyone.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

What can I say, I like the style of Gbwcd-case study 2 the best. It was the way you drew our original idea and it looks great to me.

My description (physical).

5'1", brown hair, brown eyes.
I wear a ballcap that always has a new logo or symbol on it. For the first pic I want a pic of Donald's mug (it'd normally be Garfield, but since the first story starts me out as an animator for Disney, I figure'd it be more suitable for that). But Garfield is the one used most often. I have a head shape fairly similar to Ray Stants and I also wear the ecto-goggles (in which I occasionally use to imitate Cyclops with). I have short side burns, and no facial hair. The cap usually covers my hair, but some of the tip of my hair is noticeable. My character doesn't smoke so don't add a cigarette. If you wish to add something similar, make it a pretzel stick. My character is somewhat stuck between slightly skinny and slightly chubby. A bit chubbier than Venkman, but skinnier than Winston or Ray. As I've mentioned, I had a Game Boy Advance in my belt along with a small bag that holds some cartridges of the games. Also on the belt is a small notepad used for taking notes or making small doodles on the job. I also have a PKE meter as well, but I don't normally use for its normal purpose. Let's just say it's also a part of my acting job.

If there's anything else you need let me know. And if you wish, either make it a normal ballcap with Donald's face, or make it one of those Goofy caps. You know, the one with the eyes & hanging ears. Come to think of it, I think I prefer that for the first pic. But if you think it's too stupid, than just go with the typical Garfield face.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Well, before anybody starts writing without me, remember I am ETGB as well.

I like the idea of Peter coming to me (after all I did bust up Ashram 3 frickin times)

Maybe due to my experience with more deadly critters he asks me to help out with this new team, after we are established, I stay a while (a good long while)

What can I say? I like California. LOL

by Chadderbox

21 years, 9 months ago

im about 5'6 and i wear ecto googles (as u know because ive been saying it from my very first post here lol) im not slim but im not fat im just your average plump fellow i would like to be the one who is having the trap but if some one else wants it then thats ok i dont have glasses or anything ut i do have an eyebrow ring on my right eye and an earring in my left ear that u dont have to include if u dont want to and i have blue eyes and brown hair

Just read the prelude thing and it was amazing Luda i like study 2 and 3

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

I talk o Ludicris last night, I would my chacter to have a athletic appearence and have the Chris Benoit bdy type, since my chacter's is 6'0'' 225 lbs.

Awesome Prolounge, VeeDramon :s

I vote for the case Study 2

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

Thank you all for replying so fast with the physical descriptions.

As of now the votes are:
case study 2- 2 votes
case study 3- 1 vote

Remember that you have to vote for your favorite style out of all of them that you would like your team to be drawn in.


by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

I vote for #2 as well

I wanna have my jumpsuit unzipped a bit further than the others, like down to the bottom of the name tag


Ya know I want my hat in the pic (if you don't know what it looks like, IM me sometime)

and I need ya'll aol or aim SN's!!!