Legends of Ghostbusters

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

on behalf of GB:westcoast Division i the webmaster of the group is happy to say we would love to hear your thoughts on the matter as we are writing for you the people who are interested in Ghostbusters.
P.S thanks for the compliment otter the site is constantly being updated!


by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Sure, Im always interested in new ideas to help the team grow as a whole. Nice signature saying by the way. Shoot, If the team likes it we might be able to use you.

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Ok then,

Since I have read above that there were a plethora of ideas for new characters that were being thrown around, I was thinking of yet another…

He would be a mechanic/informer for the team; a behind the scenes man. He would keep in touch with one of the Busters constantly and would provide all the information they would request. For example: directions inside a deserted mansion or info on a new certain type of ghost which he researches over the net and would be able to send over the Ecto 1 PC. He could also easily be turned into the comedic relief with sarcastic phrases or idiotic responses over the mic system.

Please improve on this idea if you can and bear with me.


by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

very interesting i think we could work with that…guys lets cook!

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't written for a while but I've been trying to get ready for a trip to see family in Ohio. I'll be gone for about a week and a half. I've read everything since my last post and I must say we are shaping up really well. This is what I think about it all:

1. I really liked Veed's prolog so let's use it. And yes I am very moody and get angry easily(you don't want to see me when I'm angry :s :d )

2. Otter could probably be the “receptionist” character because we need one(no offence)

other than that everything looks good. Let's keep it up and I'll see you on the other side. EDIT: Write my character as being from New Mexico(since that's where I'm living right now). My character profile is on one of my previous posts between pages 1 and 22. Sorry I can't be more specific. :u :f

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Have my character from Muncie Indiana (where Jim Davis lives). Also, I think I should be written as the son of Jake Kong Jr. At least if you guys like that idea. After all, my character's last name is Kong.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Also, when you guys right me in. Always try to find a place for me talk about cartoons and use cartoon quotes. I want my character to be a living encyclopedia of the world of cartoons and cartooning. But he doesn't act like Egon, he acts more like Ray.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

I like the flattering dude. LOL

I'm Dr. Andy Harness, ETGB.

Though in the prologue, meeting THE Dr. Venkman humbled me and made me a bit more… hmm mmm… quieter. HA I'm actually sorta loud and, if you can call it anything else, Peterish, but less perverted. Anyhoo, being from TN, I can blast a fly out from between it's wings at 50 meters (and I have it pointed right at your face!) LOL

I have the smart allecky one liners, and the trademark Notre Dame hat. I also do a bit of mechanics, and I can run pretty fast for a guy who had his leg broken by a PMSing witch in Adams.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

i want your feedback on the website so far!

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Proton - the website is great. I like the word art and fonts. Your links seem to work, but maybe you can work in a navigation system.

Egon901 - I would be honored to be apart of this team. I was rather hoping to become the character that I had described because it seems most of you would like to be a Buster. I would much enjoy doing “Behind The Scenes” work and play a somewhat role in assisting the Busters on their various expeditions. And I do have many ideas too and am fairly good at writting…
