Hello all.
*note: every member please read this whole post. thanks*
Peter Kong- (I know you meant no offense)Every artist has his or her own style(s). For example, I have quite a few, which is why we voted for your favorite style that I can draw in. I will be using Veedramon's work, as case studys and a base for my own artwork which would be some of his artwork basically in my style.

So, Veedramon will be my right hand artist in a sense, if thats cool with him.
Discussion two/case two;
The People Of EGB vrs. Andy Harness
(Kyle's topic title

Well, in fact I agree with veedramon and most of the others in saying that the idea of etgb continuity will be a plus for us, besides this will definately attract some etgb fans (hopefully etgb will put a link up on their site for us

), sorry, I cant help wanting free publicity. Though, since it has been over five years, maybe you should already be able to use a walker for a short amount of time and already being involved in rehibilitation/physical therapy. Though its up to you on that one, and I love Ray's idea about giving some depth to andy's character by using his disability to our advantage (I know that sounds kind of wrong)
Kyle- The first and major stories will be written by our team as a whole, though each member is required to atleast write one fan fiction per two months, solo, so they can show their sub-divisions or character's personality more in-depth and they will have free creative control (sort of like an hbo show) over that story. Every two months each member of the team will have to read everyone's fan fiction and there will be a voting in the
ghostbusters.net chatroom, where we will vote on whether the story justifys or compliments our team as a creative and intelligent fan fiction team.
*note: The latest pictures I have drawn, are head shots for our avatars, except for veedramon who has a full body picture already done, and I did one of andy, but I didnt like how it turned out. They will be up soon*