Legends of Ghostbusters

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Ray, you don't seem to know my character very well, he can kick just as much ass in a chair as walking (he just rolls backwards when he fires a proton pack) And as for the whole walking thing, I will be going to PT, and by the time we face our toughest case ever at the end of season one, I can at least stand up and take a few steps. By middle season 2, I'll be walking and kickin the butts of those who did not like the “peter venkman in a wheelchair”


Guys, I don't see why the whole ETGB continuity thing is such an issue. Would it just be easier if I let Dr. Rollow's character take my place.

And besides, what if in real life, I really AM in a wheelchair? those comments might hurt a bit.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

BTW, the whole Garret thing, I think my character shouldn't be reffered to as a reject.

The guy gets his back broken in the line of duty, yet he goes back to ghostbusting 2 times with new very good teams.

Did Garret have that good of a story to tell? NO.

Does Kyle look like Eduardo? Do we have a goth chick with a cat? Do we have a Winston Jr. with a temper? I think NOT.

We ain't EGB and nobody is gonna think we are. EVERYONE knows the sacrifice Dr. Harness made to stop Ashram, they won't be thinking about Garret when they read about me, they'll be thinking “Snapped his back on a support beam, DAMN, bet that tickled”

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

the site has just encountered its first problem! but i asure you all it will be up and running smoothly in no time!!

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

sorry Harness ur right its just that i felt we shouldn't be using an idea that didn't work for egb…but if the stories right and we also add in comments about u goin to physical thearpy and it should work. For some stories though we should use ur wheelchair as a way of u feelin left out, like we need to go to the top of a building or something and the elevators out so while we bust a ghost andy is left out…this could bring some emotion and real depth to his character

Also sorry im not familiar with ur work in etgb so i have no idea what ur character is capable of…but i will find out soon enough

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

i think thats a good idea…bringing isolated emotions on to Andy's side because of his temporary disability…I like it good thinking Ray! lol

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Yes! Yes! Hear! Hear! This is what we need to see!!! Let's look at this positively!

And definitely check out some of Andy's stories–I have, and they're good. Just trying to brush up on his backstory, since it's part of our backstory now, too. :d Ashram is a pretty scary dude–I think Andy is going to be lucky to get out of their battles with ONLY the back injury…

Peter Kong: I said my art may not be everyone's cup of tea, so I'm not hurt or anything. Ludicris is the leader and Master Artist on this project, so don't let anything I do concern you. And your story was good too–I liked it even though I despised the Filmation guys. Get the sequel done soon!

And click here for some great potential names for your girlfriends… :s :d

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Well, this hasn't been a temporary imparement…

After the battle with Ashram, Harness studied under his greek mentor in physics during college. During this time, Andy returned to Tennessee to take up film-making with fellow ex-ghostbuster Josh Goben. 2 years later, X-Squad was formed, so Andy and Josh returned to teach the new guys. So giving a total of about 5 years that he's been in the chair.

And I like the idea of isolationalism. That gives me some ideas for some good one liners.

“Why aren't you up there with your team?”
“Your place ain't wheelchair friendly bucko. That's an extra 100 dollars to your bill.”

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

Veedramon, I didn't mean that I didn't like your drawing style. It looks very cool. I just said that I don't think it fits the style of our story. What I'm trying to say is that each different cartoon or comic is done in different styles. For example, I wouldn't to see Garfield drawn like a Dragonball character, and at the same time I wouldn't want to see Goku drawn like a Garfield character. I want Garfield drawn as a Garfield character & Goku drawn as a Dragonball character. That's all I meant. I like anime to some degree and I like the style, but I don't think everyone should be drawn in the same style.

I didn't mean to hurt your feelings about your drawings. I like your drawings.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Say Team, I hayte to get a aliek side tracked here but should we vote or volunteer to write either story we wants because, I would liek to work on the Hobnal , the Hobgoblin or Stevens Go Smash story myself.

* Note most of the Villians were used for my NYMMAT series, excpet for Lord Shiva, Damiea, SPMM, Ashram, Jeny Haniver, Soultracker, and Anubis.*

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

*note: every member please read this whole post. thanks*

Peter Kong- (I know you meant no offense)Every artist has his or her own style(s). For example, I have quite a few, which is why we voted for your favorite style that I can draw in. I will be using Veedramon's work, as case studys and a base for my own artwork which would be some of his artwork basically in my style. So, Veedramon will be my right hand artist in a sense, if thats cool with him.

Discussion two/case two;
The People Of EGB vrs. Andy Harness
(Kyle's topic title )
Well, in fact I agree with veedramon and most of the others in saying that the idea of etgb continuity will be a plus for us, besides this will definately attract some etgb fans (hopefully etgb will put a link up on their site for us ), sorry, I cant help wanting free publicity. Though, since it has been over five years, maybe you should already be able to use a walker for a short amount of time and already being involved in rehibilitation/physical therapy. Though its up to you on that one, and I love Ray's idea about giving some depth to andy's character by using his disability to our advantage (I know that sounds kind of wrong)

Kyle- The first and major stories will be written by our team as a whole, though each member is required to atleast write one fan fiction per two months, solo, so they can show their sub-divisions or character's personality more in-depth and they will have free creative control (sort of like an hbo show) over that story. Every two months each member of the team will have to read everyone's fan fiction and there will be a voting in the ghostbusters.net chatroom, where we will vote on whether the story justifys or compliments our team as a creative and intelligent fan fiction team.

*note: The latest pictures I have drawn, are head shots for our avatars, except for veedramon who has a full body picture already done, and I did one of andy, but I didnt like how it turned out. They will be up soon*
