Legends of Ghostbusters

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

I'm fine with having you in a wheel chair and eventualy able to walk again. It could add some depth to our stories as well as B plots.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

i like the idea of him being in a wheelchair although people will think we are copying EGB!!! well they might!

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Nah, as long as people understand Andy Harness' complete story (every story he has written about his character), everything will be fine.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

We can sue that idea of Andy being in a wheelchair, and then going through psychical threapy, once he tells us his story. Plus I see nothing worng of being in a wheelpchair, since I like that idea of Andy driving the boat, that's if we get one for the water momnsters, we'll fight against or go into underwater mission or so. I think we can try it out for a while.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

The EGB was creepy and I want no connection to that, Proton User just shot all my hopes of staying away from the EGB right to hell.

Just kidding. I am in a wheelchair becuase of Ghostbusting, unlike Garret who became a ghostbuster while in a wheelchair.

Here's what happens in ETGB: Legacy (yet to be released)

In Ashram's second escape from the containment unit, he kidnaps our secretary to perform the ultimate sacrifice to become invincible. Well, Ashram, hating me sooooo very much, calls off the ceremony for a few minutes to finally kill the one man who shows no respect or fear towards him. While just about to tear me limb from limb, Mindy shoots him with the Deer Hunter (read Bell Witch vs. ETGB) and destroys most of his powers. He throws her outside (along with the other ETGB personel and large crowd blocked by walls of fires) and then has a man to man fight with me. My anger accidentally fuels him while I kick his ass. He has enough power to blow himself up in the ultimate final effort to kill me. He failed. The explosion knocked me into a support beam, snapping my back instantly.

Then the XS stories happen, and now here I am…

Does that sound like Garret at all?

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

not really

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Since it seems the motion “Will Doc Harness be in a wheelchair?” seems to pass in the affirmative, expect the Prolog to be changed soon.

Just to prove Joey isn't the only artistically inclined member of this troop, let me offer a few of my own ideas.

PKE Meter Version 3.0

Doc Fritz Case Study

Male Case Studies 1-6

Male Case Studies 7-12

Female Case Studies 1-6

I'll warn you now, my art style is heavily anime influenced, and may not be everybody's cup of tea. The PKE Meter is the advanced version I talk about in the Prelude, Doc Fritz is pretty much how I envision my guy looking, and the others are offered as a help to Joey in creating the “offical” profiles (ie Egon901 writes in and says “I wanna look like #1” or something). The girls are available to be, y'know, our girlfriends and/or secretaries or something.

Hope it's all okay. And sorry the head studies ended up sideways–just tilt your screens, I guess :d

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago


Whoah! You trying to put me out of a job there, Veedramon? Now I know I have someone to help me with the drawing Well, I have almost everyone drawn except for egon 901 and otter, and the others are not scanned yet either and I think veedramon's idea about picking what one they like out of the male case studys will be very helpful.

Thanks again Veedramon, and beautiful artwork by the way.

by Chadderbox

21 years, 9 months ago

:O :0 i hope it isnt to late to ask if my guy can wear those gloves that r black and have no fingers u know biker gloves please

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Not trying to put anybody out of a job, Joey. As the late comer to the party, that'd be rude to the extreme.

But I've been doodling since I could hold a pencil, (I actually got in trouble in second grade for drawing Batman all over my homework :d ) and this is the most I've ever shown to anyone outside my immediate family and friends. In my Perfect World, I'd be over there at 88MPH Studios working on the new project. And I'd have a pony, too.

Glad you like it so far!

Chadderbox: Ludicris has final say, but it sounds cool to me: I drew Doc in not quite 100% standard uniform also, with pulled up sleeves and short gloves (not fingerless, but short)