Legends of Ghostbusters

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

And I quote from Jeremy's profile or the outline above…

Good with his hands (but not in that way)

I think he means the “but not in that way” part shouldn't be in the website
:d :d :d :d :d

And while I'm not changing my avatar yet, check out my new profile picture…

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Whoa! Great profile, I believe that Dr. Harness would get along with this guy pretty good uspecially if you talk about history or engineering.

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

that is a good profile and that picture just ROCKS!!
:d :s

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

Im sorry I havent been on as much, but I have been keeping quite busy, but Im back.

Veedramon - Unbelievable job with the head shot. We make quite a good team, eh?

Otter's character seems to be like a modern day Mr. Furley, from three's company. I love that idea and that character will bring quite a bit of comedy. Great job on the profile.

Im going to try to scan most of the pictures today, but cant promise anything (the scanner might mess up or something)


by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

A Mr. Furley, eh? I guess so. And I am looking forward to that pic Ludicris!


by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

You know otter, because mr. furley wears “hip” clothes and tries to pick up ladies way too young for him. Oh well, just a thought

UPDATE: Well, ladies and gentleman, there are some more pictures up at my renderosity site. The new pictures are all head shots of most of the members. Check them out:


I think you'll be pleased

Members Head shots left to do:
1)Leon Hogan
2)Kyle Stevens

Im having some trouble with leon hogans character. Im trying to get the perfect look, and it hasnt arrived yet. Should come to my creative mind soon

Thank you all and enjoy the new pics.

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Nice web page Ludicris. Just got a chance to look at it. You just looked in the mirror to draw Joey Williams I can tell. Cant say much about the ad banners though…

-interesting, Otter

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

Hey everybody, Let me just tell u exactly how im feelin bout this project. The Head shots look great Ludicris. I was disappointed to hear that u haven't found the look for Leon yet, Do u still have the pic i emailed u of myself, cause thats how i want the character to look and i though maybe my character should have a goatee, since so many members of GBWC have a pretty similiar look. My characters look is almost like a sean william scott look and the pic of me combined into one. As for the character “john Lipstye” He is someone who joins the GBWC in the begininng but then realizes that Ghostbustin isn't for him. So Dr. Fritz gives his old friend, leon Hogan, a call. Leon accepts. As for the origin how bout instead of the future members of GBWC driving the ghost away they r able to distract it enough so that the injured person can be put into an ambulance. and since there is a ghost attackin them they all jump into the ambulance to flee( however that may be too many people for the back of an ambulance) so instead we could have peter venkman definetly get into the ambulance too, since he needs to go to the hospital to meet our two doctors, and later on he goes back to the police station, so he can see who were the men that helped him and then he tracks them down, meanin that our first story could be based around peter venkman meeting these people one on one, that way the readers would get to learn about the characters through the interview process

One final note,(Based on the Headshots) Im not sure if our characters should wear hats or headphones when they go out on a call, we want to look as professional as possible.

Sorry my writing sucks i hope everyone understandfs what im trying to say

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

If we say we do, and we dont really mean it, does it matter?

-just wondering, Otter

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Ray, youre not going to believe this but actually I tried drawing you acouple times and I gave you a goatee in all of the attempts (i thought that would give you more of a rebel look). Okay, now that I know you want to look like sean william scott, I can drawy pretty easily now, considering I just bought Old School on dvd. (hilarious movie by the way). By the way, is there any particular/set look of john (the member that ends up leaving)?

Im going to contact Jesus Freak and Proton User and meet with them to discuss the future website of the ghostbusters west coast division. Now after we get that settled, its time to officially start the first fan fiction of the ghostbusters west coast division.

Like every good writing team (ie saturday night live and late night shows), there is a head writer that both writes and supervises the actual writing. Im appointing this position to our most veteran writer, Veedramon. Congratulations. Anyone that has read your fan fiction knows you have much experience and you are very proffessional, and for that, you are the ghostbusters west coast division's head writer. Again, Congrats.

I hope everyone is okay with me appointing him without confirmation from the rest of you because I thought you would all agree. If there are any problems please contact me via email.

Thanks and congrats veedramon.