Legends of Ghostbusters

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the praise, guys. I admit, it was hard to write a prolog to a story that hasn't even been firmly plotted out yet, but that was part of the challenge. I admit I deflected most of it by really making it a Venkman and Egon character piece, playing with some of own conjectures as to the Original Ghostbusters' 2003 destinies. Expect to hear more about some of those ideas in upcoming RGB fanfics (like how I never mention Ray or Winston's kids or the Spengler Twins by name. Gotta keep some surprises…heh heh heh). I also played with updating the Ghostbuster equipment, utilizing the advances in computer and miniaturization tech over the last twenty years, but at the same time tried to be more respectful than XGB was.

Andy: Hey, I didn't forget your connection to the East Tennessee Ghostbusters.

Egon looked at Andy. “This is a large responsibility, Andrew. But I know you're up to it–your work with the East Tennessee Division proves it.”

I tried to write you with a Southern accent, but if you think I overdid it let me know. In these PC times it can be a fine line between “trying to communicate some dialect variety” and “offending somebody with bad stereotypes”. The intent, obviously, was the former, but if you think I made you sound like Goofy or something I can change it.

Ludicris: I think I have to go with the majority so far. Between #2 and #3 I have to go with #2 (You're a good artist, by the way. My scanner is down right now or I'd put up some of my own art at the Ectozone). The larger, more realistic Study Case (#1 I think?) was fantastic.

Appearance wise, I'm getting honestly attached to the idea of basing my appearance off the New Egon (the Milo Thatch/Buddy Holly guy in my avatar). Not quite as tall and maybe a little heavier. I mean, you're the Venkman of the Northern Group, Proton User is the self-declared Winston, Egon901 sounds like he wants to be our Moody Wild Man (maybe it's his Wolverine avatar that brings that to mind, Idunno…), and with his enthusiastic tech ideas Ray Parker Jr. reminds me of Ray Stantz. So maybe that leaves me the Egon niche after all :d

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

The voting as of now stands as:
case study 2- 4 votes
case study 3- 1 vote

I guess you guys didnt like the other ones as much. Im actually pretty surprised you guys have chosen case study 2 so far, i thought you guys would have chosen 3 but whatever the team likes. Im here to please.

Veedramon- thanks for the compliments on my

If everyone is okay with it, I would like to end up doing a mix of style 2 and style 3(I think it would work out well). Is this cool with everyone or should I just stick with style 2 by itself.


by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks Vee, I don't have a big southern slur like some retard cowboy, but I ain't no yankee talker when I get angry.

You'd have to IM me and talk to me to actually grasp the whole Andy Harness character. LOL

When I'm calm I can be a little egon, when I'm REALLY mad, the slur flies.

My SN is SpecterHarness if ya wanna discuss some ideas since I'm a writer as well.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Okay, Andy…I just finished going back and changing all the “Ah”s to “I”s, though I left a “Y'all” in there. I'm not on any IM right now, but my email address is on the bottom of every post

(Durn Lycos computer tried to eat the thing, too…I saved the corrections and got a message saying the file size was 0.0k…Huh??? I saved it again, and checked the link from here…everything seems to be in order for now)
:1( :l(

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

It was an awesome prolouge, I enjoyed the meeting of Egon and Peter and the departure of the two. I enjoyed the rolls of Joey and Andy in the stories. I can't wait tosee our fan fiction team in action. :s

I have an idea of a an accident or possession of a demon or villian that makes my chracter go on a rampage, saying “ Stevens smash !” through Hollywood.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

I have returned….yo im so happy Veedramon is part of our team now…i love ur writing dude and the timeline rocked. With my character i was thinking he'd have some sort of conection with another one of the team members and i could be a late arrival to the team. like the member i know is doin me a favor and giving me a job. I think someone should gather all the facts we've established or ideas we've come up with and send them to all the team members in an email as a way of letting us know exactly where we are in this project…i'd do it myself but im extremely lazy….any crap this is gonna be a fun experience

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

the prologue is great its now going on the GB:WD site!! for all to see!!

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

Being the team C.E.O, I guess I will start to make a fact sheet about our team and post it on a thread or veedramon's or proton user's site(if its okay with them). It might take me awhile but itll be up…sometime anyway. On the last case study of the character's style, I decided just to use the overall popular 2 mixed with 3 and we'll just forget about the last pic because it seems you guys like the 2nd case study and want to use that one.

Ray- long time no see man. welcome back.


by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

Veederamon is it ok for me to post your prologue on the GB:WD site??

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey there,

Let me start by saying that Veedramon's prologue was fantastic! It was a very strong thought out piece of work. He caught the personalities of Peter and Egon perfectly and reeled me into the two new characters, Joey and Andy. His ackknowledgment of Oscar really put the icing on the cake. Wonderful job !

I have viewed the West Coast website and am very impressed by Joey William's (Ludicris) illustrations. He also happens to be a very good friend of mine and was kind enough to introduce me to this site.

If you would, will the rest of the team members of this wonderfully put together group of ghostheads introduce themselves and explain to me their part in this group. I would much appreciate it.

-Thank you

P.S. I have thought of an idea for your Fan Fiction if anyone would show any sign of interest what-so-ever.