Legends of Ghostbusters

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

Since I heard no objections…
Awaiting Approval
Ghostbusters West Coast: Opening Night, Part One
The die is cast, guys. Have mercy on us. :d

Sinister and Jesusfreak: I looked at the AIM site last night, and though I haven't done anything YET I should have some good news very soon. I'm equal parts flattered and nervous about how strongly you're trying to reach me…

As far as titles: as you can see I submitted “Opening Night” under the full title “Ghostbusters West Coast”. Maybe use the full title for the “big” stories, and the abbreviation “GBWC” for the smaller ones? I guess we're stuck with the full title for the origin, but it can be shortened after that.


21 years, 8 months ago

I'm sure Iain or Ben will approve teh fic soon…btw Vee…*poke* Hahaha!

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Veedy, the title can be shortened once people know who ya are…

Trust me

East Tennessee Ghostbusters takes up a lot of space when you wanna title something

“Ashram's Escape” or “The Day of Mud”

by egon901

21 years, 8 months ago

V, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you and I grew up together because you wrote my character like I am in real life. :d Sorry about blowing up earlier. I wanted the feel of my story( the one I'm trying to write) to be that of a blue collar guy, down on his luck most of the time, so you hit it right on the head. If any of the rest of you want what I have written so far, just e-mail me at wolverine901@yahoo.com with your gbn name and I'll e-mail it to you. Thank you for your time :s :d

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

Hopefully it'll be approved soon. Can't wait to see it on the actual site

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Hello all.

All - After this post, there will be no more inner fighting between three members. Otter has nothing against any of you, he just expresses his feeling passionately, which I admire and he has a sense of humor. I see no reason why to keep badgering the subject. I am glad that many of the members are just ignoring any mention of the conflict and I am glad the rest of you do so. So from now on, there will be no mention of the little struggle, ever. Not even for a joke, we will just forget that it ever happened. If you would like to talk it out over aim, that would work very beneficially, though lets not do it on the gb.net boards because we are a new team and we want to make good impressions, so I would like to not hear any mention of this again, not even in the next post because talking about it can only give re-birth to the inner conflict of the team.

There has also been a discrepency about the writing of the fan fictions which each member is required to write and now I will clear this up. Okay, having heard your concerns on the length of the mandatory storys, i have decided to not have a page limit, but to judge it by the attempt. If i think you tried even if its 1 page you will be fine (if veedramon agrees, since he really is in charge of the writing). There is also some confusion of what theyre writing about. Well, each member must write a fan fic about either their sub-division or the whole team. If you would like to do a character piece, you may, though you must still do your regular one of the whole team or sub division. On whether the story should be told through one character's perspective or more like a real ghostbusters episode, Im not totally sure yet. I need to speak to Veedramon on what he thinks would work best, or maybe a mixture of those would be nice, but im not totally sure what we're going to do.

Terrific news about opening night. It will be approved, that I have no worries about.


PS - lets all go back being friends and not enemies. Everyone on this team is a great person and we should all treat each other with respect.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Who was the third member BTW?

Sorry, anyhoo. I got the board up and running with the team captains, plus Peter Kong as Mods.

Hope ya'll like it, and Lud, I haven't tried the image thing yet, but I'm working on it.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

No problem Andy. Take your time, Im just so excited about having our own message board.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Would you like me to run the tutorial program?

N/M, unless you watch RvB, you wouldn't get that.

Oh Well, I ran into some problems with the MB, but now that it's up, we can spend our time there and reduce the amount of messages here a bit.

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

And now, drumroll Anton, the moment we've all been working towards…

Ghostbusters West Coast: Opening Night, Part One

Cokes and Twinkies all around my friends. We are now in business!