Legends of Ghostbusters

by Veedramon

21 years, 9 months ago


As there are a lot of potential fans who may not be paying attention as this thread is nearly forty pages long, and may be confused by the title, I started a new thread (Ghostbusters West Coast Division: Opening Night) just for the purpose of advertising our debut story. The Ravisher and Lord Atrocity bits are actually excerpted from chapter one, and I hope everybody likes the quick quotes I gave them. Some were easy, others I had to improvise, so I hope they're okay…

I hasten to add that unless Ludicris and Kyle feel otherwise, we continue our main discussion in THIS thread, leaving the new one for comments for “outsiders” on the story.

Ray: With your approval, of course, once we get really going I still think we should do one story with Leon in it, as Ludicris suggests. Maybe Joey and Fritz have to go to New York for some sort of meeting at GBInc headquarters, and decide they're close enough to Newark to drop in on Doc's old hang-outs. Joey can meet Leon and bond with him a little bit (maybe even have a ghost case of some sort) so that when Fritz suggests Leon replace John, Joey agrees, knowing Leon will work out (eventually)

by Ludicris

21 years, 9 months ago

Hello all.

On behalf of the team, veedramon, great job. I actually vision the trailer as if it was on the screen and the quotes from each one of us and the two villains fit our characters perfect. If that doesnt get peoples attention, only free drugs can bring them in to the fan fiction boards. Again, beautiful job.

I think that a story with you and I visiting new york for a meeting and then visiting your old hang outs. Throwing in an out of town bust would also add a nice touch. Possibly, Leon could use his street smarts to help us or something to that nature.

PS- veedramon, do you think you could add please, no applause for that. Thanks, again awesome job.

um, i dont know if you would like us to post in that thread or if you would like to just have fans post there. So i wont until, you say so.


by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

The movie trailer feel is exactly what I was kind of shooting for–glad that came across.

To clarify: my thought is that we, the GBWC members, continue to discuss things right here on the “Legends of Ghostbusters” thread. It allows us to conduct things in semi-secret (like I said, the name having nothing to do with GBWC and the length of the thread intimidates newcomers), but if you see something on the “Opening Night” thread that needs to be addressed, do so. That's my feeling–but you're the CEO, if you think we should just move over there that's up to you.

Ghostbuster-x posted that maybe the “Opening Night” thread should've been in the Fan Fiction forum…I debated about that myself, and placed it in GB Inc. If it really would fit better in Fan Fiction we could always ask Kyle to move it.

I worked on Chapter One for a good two hours this morning, and might get some more in tonight. I'm cautiously hoping to have the draft postable by Wednesday morning, though that isn't set in stone.

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Sounds great Fritz and WCGB, I am thurougly looking forward to this.

by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago

I kinda posted on that thread…sry…but it was just a compliment so I dont think Veedramon will get his panties caught in a bundle! :s

-staying in touch, Otter

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Not that it's any of your business, but my underwear is fine
:d :d :d :d :d
Glad you liked the teaser, Otter.

Two down, seven to go…

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Thats terrific news veedramon, I cant wait to see what youve come up with so far on the first story in actual fan fiction format. Im very, very excited. About the ghostbusters west coast division opening night thread I think we should keep it for veedramons original intent, and that is to keep the public informed with our major anouncements. If any of us has news that we would like to post that would interest our fans, then you may be free to post them in that thread as well as this one in case we dont check that one. For which board it should be in, I am hoping we can place it in both the ghostbusters.inc board and the fan fiction boards, Ive seen it done before, so Kyle can you make that happen?

by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago

So I understand you wanted to set some ground rules and dead lines for the team and qualifications we needed to meet continuance aboard this team. Something about a writting due date. Why dont you enlighten us o Godfathery one!

-just a reminder, Otter

by egon901

21 years, 8 months ago

Fritz, I loved the trailer feel to it. But I would've said something like “Oh, comeon. It's not like this is Gozer we're talking about.” Or, “I'm very good with my hands.”

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Egon, you could use…

“Oh please! It's not like he's dangerous or something.”

BTW, Which sounds better for my quote, the pie hole was good and all,

but currently my phrases are…

“Oh dude! I am sooooo gonna have to kick your ass.”

“I would explain it to you; but your brain would EXPLODE!”

“I'm sorry, but you REALLY are that stupid!”