Legends of Ghostbusters

by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

i like to say this -
“THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT”-Dr.Robert John Griffiths

sounds cool everything is great i was talkin to specter on AIM and he told me we are getting a proffesional site, its being done as we speak so i can retire the site as it stands! (if thats ok with you guys!)

CONGRATs Dr.Fritz…i would of chosen you anyway

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

Thank you everyone for the compliments. I aim to please.

Proton_User: Well, we sort of need you to keep it up a little while longer. Your site is a sort of “base” for the site Ron will be making for us. So if you could, put this information on the site, so ron can just convert it to his site:

4)link to renderosity (my art site)

(i might have forgotten something. I apologize if I did.)

You will also be a creative consultant and second in command to Jesus Freak on the site.

After thinking and re-thinking Ray Parker's idea of not having a major baddie in the first two stories is growing on me. With Kyles idea of a cameo for the major villains making a cameo in the first story I think it has a very high chance of working well. What do the rest of you guys think? Then in the third or fourth storys we can actually take the two major villains on.


by Proton_User

21 years, 9 months ago

i dont mind being 2nd in command that way i can put my feet up and be more like well LAZY! :d :s

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

I think our first appearance should be more of a get-to-know character episode. It could be quite possibly a two parter with the idea posted earlier of it being mostly investigative. We should have a few episodes leading up to the super evil guy.

-just a penny for your thoughts, Otter

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

From what I understood, that was the plan from the get go, unless the plan changed at which point I'm confused. Oh, wait, I'm always confuzzed. Never mind. Kyle, it seems like all the major villians that the GBs face are demigods so that's kind of normal.

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

Okay..I haven't made it on since yesterday and quite a lot to catch up on…

(Head Writer Clears His Throat)

(Head Writer has an uncharacteristic moment of self congratulation and smugness)

(Okay, Head Writer is trying to get his head back on straight)

Thanks for the approval, my friends. I've mentioned before that if I could live the life of my fantasies I'd be, well, in Quebec right now helping Sebastien and the rest of 88MPH put together that new comic (And a special note of thanks to Ludicris for actually endorsing the idea in public. I just hope it doesn't bring you, Doc Ryedale, and E Graves too much bad luck :d ). This might be just about as close as I ever get.

But I have to hasten to credit all of you in the great story that is forming–look at that outline. There are ideas from all of us there. That's why this is gonna rule. We got some real talent here–Kyle and Peter have written fics before (Kyle has more posted than I do, after all!) and I definitely will be looking to see what they can do with our creation. And if Otter's masterful profile is any indication, he can probably knock together a good story of his own.

Kyle looks to be our point man on creating our opponents–he took my offhand reference to Lord Atrocity and spun it into a great concept. I quite agree that we shouldn't have our big showdown straight off–I earlier put the showdown as the big event that makes John Lipsyte quit, but now think the big fight should be further down the line–kind of our “season one finale”. We'll spend the whole “year” dealing with his stooges and some non-related foes, building up to the big knockdown battle. How about that?

So to further integrate the Ravisher into some of the other concepts, maybe we say that he's created when a disgruntled animator sells his soul to Lord Atrocity. He gets to kill the man he blames for his being out of work–the Dance of the Skeletons director–first, then serve Lord Atrocity eternally. He crashes the premiere and injures the director, and thinking they guy is mortally wounded, leaves. But he is informed that “Your prey still lives, fool”, and goes to the hospital to finish the job and Kyle and Jigg's careers. And I think Ray's onto something that the whole premiere team doesn't go–Venkman and maybe just Joey (have them bond a little, since Joey will be CEO) If the director was a good friend of Peter Kong's, we can play with him making the busting of Ravisher a personal matter. Maybe busting the Ravisher, after we recruit the rest of the team and train for a little bit, will be the initial “semi-big case” that causes John to quit.

As far as John Lipsyte goes, I'm thinkiing he should be one these really nice, almost perfect team players. Everybody likes him, so when he quits and the troubled Leon replaces him, it'll add to the early “disruptive” element Ray wants to bring into it. I'll try and put together a profile in a day or so, and I'm certainly willing to listen to suggestions on this or any other issue.

Diversity. Well, that's for each of you to decide. If Ray writes in tomorrow and says “by the way, my character is black” I'd have no problem with it. But let's not shoehorn something in just for that purpose–one of the reasons XGB is so hated is because is was seen as blatantly PC. Make a black or Hispanic or whatever character because you want a black or Hispanic character, not because you feel you “have” to. There's no network afraid of parent's groups breathing down our necks.

(Personally, I wish we had a female Ghosthead willing to join our group. )

Ludicris: Those pictures are kicking major league A##. Since I'm an artist myself, I've always found having a picture makes a character easier to write–you think “what kind of personality would someone who looks like that have”. I'll probably try interpreting them myself soon, which will also help. Great great work.

Proton User: I haven't said this lately, but the current site looks great. Still, I'm looking forward to what you, Ludicris, and Ron can cook up together–if we can be a third as cool as the Nightsquad site, I'll be in heaven. (Makes me wonder how much Bo Holbrook has to shell out for that superb message board… :0 ) Keep us informed, though that probably goes without saying…

Once again, thanks guys.
:s :d

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

If u guys want my characters arrival can be delayed for a while if needed, u can build john into a fan favorite and then have him leave after the big battle. Whatever works for the team, i think my characters arrival should take a little while. Because in my mind i see his arrival as something not fully wanted by the team. The teams workin fine together and then this guy shows up and thinks turn sour, yet he can get the job done and Fritz and eventually joey know this so they don't want to get rid of him.

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

What Ray said sounds good to me. How 'bout the rest of you guys?

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 9 months ago

In fact why don't we forget about my character completely for a while, meaning take down my profile and stuff and ludicris hold on to my head shot for a while and u guys start writing and i'll tell ya when to let my character make his arrival.

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

It sounds especially good. Thank you very much veedramon, I tried to give good visual characteristics that would hint at their personality, so i guess it worked. Thanks again for the compliments everyone.

Proton_User: Do you think you could post the first part of this on the front page and the mission statement under it? thanks.

The Ghostbusters: West Coast Division

Hello and welcome to the official Ghostbusters: West Coast Division web site. As many of you know, the ghostbusters franchise has grown through out the world in a plethora of areas. For example, there are many different teams in many different areas to control the ongoing struggle between humanity and the paranormal. The Ghostbusters: West Coast Division is a branch of the ghostbusters franchise that is centered on the west coast. The Ghostbusters: West Coast Division has been assembled by Dr. Peter Venkman, a founding father of the ghostbusters franchise. We were assembled by both an act of god and an act of faith from Dr. Venkman. Follow this new branch of Ghostbusters Inc. , start from scratch and build into a team that the west coast trusts for solving all their paranormal needs, both investigation and elimination.


The Godfather,
Joey Williams CEO

Ghostbusters: West Coast Division Mission Statement:

We are here to provide you, the public with enjoyable, comedic adventures of a team of paranormal eliminators known as Ghostbusters: West Coast Division. Our team is hear to take you into a world of both laughter and enjoyment for a valid source of entertainment. We will be supporting you with both smart, thought-provoking stories of our team as well as pictures of the members, group shots and such.
The Ghostbusters: West Coast Division, we’re here for all your paranormal investigation and elimination needs.
We’re Ready To Believe You.

Alright, it seems like the majority of our members (me too) would like to start our stories out with introductions and such and no major baddie bust. I think this will work wonderfully.

Ray Parker Jr. : I was thinking for the character John, it would be quite a shocker if he would get killed by the major baddie (for lack of intelligent terms) at the end of the first season. This might add street credit for our team having twists and such. (i feel like im a rapper) Just my opinion, you dont have to go with it though. Its all in your hands Ray Parker Jr.
