Legends of Ghostbusters

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

I just finished reading the first draft and I must say I absolutely loved it. It was great, all of the characters, the interactions. I liked how you described how the ghost enters and my first cartoon reference quote: “Wow…Peter thought to himself. They should've gotten THAT guy to do the Garfield movie instead of Bill Murray! He sounds just like Lorenzo Music!!!”
A Garfield reference is absolutely perfect for the first story. And it seems to be like a small tribute to the great voice actor mentioned.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Hello all.

Veedramon, once again you have outdone yourself. Amazing job. For the comments part, I like your idea of my character flirting with chelsea although he is already involved with someone else, a Gina Saunders(my character being typically venkmanesque). Brilliant dialogue and detail of the ravisher's appearance and the settings. Its better than I imagined.


by kyleogb1983

21 years, 8 months ago

Coo Fan Fic, Veedramon, Guiys, I have had an error to my comuter I have to type the Villians appearences tomorrow monring or afternoon. Sorry for the delay.

by egon901

21 years, 8 months ago

Fritz, one word, WOW! And no I don't have a girlfriend, so leave that in there. It makes me feel special. Oh yeah, I can explain how a proton pack works to a four year old so be careful how you portray my intelligence. Lettin' you know (not tryin' to flame)

EDIT I like the way you introduced La Llarona and the link between us. More than likely I'll be writing the first time we met for my fan fic.

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Okay…I've heard from Ludicris, Kyle, Peter, and Egon901…all I need is to hear approval from Jiggs (in some ways he's the hardest one to write, as he's only posted like, what, twice?) but felt that putting him in the scene with Kyle would work better than some new character.

Ludicris: Should I write Gina into the story, to appear at the beginning and/or at the Premiere as your date? Or should I leave it as is and get back to it later? (maybe she and Joey are fighting right now or something, which could explain why she isn't in the story) Your call.

Kyle: I'll get some modifications to Ravisher's description done pronto (I like the hoodie idea…it adds a nice, surreal touch). Your email just says “demon” though…I guess I'll have to wait until you get those details up huh?

Peter: I got your email and will respond to it directly as soon as I read the whole story. As far as “Opening Night” goes, I thought it was a great way to work in “Peter having a cartoon reference thought”. I don't want to reopen the whole debate here (Please, please, I mean that), but I'm one of those people who says “Bill Murray created Venkman, Lorenzo Music WAS Venkman.”

Egon901: The whole story of the “Weeping Woman” is your ball game, but I'm glad you didn't mind me “planting” it in the narrative. And if you think I somehow minimized your capacities please clarify–that was far from my intention. Your character, as it stands, does lack the eduaction of Joey or Fritz, but I never viewed him as stupid.

I think we're off to a good start, guys.

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Bravo Fritz, a well don fic, I look forward to seeing what the rest of the team creates.

Hotel Sedgewick, is that a blatent reference, or is it actually real in LA?

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

I've begun working on an outline on the background story of my character. It's to take place the night before Opening Night. My character is looking back on his life paging through an old scrapbook of his.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 8 months ago

Ok, I am offically done with the villain appearences… I hope that you guys enjoy this..


Monherians- A cross between pixes adn trolls. They have short, rounded bodies. Short limbs or appendiages and with wavy hair, plus staring eyes and dull looking teeth.


Snow or Ice Demons (Snow Monsters)- Tall Figures that come from either ice or snow. Snow- Are taller but light of the two ( 200 lbs and 6 ft tall). They have one arm but a talon on the left side. Ice- Are more shorter but heavier of the two ( 7ft tall and 300 lbs) . They have one am with a talon on the right side.


Darmond, The Tormentor.- Tall figure that weight a ton but has no body fat all muscle. Wears a purple suit and has green skin with purple tinted eyes. and has blonde hair, too.


Celcent, the Eye Collector. Tall Figure, with an athletic body style. He skin is pale and he has a chemcial defeat to his face leaving it untectable and has green eyes. He carries a pouch and a carving knife with im, aswell


Blemisher- Average size about 6'0'' and 240 lbs. He looks liek an normal human but a bit of an athletic body type. He wears a green suit that proects his body. He has a bluish skins tone with orange hair and yellow eyes.


Jenny Havier- A skate-like with body with a twist tail and sharp teeth.About 3-4 ft in lenth and its weight is about 50-100 lbs.


Sea Serpants-Thick scaley skin, with either a large/ bulky body or long /slender body. Sharp teeth and are 20-50 ft in lenth plus weight about 20-25 tons. It uses its size to ram or for fast swimming for catching prey. Most common are green, black, tan, or brown.


Cobleeches- A cross between sea serpents and leeches. They have thick skinned, even its head and eyes are completely covered. They are huge abou 30-60ft in lenth and weight is about 25-30 tons. They have a body of a sea serpent with is very slender and face of a leech. They have a gapping mouths for sucking or devouring their prey. They also have vemon sacs for spitting or straying vemon on their enemies.


Hobnail, the Hobgoblin.- Average hobglobin size ( 4'5'') plus normal weight (150 lbs). Wears a brown rode or trench coat. Has brownish- tan skin tone. He has a pointed nose, sharping looking teeth, pointed chin, and an annoying laugh. Has orabge-red eyes.


Redcaps- Average size for a dwarf about 4'5'' and weighing about 75lbs. They wear a small ( not baseball caps, more like a santa hat) red caps and wears all red, aswell. They have short arms and legs but have sharp claws and teeth.


Bugbear- Large bear like body with a hobgoblin's head adn has a wipe mouth, aswell. Its about 7'0'' and 400 lbs, tall bear-like figure.


Werewolves- Tall, bulky figures. About 5-7 ft tall and about 300-400 lbs. Can craw/run on all fours and/or run and walk on its hind legs. They have no tails and has a long middle finger. Has red glowling eyes or brown eyes, mainly according to hop they are.

Cywong, the Vampire- Average siz about 5'8'' and 125 lbs. She was reed eyes and long black hair and wears a body suit. She is an Asian vampire and is noted her her attractive appearence.


Stacy, the Zombie.- Average size about 5'6'' and 122 lbs when she was alives. She looks like an normal zombie but has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her appearence is some what decayed and has someone holes and tears on her body.


Goblins- Small little creature that are 3-4 ft tall and about 100-150 lbs. They have small body bodies and have a grotesque appearence. They come and varous shapes , sizes, and colors. The most have green, brown, and tan skin and wear green, brown or tan clothing ,aswell. Thye have brown or black eyes and shin when ligt reflets off them.


Fairies- Small or average sized ( 3cm-5ft tall) and about 1 oz and 100lbs. They come in various sizes and colors. The most common tyope wears a green or blue sparking dress and has blonde or red hair. With blue and green eyes. But they also have different skins tonesand has wings for flying, aswell.


Modbods- Tall robotic figures about 7'0'' ft tall and about 3 tons. they have long limbs or appendiages with dangerous photon guns mounted to them. Plus their robotic eyes can shoot a lazar blasts at their enemies. And they bodies have a silverish-grey tint to them.


Skin Stealers- Depends whose skin that they steal. They're large reptilian creatures with sharp teeth and claws and has thick scalely skin and weighs aboiut 400 lbs.


Pixies-They are average size about 4-5ft tall abd about 100-150 lbs. Like the fairies they came in varous appearence and skin tones. The most common type wear either blue or hot pink body suits,have blue, green, or pink hair, staring black eyes and has a sparking glow around them and has wings for for flying.


Orges- Tall , bulky figures that are 7ft - 15ft tall and 350- 3,500 lbs. They have eitgher brown and greenish skin tone and a grotesque appearence. They have red or green eyes . They wear withe r a brown or tan clothing and carries a boiling pot with them, aswell.


Trolls- They can be little dwarfish creatures ( 4 ft tall) to tall giants ( 18ft tall) and their weights are about 200 lbs - 4,000 lbs. They have a grotesque appearence to themselves. And have with a tanish-brown or purplish color to them. Thye can come in different color skin tones and sizes. They all wear plated armor to protect themselves, aswell. The dwarfish ones will live under bridges and such.

Isabel, the Vampire- Vampire/ Succubus from the Latin Culture, she appears to be an actractive woman dress in purple. Her has brown eyes ith long brown hair. She's about 5'7'' and 135 lbs. Very slender looking body type , aswell.


Lizbunt, the Lizardman- A tall lizard monster abut 6'5'' and 450 lbs with thick scaley on his body , except for his chest. He also has sharp claws and teeth, aswell. Has orange glowing eyes, too.


Lepreachauns- Small magical Irish faries that all green and have red hear and beards. Their about 4 ft tal and 145 lbs. They always carry a lucky charm with them , aswell.


Lord Shiva- Tall figure, look lie an old Norse Viking is about 6'9'' and 2,500 lbs , no body fat, all muscle. Has greyish skins with while eyes eyes , aswell. His armor is a silver color, plus carries a sheild and battle axe , aswell. His said that have blue hair.


Damiea, Earl of Destruction.- Tall figure, aswell. He's about 6'9'' and 2000 lbs , no body fat all muscle. His a pale complexed skin and his armor is a red tint to it. He carries a spear and shield woith him aswell. He is said that Green hair.


Stay Puft ,Marshmellow Man. A giant Marshmellow man, that wears a sailor's hat and scarf plus a ribbin, aswell. Solid white colored body, aswell.


Ghouls- Depends on who they were. Thye wears a dark robe, htat have a rotten appearence and a decayed look to themselves. They have sharp teeth and claws. Most coomon ghoul is 6'0'' and 180 lbs and they have staring black eyes and a ghastly face.


Gremlins- Tiny destuctive little pixies that have a grotesque appearence to themsevles. They about 3'5'' and 50 lbs. Thye have sharp teeth and claws and they have greenish or brownish tone to their skin. They have big black or brown eyes, aswell. Notes - Most can come in many different colors, aswell.


Witches- Attractive maidens who wear all black and have with black or white hair, most common type of witches, aswell. They are average size about 5'8'' and 130 lbs. They carry spell books with them and are a unknown of age but come in many different appearences.


Warlocks- Male witches , who are all black, and tends to have eoither black or brown hair., another common type of warlocks. They carry spell books with them. They about 6'2'' and 200lbs. They are of unknown age and come in many different appearences.

Soultracker- Average size about 6'2'' and 220 lbs. He has a athletic body style but his appearence is all black and he has green glowing eyes. Carries a sword called the “ Soultrracker's sword”, it's solid black with a red handle.


Manticora- A huge creature about 5'0'' on all fours and 7'0'' while standing up. Its part lion, horse or bird with a face of a man. It has a tail full or quills that are poisonous and has about 3-5 rows of teeth in each jaw. * He comes in various cultures, If I forgot to mention that I'm sorry and you might want to have correct that on the villains profiles.

Ashram- Has a doll-face and wears a robe with the name “ Dr. Harness” on it and has a no ghost logo branded on his thigh , aswell.


Frau Geistimann- Average size about 5'9'' and 135 lbs. She was a attractive appearence, she wears a purple body suit and she has a pale complexed skin tone, aswell. She has long black hair and black eyes , aswell.


Herr Geistimann- Tall figure about 7'0'' and 345 lbs. He has a greyish skin tone and wears all copper metaled armor, which is golden colored. He has yellow eyes and white long hair.


Anubis- He used like Gerald Butler in appearence. He's 6'0'' , 200 lbs. He is a avatar for the Egyptian god of death, Anubis. He's Anubis's vessel, whom the Egyptian god had processed for his own worldly destuction. He wears a black body suit called the “ Solar Time Suit.” While given the suit, he has Anubis's appearence, now. He has the body of a man but the head of a jackal .

Lord Artocity- A tall figure being 10ft and 2,500 lbs. He has a white toned body but wears a black and red body suit. He has short, wavy black hair and red eyes.

Ravisher- An Average spirit about 5 ft tall. He has a wraith-like body with the head of a jackal, he has red glowing eyes and has talons instead of hands. He's also wears brown or black hoodies or robes. He has a greying or smoke color body, aswell. * Notes this is the final idea for the Ravisher.*

***Edited*** Two new villians…
Cyberbeasts- 7 ft tall and 450 lbs. Tall figures with a cybernetic body. Has red glowing eyes, long sharp stainless steel claws about 3 inches longer than a normal werewolf. Thye also have sharp claws on their feet and steel teeth for killing its prey. Body is complete made out of steel but can transform into a normal werewolf for a few moments.

Gargoyles- They come in various sizes, colors, and gender. They all wear tattered and torn clothing, might carry clubs or maces with them. Most are about 3-7 ft tall and weighing about 200-350 lbs. Most common type of Gargoyle are… having red, green, or gray skin tone. Red or black eyes. Having red, black, or white hair, aswell.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Hello all.

Great work on the villain's appearances Kyle. Nice work.

Well, I posted early on about making a little document of all the most important parts of this thread (ie appearance requests, bios, prologue, opening night part one draft, villain biographies, villain appearances and stuff of that sort). All I did was go through every page of the thread and copy and paste of what I thought were the most important parts and that would be useful to everyone in their writings as a reference tool. If anyone wants this please let me know in their next post. Itll probably be easier then going back through the thread.


by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Otter, I should have posted this a few pages ago….

“Dude, calm the freak down!”

I was just joking…

Apparently I'm the only one besides Kyle, Joey, and Fritz with a sense of humor, yet everyone wants to be the smart-ass..

Can we say “wanna be media darling”?

Lud is doing a great job (That's why he got the job) DOI!!!

I was simply being sarcastic towards the whole 5 page thing…

But if ya'll wanna be stubborn and literal, fine.

BTW Otter, that last comment was sarcasm.

I mean no harm by what I say, but ya'll gotta loosen up if you want to survive this..

::steals survival pun from fritz::