Legends of Ghostbusters

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

I'd like to see Veedramon draw some of the ghosts. I can envision the ghosts in his style.

Sometimes when I draw, depending on what I'm drawing I like to try to emulate an artist's drawing. Meaning like when I'm drawing Spidey, I like to draw him McFarlane style. Or when I draw Garfield, I draw him like Jim Davis. Etc. Then when I draw my own characters, I draw in my own style. So when I draw, it depends on what I draw what determines my style. Sort of like writing. Everything I write also has a different style to it.

I have one comic in mind that I have created where it contains a mixture of characters. I won't go into detail for fear of people stealing it, but it has a mix of various drawing styles of characters. Some american styles, some anime styles, etc.

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

Thought I'd throw in my two cents over the whole Andy Harness in wheelchair scenario, maybe for a year or two, he's in the wheelchair, then he has PT, then maybe at some later point he uses an exo skeleton, such as seen worn by Doc Will Hazard, Fritz, you should know what I'm talking about. Basically a sorta metal framework that is strapped to the legs to help the person walk, though it would probbaly be used for short amounts of ghostbusting ad so on.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

And what a distinguished visitor we have had today, my friends! Ben King, in the slim chance you didn't know, is the clerk for the Ghostbusters: Nightsquad team, the first and most famous of all GBInc. Divisions. Thanks for the comments! And nice to see you're studying

(A Nightsquad/GBWC crossover…there's an idea…oops, I'm dreaming again…)

What Kingpin is talking about is a character that appeared in Now's comic series (Debuted in #7, the same issue the ECTO-4 was introduced in, interestingly enough) will Hazzard was the leader of a 40's “mystery men” team called the Crime Patrol, one of James Van Hise's numerous pulp adventure tributes in the RGB pages. (Hazzard also knew Egon Spengler's grandfather, though it's not clear whether it was Grandpa Spengler, the Polish immigrant, or Granpa Melton) Venkman would know Hazzard, after all, and maybe could suggest at some point “There was this guy I know who was disabled too and he made this rig…” Something for Andy to consider, but that is of course completely up to him, and I would agree with not doing itright at the start.

I'll have to see about finding and/or creating some monster pictures. And at the risk of repeating myself, I took no offense at any of your comments, Peter. You basically said “I like them but I don't think it's the right style for us”, which is fine. If you'd said “They suck donkeys” I would have a right to be offended :d

I just revised Ghostbusters West Coast: Prolog taking into account Doc Harness's disability and the further development of our characters since the first writing. Check it out.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

yeah i like the idea of an exosekelton like the ones they use in the film Aliens! they are sooooo…cool! thanks Kingpin thats one cool idea!

by Kingpin

21 years, 9 months ago

Glad I could help, and speaking of crossovers, I know SpecterHarness asked about a ETGB crossover, now I'm not sure about that, but I'm sure WCGB can work something out, after all, it should proove intresting. I'll have to pitch the idea to Bo first, and depending on his mood I think we might be able to arrange it. WCGB is prooving to be highly intresting, I think I'll keep tabs on this topic.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

It would be an honor for us to team up with nightsquad, they are the inspiration for this team as well as being the inspiration for this whole ghostbusters inc. thread.

I think kingpin's idea would work perfectly with Andy's character. Me being a huge ghostbusters comic fan (i have that issue ), I think Venkman introducing it would work well, with maybe a little flashback or something to that nature.

Veedramon- I am very excited on seeing your pictures of possible apparitions we can face. By the way, you fixed the prologue perfectly. Ps- did you see harvey bird man sunday? The best episode yet in my opinion By the way, I think youll be happy with my adaption of your character, It looks like your original but converted into my style, I think you'll be pleased with the outcome, though if not I will gladly change it.

Acouple members avatars should be up in acouple days, because I will be going away for two days, but I will have time to check the progress of this topic and reply back.


by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

this team is piecing together nicely! i cant wait until our first FF is up its gonna be great! :d

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

I just wanna state now, im happy were puttin so much time and effort into this

were not rushin into anythin were brainstormin and comin up with ideas and makin everything work, right now i feel we have the ideas and talents to be one of the best fan fictions teams ever

This is gonna be good

*can somebody scan a pic of the ectoskeleton from the GB comic*

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

We could make the exo-skeleton computerized and place magnets on certian points so it could redude the pain Andy's going through.
Notes- I read about this when Dan Marino had broke his ankle, he had plays magnets on each side, he believed that they reduced the pain in his ankle. Thuis might work, guys.

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey all,

Sooooooooooooooooo sorry I havent written in, what, 6 whole pages! Took me a while to catch up. I appologize for not responding but I have been very busy lately with me rehearsals for the Neil Simon play Lost in Yonkers in which I happen to play the character Jay (if any of you know what I am talking about).

As for my profile, it will be written tomorrow. It is currently 12:45 and i have just returned from rehearsal (community theater hours) and am very tired because I must get up early in the morning to attend a program at a nearby college (Ludicris knows…)

I am really excited about the quick growth of this team. Everything is coming together and I seem to be trailing behind. I will make it all up to you guys, trust me. I am again terribly sorry for not reponding post haste but will be back in the ball game in two days (the college thing will be over then).

So profile will be posted tomorrow and my standard postings will begin to flow and cheer your sad faces once again. :d


P.S. please dont judge…