Legends of Ghostbusters

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Oh guys, I think we have a slight problem…

Ya'll know how much some of us are continuity freaks….

But I don't think the older disabled Andy will work..

In all ETGB stories and crossovers, you can plainly see “November 2002 9:01 AM”

I was hoping to avoid this problem for the good of the team seeing is how NOBODY besides GBI likes 17-18 year old ghostbusters….

But since ETGB and GBWC are in Doomsday, a paradox forms, the decision of which team I will be on is not the issue. The age. I don't get my back broken till next year.

I will be with both teams in the both our stories, further adding to the connectiveness of Doomsday,


We have to make a decision,

A) Andrew Harness is a 17 year old kid vacationing in the west coast busting ghosts (the school thing when fall comes could be my disability)

B) You guys keep the guy in the wheelchair and the ETGB dies out as a fictional occurance, killing off the hopes of those who I promised crossovers to… (Sorry NS, you guys can't do a crossover with us anymore due to our schedules…)

If ya go with B, I won't be mad, but the ETGB will have to resign from GB Inc, seeing is how they don't exist anymore, and the boys in camo go back to the real world showing off pictures on our brand new site and making news from the school.

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

I don't mind you being 17 in the story. And after reading three of your ETGB stories, I'd hate to see the team disappear so fast.

by kyleogb1983

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, Dr. Harness, I don't see a problem with having your age 17-18. I vote for option A having you stay with the team. However, this is your decision and I say that we all respect that.

by Kingpin

21 years, 8 months ago

Actually, when NS started three members were late teens, so I think the 17-18 year old Ghostbuster thing can work, Andy, don't change your character, I think, in some way, your disability gives your charater extra material to work with.

“Hey, one more short joke, and so help me god you'll wish you were never born!”

“Hey, I do my job, sure, I got wheels instead of legs, but I still work for a living.”

Hmmm, do I sense some sort of resentment in my own reply?

by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago

Veedramon - I was thinking of writing my story as a two parter. THe only catch is when I write, I like to introduce the all the characters in one way or another in a first chapter. This is more for me than you guys, so I can get a better feel for the characters since I have been studying your profiles. I just want to ask you if my idea related too much to your genius Opening Night. What is your thought?

KyleStevens - Very good villain profile. Im sad to say that I once underestimated your potential up till now. I apologize.

Specter- I wasnt trying to bite your head off there but your “sarcasm” sounds a lot like criticism at times. And many of your posts are random. I was just blowing off a little steam. I have a sense of humor, just not patience (which will be the death of me).

-questioning, envying, and explaining, Otter

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

BTW, Ludi. I'd like to have that list you made of the important stuff from our long LONG thread. Thanks

by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago

That would be ditto Ludicris.

-begging, Otter

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

spectreHarness: As I've said continually, Andy's character is clearly under your control. If you want to go back to the 17-19 thing that's fine. I'm still presuming the already written ETGB stories still “happened' and are part of your backstory..and as you said quite a while back, the ”It's before I get disabled“ option opens the idea of using Ashram in our stories, but once more you have final say on that. So if we got that route, our options are the following:

1. As Andy suggests, he's vacationing in California when all of this starts. We could even write him into ”Opening Night, Part One“ concievably.

2. Venkman contacts him later, though the younger Andy scenario makes the question of ”why him?“ a little louder. Not insurmountable.

And of course if Andy is NOT crippled, when the Prolog is integrated into the narrative I'll have to use the earlier version.

But I'm not quite as much a stickler for ”absolute, consistant continuity“ as I might appear sometimes. For instance, there is nothing in RGB or XGB to support the idea of Venkman marrying Dana Barrett, but it's there in the Prolog. If you want to say ”forget the 2002 dates on the ETGB stories“ it won't bother me. If you want to stick to them, that won't bother me either.

Kyle: Awesome awesome stuff. As a character, the idea of facing those guys scares the hell out of me. As a writer, I'm salivating at the thought of using some of those guys! The revisions to Ravisher's description will be done shortly (possibly tomorrow). And by the way…if you can persuade Jiggs to post or email approval on his appearance in the story, please do so. He's the last holdout of the characters who actually appear.

Otter: Don't know what to tell you. I really want to see what you can do, but I see your dillemma. About the only thing I can suggest is either ”Do what you want and it can be modified later“ (ie the Prolog) or ”Wait until the first story arc is done" and build your idea accordingly.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Yea, they happened…

Before the end of the month, me and Sinister are working on the ETGB/GB-UK crossover

And Otter, I can see where your coming from

At times, my sarcasm gets carried away into blowing off steam, but most of the time, I'm a EXTREMELY friendly guy who is harmless.

I think I'll stay 17, although the wheelchair jokes would have been cool.

“Aren't you going to join your friends?”
“This place ain't wheelchair friendly. That's another 2 grand added to your bill!”

I love it, but I think I'll have to save it for the X-Squad stories of 2008

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

BTW, Otter, whatcha mean by random posts?

My job keeps me away from the boards at times, but I am here on every page, I may not post until I feel something needs to be said.

But if you mean random and somewhat meaningless…

The people who I refer know what I mean due to inside jokes.