Since it seems the motion “Will Doc Harness be in a wheelchair?” seems to pass in the affirmative, expect the Prolog to be changed soon.
Just to prove Joey isn't the only artistically inclined member of this troop, let me offer a few of my own ideas.
PKE Meter Version 3.0Doc Fritz Case StudyMale Case Studies 1-6Male Case Studies 7-12Female Case Studies 1-6I'll warn you now, my art style is heavily anime influenced, and may not be everybody's cup of tea. The PKE Meter is the advanced version I talk about in the Prelude, Doc Fritz is pretty much how I envision my guy looking, and the others are offered as a help to Joey in creating the “offical” profiles (ie Egon901 writes in and says “I wanna look like #1” or something). The girls are available to be, y'know, our girlfriends and/or secretaries or something.
Hope it's all okay. And sorry the head studies ended up sideways–just tilt your screens, I guess :d