Legends of Ghostbusters

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

You mean Egon901 and Otter.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Now now…remember, we've seen a disabled Ghostbuster before, and a lot of you hated that show…

:d :d :d :d :d

Actually, I find it commendible that Andy is trying to maintain continuity with his ETGB incarnation. If you hadn't guessed, I can be a continuity freak :s, though that's not absolute. I could pick some of the other teams and even some of our own ideas apart if I wanted to, but no way. I think saying that we take place “after” ETGB is probably the way to go, but the final decision is his.

Good profiles, guys. Though I realize I forgot to add a line to mine: “Doc Fritz also tends to ramble on and on when you get him started” :s :d :s :d :s

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

In my opinion this goin to the premiere of a movie story isn't a good beginning first of all why r we all there…it doesn't make sense that 8 or 9 of us r all at the same movie…which is a cartoon ( i mean don't get me wrong im a big fan of cartoons, but what r we all rgb ray with a childlike mind) second i think it would be better if we went to A Job Expo…and who happens to be there but peter Venkman who is starting a new Ghostbuster franchise on the west coast. This also fits Peters character using the GB name to make money He and Harness r working the “Ghostbusting and You” booth. They need a few more members to fill out their roster they have already gotten a few people who they went and met and interviewed guys with PhD and degrees…now they need the winstons of team guys who need jobs and want to be part of this exciting business. This is the first time the team is together…except for my character who will join the team after the first case. The reason i really want to do this is because i want GB west to be a well oiled machine , everybody gets along and works well with each other then i come along and am almost like a wrench thrown into the machine

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Maybe there's some room to compromise on this.

Try this:

Some of us are definitely at the movie premiere:
Dr. Joey Williams (his friend is a voice actor on the project)
Peter Kong (he's one of the animators)
Dr. Fritz V. Baugh (won the tickets at a radio call-in contest)
Dr. Peter Venkman (Just a Hollywood thing…)

We somehow drive off the critter that appears, but a bystander is seriously injured. We take him to the hospital. Where we meet…
Dr. Kyle Stevens

Unfortunately, the bystander kicks the bucket. Kyle and Jiggs are fired. But Venkman is impressed, and decides to start a team of West Coast Ghostbusters (well, two teams, actually). They two doctors and the guys who helped at the premiere are asked first.

He sets up a job fair to recruit the rest of the team, including an old friend of Leon Hogan. It would be up to Chadderbox, Egon901, and Proton User whether they want to be at the movie premiere or be recruited. He then calls in an injured (or formerly injured) vet of the East Tennessee Ghostbusters, Dr. Andrew Harness, to train the new recruits (Venkman obviously knows a thing or two, but he's too busy to be a full-time contributor.)

(We don't want to overuse Venkman. He's a strong character, and it's easy for him to overpower ours. This is OUR show. Venkman has oodles of fanfics starring him )

We have our first major case as Ghostbusters, and Leon's pal decides he can't cut it and quits–recommending Leon Hogan as his replacement.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

All- I just updated the renderosity artwork site, If you want to check it out feel free:


Veedramon- I love it and I think thats the way to go instead of us all being at the premiere and the fact of Andy being in a wheel chair (now that I think about it), it could work pretty well. I too agree on placing the events of the west coast division after the etgb events that way we our all at the same age level.

SpecterHarness- How do you like that idea of placing the west coast division events after the etgb events? If you like it, you can change your profile to a more updated one on your character.

PS- Veedramon, I know youre a fan of adult swim, do you like Lupin the third? My favorite comedy shows are sealab 2021 and space ghost coast to coast.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

im still not sure how u guys plan to chase the ghost from the movies away but thats alot better then the original idea, also i don't think we should then all be at the expo after peter gets a few people to join they head to some place that peter rented to learn about ghosbusting but let's harness handle most of the teaching stuff…i want venkman to show alot of his father's, charlie, style now that he's older talkin quick always havin a back plan and most importantly wanting to make money.

will someone be my characters father figure or i'll change my bio…i'll even locate my home city to say that were close but it needs to but i really like this angle for my character

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Well, Most of us are around the same age. Veedramon's character is the oldest but you should probably talk to him to see if he's up for it. I would do it but I might not be as much of a father figure due to our close age.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

for the premiere scene, I say we should actually catch the ghost instead of just scaring it away. Since most of the guys there helping out aren't used to ghostbusting, that could add a tremendous amount of possibilities for gags and jokes for the story. I do like the outline of the story so far.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

I dont think that would work because there wouldnt be any equipment there, and we wouldnt know each other. The premiere is where Peter Venkman gets a hold of some of our names and recruits us after we drive away the ghost. We can still have a lot of fun with our first bust but it shouldnt be at the premiere.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

ok, I just thought I'd suggest it. Afterall, we're still in the early stages of our story.

One other thing I wanted to mention about my character if I haven't already. He's suppose to be an encyclopedia of cartoon related knowledge. So in nearly every story he makes reference to some cartoon. Some stories could have more or less references depending on the situations. But at least one reference in each story. Also, my character is also suppose to like some cartoons that I even don't like. He's meant to be the biggest cartoon nut ever lived.