Legends of Ghostbusters

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

Congrats Doc Fritz. I have a question…do we have any minoraties or racial groups in our team or r we all strickly white? I think with havin a team this large its odd that one member isn't mexican or african american.

As for the GBWC member who will soon leave the team john, u can make him look however u want to, go to town with himmake him however u want him to look

Ps Veedramon
Feel free to make changes to my profile and ur profile so they better work together, i want ur character to be someone that leon could trust almost the entire time he was in newark and still trusts today

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Two Villians to add for our opener.


Lord Artocity
Age- 3,000
Weight- 10 ft.
Intelligance- Brilliant.

Powers- Summons spirits to do his biddings. A servant of Anubis and is a superdemon. Very powerful magic.
Strengths- Death, suffering, and total domination of the human race. Has very powerful magic. Can summons other spirits.
Weakness- Silver, love, good will, crosses and his power of summoning or casting powerful magic spells can weaken him, if used in long periods of time.
Class- 6
Threat- High-Very High

Age- Unknown
Height- 5'0''
Weight- Not known
Intelligance- Normal

Powers- A servant of Lord Artocity, Ravisher is a henchman or soul assasin that is ordered to kill at random. Is repossible for many unknown deaths. Instead of having hands, he has sharpe talons, used for self-defence or attacking.
Strengths- Assassination. This ghost lives for death and despair.
Weakness- Proton pack with fusion adaptors and trap can effect him.
Class 4- “ Feeder” - Self Replicating Speactor or Psychoreactive reactive speactor, he is known for mixing his physical properties.
Threat- Medium- High

And Ludicris, The sketches ,look awesome, and please keep up the great work.

by Chadderbox

21 years, 9 months ago

my pic is sick(good)

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Congrats Veedramon. If you need any ideas, I am full of em!

-sprouting with enthusiasm, Otter

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

i still want to voice my opinion of not wanting to face a major villian in our first story…maybe make it a 2 part or even a trilogy to begin our saga…facing a major villian in first stories has been done to death and i think were better then that. I also think alot of it should begin with us gettin our feet wet, us just doin alot of investigatin and not as much ghost catchin in the first story. Then the major villian arises and we still haven't had our first bust yet and have to jump right into this. And lets make sure we focus on the comedy aspect of our stories

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

Fritz: I'm glad you got both jokes
Otter: wow, what a profile, wish I had done something like that.
Ludicris: If that's how you draw, apply for a job in a comic book company ‘cause d***! :s :d
Kyle: Who’s anubia?

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Ican side with that notion, Ray, but I was thinking of having Lord Atrocity ‘s name being seen or mention and hve the Ravisherm which isn’t really that much of a major villian in my opinion, plus that of 38 villians total, but we can use the Ravisher for me and Jiggs's chacter to getting fired from our former jobs. But anyway yous choose is fine with me.

And Egon901, it's supposed to be Anubis, but I was typing it too fast to see what I was doing. So I ended up misspelling the name to Anubia. My fault, folks, and I hope our CEO noticed it too.

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

That makes more sense to me. He's the egyptian god of death, isn't he?

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Correct, however in our series he's an avatar or demigod that has Anubis's powers, yet, he hails from another dimension.

by PeterKong

21 years, 9 months ago

I agree with Ray, we don't need to face a major villain in the first story. (Most super heroes in comics don't even face a major villain until their second or even third or fourth appearance). A 2-parter sounds nicely. We could just give the major villain a cameo in the first story and nothing more.