Legends of Ghostbusters

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

“It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye to a proton stream…. Then it's hilarious.”

“Trust me, I'm a professional.”

“Can we say unlicensed nuclear accelerator?”

Please send some feedback on which one you think is best for me….

Curse my creative smart-assed ways.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 8 months ago

“It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye to a proton stream.”

i think that parts funny leave out the last part though. I think it would be so funny if when were training someone f's up and then u say that line

by egon901

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, I could have gone with “Ahh, there's nothing like the sound of an unlicensed nuclear accelerator in the morning.” What do you guys think?

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

On par with that last quote “There's nothing like the smell of buring ectoplasm in the morning.”

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Hello all.

Otter, thank you for bringing that up. Here are some deadlines/rules for the team:


1)every three months, each member (himself) must write at least one fan fic story, at the minimum of 5 pages.

2)At the end of a three month term (it seems like we're in school doesnt it?), every member must submit the story to veedramon, where we will read everyones fic over two weeks, then we will have an anonymous voting, if the fan fic is put up on our site, named official and submitted to the gb.net fan fiction section. If any of us have suggestions we may friendly critique their work and try to make it even better as a team, though it may not be made official. If its not made official its perfectly okay, and you will just have to try again next time. The voting is anonymous so there is no “flame wars” or personal insults and that such.

3)try not to use mary sues

4)try to develop your character's personality and emotions as well as others.

5)Be supportive.

6)Do your best.

7)good luck.


PS- again, great job veedramon. keep up the great work.

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 8 months ago

I think everyone should write a 5 page story about their character that doesn't involve Ghost or anything, just their character in some sort of interesting story as a way for all the other members to get to know the characters better. Such as “Leon Hogan's nite at white diamond” That way we can see what kinda reaction our characters have to different situations and how they talk and im sure it would help everyone else later if they had a background story to read about the characters.

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Revisions have been made to the Trailer, per your suggestions.

I know some of you probably have little or no experience at writing stories, but that's why those of us that do are here to help you. I won't write your stories for you, but will always be willing to go over them to look for syntax and spelling errors. I can't promise superfast responses (I have my own writing to do and a Real Life Job. And that doesn't give me the summer off like most of you.. )

The draft (like I said, I'm still hoping for a Wednesday posting) will have a list of every member of the group, with an asterisk by the name of everybody who actually appears in the story. I would prefer to have EVERYBODY approve it, but members actually appearing in the story are a must. I will not offer it for posting on GBN until at least those members give me the green light (again, preferably everybody)

Ray: character pieces with no Ghostbusting action are okay with me. Heck, I've written a couple of them myself, one of which, “Clinically Insane”, is available at GBN. ((And to be honest there isn't much action in “Opening Night, Part One”) Especially as your character isn't going to be in the early adventures, this would be a great way to explore him.

by Chadderbox

21 years, 8 months ago

hey soory bout this but its exam time so im kind busy latly could some one tell me where to read the story and what to do when i have read it

ps my pic looks like i have a unibrow when compressed

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

I think I'll keep the “it's all fun and games…” quote..

Three month term, eh?

If I was still in charge (read the first few pages) I'd keep it at 3 pages minimum. We aren't that interesting alone. LOL

Then again, BSing is my specialty, LETS DO IT!!!

by egon901

21 years, 8 months ago

Chadderbox, click here.