Legends of Ghostbusters

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

What about if Peter has a list of potential people to join so he and Harness go to meet these people. Peter could have an interview session with each member as a way to let r readers get to know each person or only a few members get interviewed instead of the whole team, such as the team leaders and the doctors then we can have a big meeting almost like a Peter Venkman: Ghostbusting and You Summoner(sp). That way we learn from an actual Ghostbuster. Then after our origin story we have our first case (story still to be decided) After our first case one member leaves the team because they don't have what it takes to be a ghostbuster. So my character recieves a call from (whoever in WCD) and i make my way to the west coast to Join this team.

Also does everyone on the team need to have a supernatural event happen to them to join…what about characters who wanted to join for the adventure and the chance to see their first ghost or a character who just really cares about the money

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Name Fritz V. Baugh
Age 32
Born May 13,1971
Height: 6'
Weight: 180lbs
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Blue. Wears glasses most of the time.
Build: Tall and thin, but not quite to Egon levels.
Credit card number Nonayerdamnbuisness
Former jobs: Most recently a cash office associate at a local K-Mart, previously a physics researcher at Purdue University
Hobbies: Collects comic books, anime DVDs, and interesting pieces of cobalt
College: Purdue University
Phds in what: Quantum Physics. He also has a Masters in Anthropology, with an emphasis on Ancient Religious Practices. He's an accomplished mathmatician, and dabbles in computer sciences and writing.
Likes Exploring the Uncharted Bounds of Science, Cool new gadgets, Oreos, Pepsi, Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, Fussy blondes
Dislikes Prejudice, Noise, Ignorance, Most music recorded after 1989

Dr. Fritz V. Baugh was born in 1971 in Evansville, Indiana, but his family moved to Indianapolis when he was very young. A quintessential nerd, teased because he was chunky and did most of his homework, he graduated with high honors in 1989 and spent most of the next decade attaining multiple degrees in diverse fields such as physics and anthropology. The constant work and stress had the positive side effect of helping grow out of his chunkiness. If you expect he didn't have a social life, you'd be correct about that.

Doc Fritz became fascinated by the study of time (he grew up watching Doctor Who reruns) and began to seriously study the scientific nature of it once he finally stopped accumulating degrees and became a staff researcher and junior instructor. But unfortunately, a bizzare lab accident cost him his job: he still has no memory of the exact events, but somehow the top floor of the lab building we was working on simply disappeared. (If you smell potential stories here, so do I).

Noone else would hire him in academia or the scientific community, and he became so down on his luck he ended up working in the cash office of a nearby K-Mart. He even developed a crush on the fussy blonde he worked with, but it turned out to be tragically one-sided. His luck began to change (not neccessarily get better, but change) when, on a whim, he called the radio station giving away free tickets to the premiere of the new Disney movie, Dance of the Skeletons…he was the tenth caller!!! He won!!! :s :d

To repeat a phrase, the rest is history. Now Doc Fritz has a job he can only have dreamt of, with access to nifty scientific equipment and a great new bunch of friends. Weird friends, but good friends.


Usually carries the PKE meter; he's a bit of a gadget freak.

Fritz will come across a bit stiff and formal, though amiable, at first. He'll refer to his colleagues by titles for the first adventure (ie “Dr. Williams, Mister Chad, ect); after that, he'll tend to call people by their proper first names (ie Micheal instead of ”Mike). (He'll never stop referring to Venkman as “Dr. Venkman”, though) He'll eventually loosen up and show that he has a bit of an obnoxious smartass side of his own (though not too much–that's other people's niches in the team)

His secret talent is that years of cartoons have made him a pretty decent impressionist, and not too bad a singer–though this should take a while in coming out.

When not dressed in his Ghostbuster jumpsuit, he'll tend to dress with just an edge of formality: he'll tend to wear khaki pants and a tie in even the warmest weather.

Connection Ideas:

So far, Peter Kong might be the closest immediate contact, even though they're on seperate teams, because of their mutual interests in animation. He'd be especially interested to learn that Peter Kong's dad once hung out with a time traveller…

There could be an obvious Egon/Venkman parallel with him and Joey Williams. He probably amuses Venkman himself quite a lot.

And no, I don't necessarily have to have the secretary hot for me. :O

Ray Parker Jr.: Okay, to continue to clarify…

Accepting my prolog as more or less canon at this point, after we drive away the ghost at the movie Venkman has Andy and maybe Egon research us. After the Prolog, maybe he does kind of “interview” us; then we have our real first case, and one of us–a fictional character yet to be created–quits, but recommends his old buddy–you–to be his replacement.

So…who's left? Why, I believe we're still waiting for Jiggs, Egon901, Dr. Harness, and of course you, Ludicris… :d

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

i need the other 4 profiles to finish the profile side of the site!
other than that its going smoothly! (so far)!

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Great to hear Proton.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Name: Dr. Andrew Ryan Harness (Andy)
Age: 16
DOB: April 30, 1986
Birthplace: Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Weight: 135
Height: 5' 11"
Build: Normal, not as muscular
Former Jobs: McDonalds, East Tennessee Ghostbusters (still active)
College: On vacation from Anderson County High School
Interests: Trucks, Folklore, Reading, and Hiking
Dis-likes: Bimbos, Mean People, The Utterly Stupid, and Bus Drivers

Biography: Being from Tennessee and then being relocated by THE Peter Venkman to California, Andy had turned many heads. Being a regular 17 year old from Tennessee, Andy can shoot a fly out from between it's wings at 50 meters. Also a side effect of his heritage comes a quick wit and and a quicker mouth. Anyone can find him in a crowd; he's the one with the white Notre Dame hat yelling at the Chinese souviner vendor for charging him two dollars for a surfboard keychain and not talking proper english. When the guys get a day off and go to the beach, they have enough pride to let Harness be with him, for although they are tanned, Andy still has farmer tans on his arms, wrist, and forehead. Andy was the first to be asked by Dr. Venkman to start this new venture. Always seeking the opprotunity to travel (and meet chicks) Andy jumped at the chance to be a WCGB. His co-leader, Dr. Stevens, is a constant supply of material for Andy's jokes.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

Specter Harness- um, You misunderstood about the biography. You have to write it about your character.

All- Sorry, mine took so long but everytime I wrote it all up and hit reply, it brought me back to the log in page, so it must have been too long. Sorry about the wait. And here it is now:

Name: Joey Williams
Age: 24
Height: 6’1
Weight: 189 pounds
Phd: parapsychology
hobbies: cartooning and comedy (performing , writing, and watching)
likes: women, comedy, and movies
dislikes: ghosts
things that I do often: make funny/sarcastic comments and give many references relating to whats
happening. (i.e. dennis miller, peter venkman, and bill murray) and
uses lame pick up lines and believe it or not they work most of the time.(points for
good comedy.)
Former jobs: performed at chicago’s second city for four years (trained there in the four years aswell)
and performed at the famed groundlings in la for a year.
NOTE: feel I can have a venkman/spengler (good buddies but two different types of people) relationship
with veedramon. (good friends but not too much alike (character wise anyway) )

Joey Williams grew up in a very supportive atmosphere. He grew up in chicago, Il near the famed second city theater, so in-suit grew up loving comedy. Comedy was introduced to him from his grandfather who past away while joey was in early grade school. This had a big impact on Joey’s personality and made him form a “protective shell” of sarcasm and humor to keep his emotions from being revealed. The death of his grandfather also gave Joey a sudden interest in the paranormal which will come into play later. During high school joey received a 3.89 gpa though he hid this through playing a slacker, which he still does to fit in with society’s image.(saved by the bell can really mess you up). After graduating high school and a dream to become a professional comedian, he set off to college (still in chicago) as well as take classes and perform at second city for four years. After graduating college, with his interest in the paranormal coming into the open due to his phd in parapsychology, he was invited to perform on the groundling’s main stage in la. So he packed up his bags and performed there for a year until he went the hollywood showing of a new animated feature starring the voice talents of another comedian who joey was good friends with (thats how I get my ticket) and the rest they say is history.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Proton User. I want to mention that there are two sentances in my bio you need to delete. First, delete the *I wish this were my life*. That was just meant to be a joke, not an actualy part of the bio of the character. And take out “Kong remembered what his dad taught him…kong couldn't fight alone.” I deleted that one myself once I felt it didn't fit with the continity

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Lud, that is my character. If Dr. Harness gets older than 20, he's in a wheelchair. Because in the final ETGB adventure, his back is broken by Ashram before he dies (for the final time). We could make him older though. This could be set 4 years from now, a good time after X-Squad takes up the ETGB mantle.

So, we have THE youngest ghostbuster ever helpin ya'll out and Ashram can be a villan

OR… a ghostbuster in a wheelchair (as the stories go along, he'll eventually walk again) who is too stubborn to acknowledge a disability helpin ya'll out and Ashram won't be around cuz he blew himself up trying to kill me.


Either way is cool to me. Who knows? Maybe Dr. Belmont will give that injured award to me, even though Legacy hasn't been written yet. But EVERYONE knows that Dr. Harness isn't getting out the final battle with Ashram without being seriously hurt.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

It wouldnt fit in with the team, if you were that much younger than us. Well if you are seriously injured in the battle with etgb, you wont be in a wheelchair forever, unless you break your spine or something to that nature. So lets just say, that battle in etgb happened in the past and gbwc is now and i think thats enough time to heal and age for our stories.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

Egon11 and Otter (i think??) left to do :d