Legends of Ghostbusters

by Sinister

21 years, 8 months ago

West Coast, I hereby offer you thge oppertunity to include yourself in the GBI/GB Inc fanfic timeline in the FF section. Obviously there is no requirement to accept, but I feel it brings us all closer together! it also allows us to get a better idea of when things happen. And with Doomsday coming soon, that is VERY important.

by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago

SpecterHarness - I dont know if you are trying to take Ludicris' authority away, but I recall you “officially” resigning and handing down “power” to Ludicris. He has been doing a great job since he was in control. This fan fic team has grown tremendously since your absence mostly thanks to Ludicris and many other swhich I am sure support him. We have also started a tie with the fan fic team “Nightsquad” (a huge accomplishment. Those of you who dont understand, please visit www.nighsquad.tk) which is a great fan fic team. And above me is a post by a potential other fan fic teamwho has caught interest in this team. So Ludicris MUST be doing something right!

Sinister - Thank you for observing our team and showing interest. Im sure my superiors will get with you asap!

-exercising civil rights, Otter

by Proton_User

21 years, 8 months ago

this team is starting to pull together more and more everyday and i agree with specter i think 3 pages is plenty! but i do agree that Ludicris is doing a FANTASTIC job
hope that me ludicris and jesus freak can get together and discuss the website!! it can be done any time i am online!

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Okay, Andy, okay…“It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye to a proton stream…. Then it's hilarious.” It's in there now! :d

Things are looking real good for the draft being up tomorrow morning. I've actually got it written and just need to convert it to html tonight (I still write in Wordpad)

Glad to see Sinister's become interested in our little project. And you can be darn sure he'll be hearing from me about timelines (I have an affection for those, you know ) Him and Kingpin actually mean that guys from THREE other teams (Nightsquad, NOMAD, and GBUK) are keeping tabs on us. All we need now is for Lord Vego to drop in or something :d …

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

Been a lot of action during my trip to Hershey.

I like the trailer Veedramon, it captures our team's spirit nicely.

I think I'll begin writing a story on my character prior to Opening Night. It'll explain about my character's life as child and growing up, etc. It'll tell how he became an animator and such. Not sure exactly when it'll be finished since I'm the middle of working on my trilogy. (only 4 more chapters to go on Episode II)

Wish I could've brought each member a fresh candy bar back from the town, but oh well.

Ludi, have you started working on redesigning my character's avatar? Just curious. Hope to chat with ya guys on AIM soon.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Timelines rule!!!!

Just thought you'd like to know.

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

Trying to figure out how to place my character accurately in both the GB & FGB timelines. Both cartoons debuted in ‘86, but when exactly did the 2 shows take place? This would definitely help in figuring out when my character is born. If necessary because of inconsistancy issues, I could make my character a nephew of Jake instead of a son. Because if my character is going be 23, then his birthdate ends up in the year 1980. And I still wouldl ike my character to be working for Disney (so I don’t want him to be too young)

Anyone have any suggestions?

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Hello all.

Today, I spoke with sinister about the time line and Im proud and pleased to say, we will be involved in this project, which will in a way, unify the ghostbusters inc community. We had a discussion on which area our first story should be placed. Obviously, are team would have been formed before doomsday, since we are participating. I was thinking of forming directly after the war with Iraq, with sort of having the movie opening to celebrate the outcome, so we could possibly make some jokes (ie that ghost was taken down easier than those hussein statues or i dont know something to that nature, just an example). Well, its up to the majority of the group of when we will be formed though we should take into consideration that gbuk and nomad were formed before us so we should really come after them. Though, Ill leave it up to you. That is just how I feel and speaking to Sinister, we discussed that and thought having us being sort of a younger team could add some comments by others or something to that nature (in doomsday).

Otter - Thanks for backing me up there. You may now kiss one of the godfathers rings.

Veedramon - Great work! Im very excited to read your first draft, I know its going to be superb.


by Proton_User

21 years, 8 months ago

we are definetly slowly creaping to the top ranks in GB inc.Rogue Squad was good but we rushed into it thats why it failed but we learn from mistakes and look at us now!
we're hitting the big time (at least i hope we do! )

Veedramon i also cant wait to read the first draft it sounds cool! :s

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Okay, folks. Here we go. Anton, drumroll please…

First Draft of Ghostbusters West Coast Division: Opening Night, Part One

I await your comments.

Ludicris: Expect that you and Sinister will hear more from me about the Timelines. And I agree that after Gulf War II is perfect–heck I figure our debut is happening right about now, May-June 2003. But I'm not as up on “Doomsday” as you are yet, so I don't know how that will all relate.

Peter: Having you be Jake Jr.'s son would provide a stronger narrative link (and the draft as written still assumes you are) but to do so we would probably have to say you were born before the FGB show, or that it takes place much earlier than it's air dates (that's not completely out of line, as in the Omnibus RGB Seasons 1-3 “happen” about two years before they aired). The final say is yours, of course–it's your character, and the Draft is just that, a draft that can be changed. A short story about your character before GBWC sounds cool to me–or from any of you, for that matter!