Andy's probably right about the format thing: it won't take an avatar of under 15K and it's almost impossible to make a Bitmap under 15K…
I used my photo processing program (it's a really cheap one that came with the cheap scanner) to reduce and compress Ludicris's pictures. If you need them here they are…
AndyChadJoeyPeterRobertThey're all about 6 or 7K, so they should load just fine.
Kyle: to clarify, I was talking about our third episode, not the fourth. Sorry about the confusion. Andy's written a little piece that will become part of episode four or five. After that, everybody can just go wild until we begin the Big Battle With Lord Atrocity somewhere around, depending on how amped we feel and how long Ray Parker Jr's willing to wait, to conclude somewhere between episodes 13 to 22 (keeping the TV analogies in place) “Kyle Smash!” and anything anybody wants to do can go right in there. Same goes for Andy, Peter, and anyone else wanting to try their hand at writing.
(Maybe, if Ray likes the idea, we can “seed” Leon into things at some point. I'm going to have Fritz mention him a time or two at least, possibly we can work in a guest shot or cameo somewhere. I'm just a little worried that he might start to feel left out.)