Two Villians to add for our opener.
Lord Artocity
Age- 3,000
Weight- 10 ft.
Intelligance- Brilliant.
Powers- Summons spirits to do his biddings. A servant of Anubis and is a superdemon. Very powerful magic.
Strengths- Death, suffering, and total domination of the human race. Has very powerful magic. Can summons other spirits.
Weakness- Silver, love, good will, crosses and his power of summoning or casting powerful magic spells can weaken him, if used in long periods of time.
Class- 6
Threat- High-Very High
Age- Unknown
Height- 5'0''
Weight- Not known
Intelligance- Normal
Powers- A servant of Lord Artocity, Ravisher is a henchman or soul assasin that is ordered to kill at random. Is repossible for many unknown deaths. Instead of having hands, he has sharpe talons, used for self-defence or attacking.
Strengths- Assassination. This ghost lives for death and despair.
Weakness- Proton pack with fusion adaptors and trap can effect him.
Class 4- “ Feeder” - Self Replicating Speactor or Psychoreactive reactive speactor, he is known for mixing his physical properties.
Threat- Medium- High
And Ludicris, The sketches ,look awesome, and please keep up the great work.