Legends of Ghostbusters

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Veedramon,thats the server resetting .Nice timewha you could do is type it on wordpad or just copy and paste it if it happends again. Well,Jemery, I called people on the boards by their usernames because there could be net-stackers on here, so I always take precautions. Anyhoo, Guys, I hope to get a chance to work wih the NS. They're an awesome group.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Actually, 90% of the time writing it on Notepad's exactly what I do. Figures this one time in ten…

Venkman: I'm not neccessarily saying don't use him in the Nightsquad story–he knows the NS characters and probably should be in there at least as our contact to them. Plus there's always room for jokes…

Venkman: So, Jen, I hear your cousins are in hot water again. Did they really blow up your grandmother's microwave?

Jen: (sigH) I swear, at this rate Aunt Janine's going to bar them from Mister Wizard forever…

Anywa, here's the working plot outline right now as I understand it

“Opening Night” (plot outline as of 61003t)

It's opening night for the new Disney animated movie, Dance of the Skeletons, a full-length comedy/horror inspired by the classic short “Skeleton Dance”. Among those in attandance at the gala premiere…

Peter Kong. Head animator of the project. His father and grandfather once chased ghosts for a living, and those stories made him interested in the paranormal. Though he never thought he'd enter the “family business”. Heh heh…

Dr. Joey Williams. His PhD in parapsychology proving useless in finding employment, he's gone to his other love, stand up comedy. A friend of his has a voice part in the movie, and got Joey the ticket.

Dr. Fritz Baugh. A quantum physicist who's been down on his luck since a mysterious lab accident a few years before made him unemployable by the scientific community. He's currently working at a K-Mart after having lived in Newark for a few years. He won the trip to California and the tickets for the premiere in a radio call-in contest.

Jeremy Hicks. A bit of drifter who'd once had a run-in with a local spirit. Good with his hands (but not in that way). He also won tickets in a contest.

Dr. Peter Venkman. An authentic Legend of Ghostbusting, I don't really need to tell anyone here about his history. Now a Hollywood big-shot, he's here just because it's “his scene”. (Might also work in cameos from Dana and Oscar, now a surly teenager, here.)

Well, something goes wrong.

The exact nature of the paranormal entity that attacks the premiere has yet to be determined. Peter Kong has suggested that it's the ghost of a disgruntled animator at a rival studio, though I also think something should be done to tie whatever attacks the theatre to some sort of larger plot, a Master Villain of some sort (“Lord Atrocity has given me the power to destroy you!!!” This is still a sticking point in the story. Kyle has a backlog of villian ideas as I recall–maybe he's got some ideas that will fit the concept) Most of the audience vacates quick, save for Venkman, Joey, Fritz, Peter, and Jeremy. Venkman has faced a ghost or two in his time, after all. As for the rest, perhaps the Director is the focus of the ghost's wrath, and has been badly hurt in the first attack–the rest bravely stay to see if they can help him.

Somehow (this being another sticking point) the group drives the ghost away (despite not having proton packs or ghost traps). Acting quickly, they take the wounded Director to Stevens Point Hospital, where he is attended by Dr. Kyle Stevens and Dr. Micheal Camy. They manage to stablize him, but then the ghost shows up and finishes the patient off. It disappears, it's thirst for revenge slated (for now?) Joey and the rest are in the waiting room, and don't know about this until it's too late.

Well, Kyle and Micheal are fired–the chairman of the hospital board is one of those Dean Yaeger/Judge Wexler types who doesn't believe in ghosts.

Venkman, meanwhile, starts to set up the Ghostbusters West Coast. He doesn't necessarily recognize the name “Lord Atrocity”, but knows enough to figure Something Big is up. He orders a dozen proton packs from Ray, and waves a large check in the face of Dr. Andrew Harness, veteran of the East Tennesse Ghostbusters (now crippled by his final battle with the evil entity Ashram) to train the new crew. (This is where the Prologs, both Andy's and mine, fit into the story line)

Venkman goes to Joey first, and makes him CEO (Joey reminds Venkman of himself, after all), and then brings the other men who helped out in the theatre as well as the two doctors into the fold.

The fledgeling GBWC then holds a sort of job fiar/recruitment drive and come up with the following recruits:

Dr. Robert John Griffiths. He's an affable engineer from England who likes California a lot better than home (“You have a bloody sun out here. Don't have that in Morecambe”), and will no doubt get stuck with most of the dirty work of maintaining equipment…

Micheal Chad. This Canadian computer game tester doesn't seem to take much seriously, but somehow always comes through when the chips are down. Nicknamed “Mister Clutch” for that ability. Also nicknamed “Chadderbox” because he doesn't shut up.

And one last character. This is either “John Lipsyte”, and it would be up to Ray Parker Jr. to define him, as this way he'd be his “proxy” for the origin story. Or this could be Otter (more on that below…)

The new Ghostbusters undergo training and are divided into two sub teams:

The Northern Team is headed by CEO Joey himself. It's roster is completed by Fritz, Robert, Jeremy, and “John”/Otter

The Southern Team is co-captained by Kyle and Andy. Peter, Chad, and Micheal fill out it's roster.

After several smaller cases, the GBWC finally confronts their first big foe, “Lord Atrocity” or what ever, and defeat him in a spectacular battle that establishes them as a full-fledged Ghostbusting force to be reckoned with.

However, after that battle, the North team loses one of it's members. Either “John Lipsyte” quits completely, or if we merge/replace him with Otter, he quits full time Busting to take a more secondary/supproting role. After this, Fritz suggests his old friend, a troubled young man named Leon Hogan, to fill the empty slot. At first, it looks like a mistake, as things get a bit tense for a while, but eventually Leon proves himself and thus, the “final” rioster is complete.
So there's still a question or two we need to answer, but it looks solid to me (of course, I'm probably biased…) :d

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Sounds cool, you can edit parts of my story if you wish (just tell me first) to make it fit in and I'll post it.

BTW, speaking of stories, I finally got off my dairy heir (air) or however you spell that, and posted the ETGB vs. The Bell Witch, Part 2

The Day of MUD.


Check it out.

“Lord Attrocity, meet Mr. Kick-Your-@$$!” -Doc Harness to unnamed superdemon

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

1. Okay kyle, I didn't know.
2. Veedramon, anything in () wasn't supposed to get printed. Thanks for embarrassing me!
3. It's about time specter, I've been waiting for it! :s :d

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Wow! So many people have been telling me that it's about time. I didn't figure people cared that much about ETGB when they were in the same GBN area as NS. LOL

I'm flattered and honored that I have some fans.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

I know that my writing isn't as good as veedramons (maybe cuz I speed through everything)

But I'm going to write out the south team first story and let you all post your opinions. It won't be official, but it should capture the mood of the south team

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Finally, the moment you all have been so anxiously waiting for…

Name: Dr. Nathaniel Masterson

Nickname: Dr. Otter (you'll see in bio)

Role: tech sargent/head mechanic/team supervisor

Born: Whenever, 1928

Age: 75

Height: 4' 3“

Weight: 145lbs

Hair: sadly, all he has left are sideburns which he dies a faded bluish color

Eyes: blue

Build: chubbish

Former jobs: model (not for long), repair man, boeing engineer, US military scientist/tactics supervisor, and gas station clerk (night job)

Hobbies: women, sleeping, eating, girls, staying ”hip“, and eating cheesecake

College: Virginia TECH

Phds in what: engineering, manufacturing, financing, womanizing (an egotistic award he recieved during last year at school), and psychology masters

Likes: Women, limelight, cheese, little furry animals, his mechanical ”toys“, legos, working for the team, and his witty sense of humor/ego

Dislikes: green objects (dont ask), children, and Paulie Shore


Nathaniel Masterson was born in the late 20's in Providence, Rhode Island. He was deprived during his childhood because of the Great Depression. His parents, a hooker and a guy named Billy-Joe, borned him and raised him until the age of 3, when he became property of the state.

He grew up in an orphanage and learned to read and write by himself. He often enjoyed going by the river side near the playground, where the orphans were allowed to roam. He ran away one day at the age of 13 to the riverside. The supervisor of the orphanage claimed he had died when officials came by so she could earn some extra dolero in ”Grievance Accords“.

He lived with a family of Otters that he often played with near the river side for about 2 years. The otters fed him and kept him clean. He was soon discovered a redneck family who quickly shot the parent Otters and ate them for dinner. The rednecks ”adopted“ the child and called him Otter because they ”cudn't pernounciate ‘is nam write“…

Nathaniel went to school and studied hard. He figured ”the faster I go to college, the faster I’ll get away from these people“. And he did. At the age of 18, with only 3 years of a school education, he entered Virginia TECH out of a ”minority scholarship for the deprived“. Engineering had always facinated him, so thats what he planned to major in.
The ”Second Great War“ or WWII drove him to pick up studying military tactics as a side major. College also opened his world to women, girls, babes, and strip joints. He met many friends there and learned that college is just as much party as it is a pick-pocketing industry.

After he recieved a bachelors in engineering and repair, he went to work at Boeing in 1948 as a worker on the assembly line. He would always talk with his co-workers on how the equiptment could be revised and more efficient. The supervisor overherd and soon promoted him to a manufacturing position where he helped develop the now popular RAM jet engine use for speeds between mach 6 and mach 18.

In 1954, he was promoted to military engineer, where he developed and repaired new jets and spy planes dring the Cold War. He also efficiently made a great debute with high ranking officers…and their daughters.

In 1956, Nathaniel was placed as a military tactics supervisor after he was beginning to ”crack“ under pressure of designing the next greatist thing. He worked in that position for 12 years, until his engineering talent was again required for competition against the Russians, this time by NASA.

His job was to, along with other teams of engineers, develop a rocket or engine powerful enough to send men into space. He tried and tried unsuccessully to convince NASA that the best solution was the RAM technology. It would be environmentally friendly, and, because it required no moving parts, cheap. But, later analysis discovered that RAM technology works best at high altitudes. These rockets needed to reach their climax at launch, a few hundred feet off the ground, not a few thousand.

Nathaniel was a wrech. His career went down the tube. He made unsuccessful porduct after another. After a few years, his designs had been reported as ”wacky and futuristic“ or ”insanly genius“.

Soon, he found himself out of a job and living on the streets of New York state, New York county New York. He found his home in an alley way between a skyscraper and an abandoned Fire House. After 10 years, a remarkable group of scientists of the names Peter and Joey he heard along with many others had bought up the old fire house and were establishing a ”paranormal agency“ which was a branch off of Ghostbusters:West Coast Division. He quickly applied for a job and succeded and found himself as a ”paranormal“ employee altogether.


Dr. Masterson is always trying the latest thing and keeping hip with the other team mates. His nickname (Dr. Otter) is always used instead of his real name by the team members. He is full of emotions. When he is happy, he is sarcastic. When he is sad, he is a complaining bag of nonsense. When he is eating, he thinks of women, especially during a big helping of Cheddar Cheese. He plays a vital role to the team by inventing new and improved gadgets, or ”toys" he calls them. He also monitors and stays in contact with the team and assists and navigates them through terrain, while constantly getting off topic, especially times of danger and peril.

God, im good….

-dont judge, Otter

P.S. if there is any typos, it is because that it is 2:30 am so keep it to yourselves.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Nice Profile Otter, Veedramon, I ‘ll work on the Lord Actrocity and we can make him have abn assistant called, the Ravisher, which a spiritaul assasin, who kill at random and we could use Lord Atrocity for the GBWC opening , aswell. I’ll figured something out thuis afternoon.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Wow. Now THAT'S a profile, Otter!!! Well worth the wait!

Now all we gotta do is hear from Ray Parker Jr. about “John Lipsyte”, or whatever we end up naming him, as Otter's profile clarifies that he will, indeed, be a seperate character.

I just threw the name “Lord Atrocity” out there–it was a throwaway gag in a cartoon I saw a while back. It is a cool name, though. Glad Kyle and Andy seem to have taken a shine to it…

And I didn't mean to cause you any embarassment, Jeremy. That outline was for this thread only, and you made the gag twice in your posts. Now if Robert posts the outline on the GBWC website (not saying he should, mind you) he should definitely take it out.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

take what out Fritz??

oh and otter it truly is a great BIO!!
hopefully i can get the site working soon…