Legends of Ghostbusters

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

Thanks for the support Veedramon. I will surely let you know of anything that comes up in a written essay. I'll send it to you first for revision to where, after reviewed and approved by you and Ludicris (our “Godfather”) be sent out for a review and critique by the team. I wont start writting until you have written the first two or so episodes so I can pick up on the foundations you build.

-feeling special, Otter

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

We don't have to bust in our first story, I'm already in california, so i can bust a rogue ghost or two while you guys are flying over and getting to know each other

a ghost is on the plane (what a frickin suprise) and one of you (already with a pack) catches him

that should let you all get in some conversation, who knows maybe someone could take an early flight and help me with the “welcome to the west coast” party

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago

The idea of having John Lipsyte die in the big showdown with Lord Atrocity had occurred to me as well. Since John is Ray's proxy character, the final say is his–but it sure would add a lot of drama and heft to the story lines, wouldn't it?

Okay, folks–as Official Head Writer of the Ghostbusters West Coast, I have an announcement to make: I've already started writing a draft of the first chapter of “Opening Night”. Actually, I'd been putting little pieces together for a few days; originally I wasn't going to mention it until I had it done, but I guess my new position has gone to my head and made me bolder :d
At this point, it looks like the battle at the theatre will probably comprise two chapters. The first one sees Joey, Peter, Jeremy, and Fritz before and going to the premiere. Kyle and Jiggs make cameos, to “plant” them for later. Venkman and family will appear. Possibly, the Ravisher's appearance will be the cliffhanger ending. Chapter Two will be the actual fight between our characters and the Ravisher as he tries to murder the director. Chapter Three then should be Kyle and Jiggs fighting to save the director and dealing with Ravisher completing his revenge. Kyle has right of first refusal on writing this part. But hopefully everyone else can make it in by Chapter Four, which would feature the actual set-up of GBWC

(Per suggestions by Sinister, each chapter will only be around ten pages or less)

When I finish Chapter One, I'll do the same thing I did with the Prolog (which will probably be integrated with Chapter Four or Chapter Five): upload it to my site and paste the only link in a message to this thread. Once everybody sees it and approves it, it can be considered “official” and submitted to Vincent Belmont.

Hope this is okay with everybody!

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Thats cool with me. See thats why youre head writer, you get things done. It sounds perfect to me. Great job Fritz. The outline makes me anticipate a tremendous first story from the ghostbusters west coast division (if i wasnt in it i mean, thats what i would expect)

The godfather part was a joke. I just bought the old school dvd, and ive watched it three times already, and they call the main character the god father at the fraternity.

by egon901

21 years, 9 months ago

I'm glad that it's all coming together so nicely but, where's hq gonna be? What kind of building I mean.

by Otter

21 years, 9 months ago

You mean you watched the mud wrestling part three times already Ludicris

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

Mud wrestling is fun…

Oh BTW Lud, I colored my headshot, but I can't get the darn thing to save…

Can you send me a Bitmap or preferably a JPEG version please?

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 9 months ago

Me? GBWC- Prolounge Ch.#4 ? I like It. I'll go for it. Veedramon. :d I'll also write the GBWC-Stevens Go Smash ? story , aswell. This will feature, thew annoying Hobnail, the Hobgoblin. This about Dr. Stevens get induced by a ramage spell by Hobnail, and he's this brute force that tears his ways through Planet Hollywood and various movies studios, an movies, and ect. This will be later, but for now Veedramon, congradulations and I'll be happy to write part 4 for you. :s

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Otter, its jelly wrestling and I watched that part 29 times, the whole movie 3
I reccomend Old school to the rest of you, its hilarious. Its sort of like a new generations animal house and it was made by ivan reitman and joe medjuck, and thats always a plus.

SpecterHarness, sure thing, Ill email it to you.

All, I dont know if you will have trouble putting the head shots as your avatar but I had quite a bit of trouble. So im going to ask jesus freak to help me make it fit in the avatar size limit at ghostbusters.net. Contact me if you have had any trouble with this. thanks.

-The godfather

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 9 months ago

I forgot what the heck I was replyin to… BRB

OH!!! Lud, send the email to Harness04@aol.com

If you send to mavraptor4, it won't work