Ray, youre not going to believe this but actually I tried drawing you acouple times and I gave you a goatee in all of the attempts (i thought that would give you more of a rebel look). Okay, now that I know you want to look like sean william scott, I can drawy pretty easily now, considering I just bought Old School on dvd.

(hilarious movie by the way). By the way, is there any particular/set look of john (the member that ends up leaving)?
Im going to contact Jesus Freak and Proton User and meet with them to discuss the future website of the ghostbusters west coast division. Now after we get that settled, its time to officially start the first fan fiction of the ghostbusters west coast division.
Like every good writing team (ie saturday night live and late night shows), there is a head writer that both writes and supervises the actual writing. Im appointing this position to our most veteran writer, Veedramon. Congratulations. Anyone that has read your fan fiction knows you have much experience and you are very proffessional, and for that, you are the ghostbusters west coast division's head writer. Again, Congrats.
I hope everyone is okay with me appointing him without confirmation from the rest of you because I thought you would all agree. If there are any problems please contact me via email.
Thanks and congrats veedramon.