Legends of Ghostbusters

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Peter Kong and Otter, I need your email addresses to send the reference sheet to you. Thanks.

by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago

Ludicris - otter1@tampabay.rr.com (I can't believe you dont have it!!!)

Veedramon - could you be a little more specific? Well, the question I am really trying to ask is should all of our stories be a continuance of Opening Night or what? I dont know if we are starting from any point or not.

-clarifying, Otter

by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago

I dont know if any of you read the fic from NOMAD but it is fantastic!!!


that is the address to rate it. It is very good! And you may want to turn on a light. The fear factor and tension levels are high!! They could really assist us if we ever needed advice and I am really looking forward to a duo with them. I am just speechless.

-amazed, Otter

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

Well, I am writing my background story of me going through a scrapbook and looking back at memories. This story takes place the night before Opening Night.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Hey guys, I've been talking to Sinister again and he came up with a good publicity stunt for you all and adding more twists to the ETGB final adventure…

Please note that this will be a while from now, seeing is how I wish for the boys in camo to last at least a year. LOL

But in Legacy, ya'll know what happens, but I would be honored if that was also one a crossover between ETGB/WC

I think it'd be cool to do one even before Legacy..

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

As I've said before, Ashram's a scary scary dude. Making your final battle with him a Big Crossover Event could accentuate it's importance in your character's story.

Thus we are back to Andy as a 17 year old. I'm thinking for the moment, then, we not write him into “Opening Night” and have, as Andy's own prolog details, Venkman bribe him later to come to California to train the GBWC. Andy decides he likes it there and sticks around some, dividing his time between ETGB and GBWC, until the final battle with Ashram. The “Andy in a wheelchair” subplots can be used after that (I know, quite a ways down the line).

Otter, I'm not sure what I'm trying to say either. Most of our characters meet for the first time in “Opening Night” (episodes 1-3) and the follow-up (I tentatively title it “Learning Curve”, episodes 4-6, where Andy will be brought in, Robert, Chad, and John Lipsyte recruited, maybe leading to the bust of Ravisher in episode 6. By then we know he's only the tip of the iceburg) Dr. Masterson is a character with a rich backstory built in, but one thing that springs to mind is this: why would some guys working in LA recruit a guy living homeless in New York? Brainstorm some of that. Does Joey just trip over you while on a visit to Ghostbusters Central? Or does say Ray Stantz find you in an alley, and knows who you are (“Wow!!! Doctor Otter, inventor of the RAM drive!!! Awesome!!!”); when the GBWC sets up, he goes “I know who you guys can get to work on your stuff…” (knowing full well there are some other tech guys like Robert, but it's a big operation). Maybe none of the above. But sometimes having a bunch of ideas to discard helps find one you like… :d .

I'll try to get some revisions to “Opening Night, Part One” uploaded shortly (a more complete description of Ravisher at the end.)

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Hello all.

The ghostbusters west coast division reference sheet has been sent to whoever requested one (ie otter and peter kong), so check your mail, you wont be disappointed.

Veedramon - Otter's arrival to the team has crossed my mind once or twice as well. Your ideas are always successful and I love yours of Ray finding him and then reffering him to us. For just another idea to throw in the brain storm, I hit him with my car and break his arms or something to that sort, then me being the generous and good looking character, offer him a job to ease my inner guilt. This whole idea is a joke so dont take it too seriously unless its incredibly brilliant, then I wanted to make it that way.

PS - I prefer veedramons idea of otters arrival and introduction.


by Otter

21 years, 8 months ago


I am pretty sure I covered it in my profile. I think I said that I lived in the alleyway between GWC North Division HQ and some finantial building aparatus. But, I really am intrigued by Ludicris' idea of Joey hitting Nathaniel with a car. I just have one minor thought. Instead of him just being “generous”, how bout Nathaniel complaining he will sue (what does the guy have to loose?) and Joey, instead (having a flashback from Ray mentioning a Nathaniel Masterson in the past or something like that) offering him a job as head engineer. V's (my new shorter name fer ya Veedramon ) idea is good, but this one just tickles my funny bone.

-piecing together, Otter

P.S. What I really mean is, do I continue writting from Opening Night or do my own thing? Since Specter or PeterKong is doing the prequel to Opening Night. Help a poor confused public school white trash summer imposed kid think straight!

P.S. S. And….uh….V, when I said RAM I meant the RAM Jet Engine, not the RAM drive on a computer if thats what you meant . It's okay though. Dont stress yerself over it!

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

Uh Ludi, could you send it ag? I think I may have mistakenly deleted it by accident. I imagine it was a large e-mail file and would've been placed in my Bulk folder where most of my junk e-mail is typically placed when it arrives (i.e. I don't usually get normal e-mail in that folder) and I deleted what was in that folder w/out looking in it and then I came to GBN and saw your post and thought, “it wasn't in my inbox.” SO unless the internet is just late delivering it to my inbox (which I doubt is the case) I must have accidentally deleted it without even knowing it was there in the first place. Sorry for the trouble, Ludi