Legends of Ghostbusters

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

That would be the South Team, with Kyle and Andy, which is where Kyle's list a few pages back had you. But on Ludicris's list on Renderosity, it had you with the North Team (the brown suits, led by Joey Williams)

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

All- I decided that every member of the team will wear a grey (original color)jumpsuit no matter what sub division, just to stay with the original movie (unless you guys want otherwise). Yes, I did make an error on the posting of the roster on my renderosity site. I apologize, good eye veedramon, I probably wouldnt have noticed. Here is the team list again so there is no confusion:

Ghostbusters: West Coast Division
Northern Sub Division:
1)Dr. Joey Williams
2)Dr. Fritz Baugh
3)Leon Hogan
4)Robert John Griffiths
5)Jeremy(name not yet anounced)

Southern Sub Division:
1)Dr. Andy Harness
2)Dr. Kyle Stevens
3)Dr. Michael A. Chad (aka chad)
4)Peter Kong
5)I'm still single (name not anounced)

Veedramon- Glad to have a fellow swim head on the team. Yeah, I first thought you were a fan when I saw youre old signature picture. That episode of aqua teen was the best episode ever to air out of all the shows on adult swim (even out of sea lab 2021). Lupin the third is my favorite out of the action cartoons, I think its a good transition from comedy to the action part because it dabbles in both, ya know. By the way, the peter venkman profile was amazing (you must get tired of all the compliments )

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Hah! Never!
:s :d

Otter hasn't posted a name yet, but I have Egon901 down in my notes as Jeremy Hicks.

And that WAS the best episode of Hunger Force!!! I took German in high school and hearing the word “Sheistkopf” on American television had me laughing for five minutes.

(yeah, I guess I amuse easily)

I like the idea of slightly different colors to the flight suits, but heck, the Standard Grey/Tan is no problem.

Glad to get some of this cleared up.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hicks!!! I knew his first name but couldnt recall his last name. Sorry about the confusion. Yeah, I dont get tired of compliments either, but I rarely get any. Do you know if theyre bringing those characters back to aqua teen hunger force's next season? I know they made a return in the previous season (only in one ep. unfortunately). Oh well, i hope they do, they were the smartest and most entertaining villains, if you would classify them as villains (i dont know what they would be classified as). If you would like we can change the unfiorms back to being a little different (ie brown and grey), so that it would be easy to distinguish the character's team and teammates.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

what about real Ghostbusters style? Like there r 5 different jumpsuits for each sub division meaning that their would be a total of ten but only 5 would be different, like having 2 winston jumpsuits, 2 peter jump suits, 2 ray jump suits 2 egon jump suits and 2 louis jump suits

well what do u guys think?

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

As far as flight suits go, I would say to start out we either all ten have the same color or two colors, one for each subteam. Maybe later down the line, after we're experienced, as a sort of “reward” for good service, GB Inc. will authorize us to each create our own, individually customized color schemes. This would parallel the New York team starting off with the same color, then switching to the individual suits after the battle with Gozer.

But I'm cool with staying with the one or two standard color system, too.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Here's Jiggs character, well the new profile of his chracter I should say..

Name- Michael N. Camy.
Height- 6'5''
Weight-225 lbs
Eyes- Blue
Hair- Blonde
D/OB- 5/15/1987
Body Type- Musclar built.

Hometown and Birthplace- Gardendale, AL

College- Jefferson State - 2 years Nursing Training and Healthcare Skills.- Transfered to Uni. of Tennessee- Medical Schooling for 4 years and RN degree.. UAB for Trauma Nursing and Surgery for 1 years, and Clark College for 1 year of Folklore and Mythology studies.
Ph.D(s)- Registerd Nursing Degree from Uni Tennesee,Trauma Nursing and Surgeon Degree from UAB. Graduated from Medical School from Uni. of Tennessee, Jefferson State for Nursing and Healthcare skills, and awaiting Ph.D. in Folklore and Mythological studies from Clark College in Atlanta, GA..

Former job(s)- Volunteer Life Guard for Fultondale Youth Pool. Registered Nurse for St. Jude' s Hospital in Memphis , Tennessee for 4 years. Trauma Nurse and Surgery for 1 years.

Hobbies- Cars, Girls, singing, listening to music, talking to friends, sports, Sports Med., and Healthcare.
Dislikes- Preps, stuck-up, snobby people.

BIO- Michael N. Camy grow up with Alabama, . He later graduated from Gardendale High School in Honor's Degree. Moved to Tennessee for a Nursing carrer. He later got transfered to Wisconsin Emeregency Hospital, where he later met his old friend , Kyle. They both worked together in many surgeries and traumas. Some how a supernatural event happend and they were fired. They later met Dr. Williams and Harness, thus becoming members to help with the Southern Division team. Michael and Kyle are the doctors of the team.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Alright, so now all we need is Egon901 and Otter's profile.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey Team, about the Modbods, they like to play sports. I originallymade them play any sport they choose to conquer aoher worlds and dimentions, aswell. I just wanted to clear that up with you guys.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Have you all seen the Ghostbusters vs. Beetlejuice show at USF? One of em had a orange jumpsuit. ::idea idea:: LOL

I'd be more than happy to change my character to a 20+ age. We can keep him in the wheelchair at first, but he slowly recuperates with some funding from GB, Inc so he can walk again.

Sound good?

Doesn't matter to me either way, I think I'm already different enough from the rest of ya but that visual confirmation of it (ETGB battle related) is really something cool.

Thanks for the compliment on the continuity thing, I hate leaving gaps, good for prequels but bad for stories. LOL