Legends of Ghostbusters

by PeterKong

21 years, 11 months ago

BBQ! Yum yummy. With black berrys pie for dessert! Yum yummy.

by Ludicris

21 years, 11 months ago

we have a new update for our franchise guys. The other day SpecterHarness passed down control of the team to me. Before we put this into production i want to see what kind of members we can get to join the franchise. The production of the project depends on the people interested in joining. So lets try and get some new members in.

We will all miss specterharness. He was a good leader and fun to work with, he was just really busy and needed to stay committed to eastern tennesseee ghostbusters, which was his main priority. I hope i can do as good as he did.

As of now our members are:
3)peter kong

and we have a gb.net member considering

if you know anyone that would like to join or if you would like to join yourself, please contact me on this thread or my screen name. thanks.

by PeterKong

21 years, 11 months ago

Deep fat fried, deep fat fried. Music to my ears

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 11 months ago

Not fried! That's a heart attack in deep breaded glory!!!!!

I've just been plucked for a while. LOL

by PeterKong

21 years, 11 months ago

ok then. We shall put ya into a pressure cooker. Where's Colonol Sanders when you need him?

by Ludicris

21 years, 11 months ago

im still waiting to see who we get and what kind of responses we get on the thread and right now there arent too many. Im still waiting and hoping. Ill let you guys know soon.

by Sinister

21 years, 11 months ago

Good luck to you guys, if you pull this off right it could be a very fun project!

by Ludicris

21 years, 11 months ago

i'm hoping.

by the way, to all existing members, could you guys try and spread the word to your friends who would be interested in joining because there have really been no responses for our team. thanks.

by PeterKong

21 years, 11 months ago

What's wrong with just having 4 members, Ludicris? Can't we just have 4?

by egon901

21 years, 11 months ago

“I was speaking to Vince and he brought up another good theme for our story. Since Western area franchises are almost never heard of we could basically control all the paranormal activity and that area and such. The way Vince told the story, it sounded better”

Hey I'm in the southwest and have been looking for a group to join or people to join mine but not too many people have expressed interest(none actually) but I would like to join. What do you need from me?