Legends of Ghostbusters

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Egon901's story sucked. Just kidding. It was pretty good. I am working on my story and it should be done once I get some more info.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Hello all.

Im pleased to anounce some cross-over news. You all know the two most powerful and inspiring fan fiction teams, Nightsquad and Nomad, well, crossovers are in the works with both teams.

Nightsquad - Ben King (kingpin) will be writing the nightsquad/gbwcd crossover. For more information on this visit the nightsquad message boards, go under the ben king message board, and you'll see our very own crossover thread. Before it is made official he is letting us get started with acouple stories to get us a little more well-known.

Nomad - In this fan fic, the members of nomad will be split up. Some working with the north subdivision and the others working with the south. I'm appointing one member from each sub-division to work with a member from nomad. For the north, head writer, veedramon will be collaborating with the late great ron daniels. For the south, we will have co-captain SpecterHarness teaming up with Tom. (note:specterharness has not been notified yet, this is if he accepts). Each sub-division will be dealing with their own paranormal problems, some warewolfs and some slime.

Both of these have the makings of a fan fiction crossovers that will never be forgotten. It is an honor to work with both of these teams, which everyone knows inspired each and everyone of us.


by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

I'd say that was great news if I hadn't just heard it from Ron myself :d

A few bits of business:

I started writing Part Two the day before yesterday, but haven't got too far yet. Idea for how, exactly, the battle with the Ravisher should go are welcome at this point(especially from Peter, Ludicris, and Egon901, who are actually there, and Kyle, who created Ravisher–but any ideas will be listened to) I'm off this weekend, and hope to make some progress.

Egon901: I recieved your story and hope to read and comment on it tomorrow.

Andy: I tried logging into the ETGB site earlier today, and while it accepted my registration (“newest member Dr. Fritz V.Baugh”) it wouldn't let me post anything. It kept acting like I wasn't logged in. Either I did something wrong or…

Ludicris: I have some concepts for the 2003 versions of the original Ghostbusters. My scanner is having problems, but if I can get it fixed I should be able to post or email the drawings this weekend. Basically, I started with the RGB designs…Venkman looks pretty much exactly like RGB (his hair is greying, but as vain as he is he hides it) Egon is similar to RGB. Ray has a beard (I think fan fic writer Christie Renner suggested Ray growing a beard, and I liked the sketch I came up with). Winston's probably the best one–I gave him white streaks, and his mustache is back. Janine, I opted for a more conservative dress style and short cut hair that, more than anything, combines to make her look a lot like Annie Potts in GB1. These are my idea.

Fanfics: I will correct spelling and syntax mistakes that I catch, but I'm not an English teacher like Vincent Belmont . I will make suggestions if I think it warrented, like characterization or even paragraph breaks (Egon901's heard my say on that :d ). I have to disagree with Ludicris on one point: the person who actually wrote the story should be the one to submit the “approved” version to GBN, so that way they get the credit for it. Ludicris's way, every story would appear under my name, and I just don't think that'd be fair to everybody.

by Ludicris

21 years, 8 months ago

Sorry about that. That was a mistake on my part about you submitting each story. Veedramon will give the okay after an anonymous voting for you to submit your fan fiction. I apologize for the misunderstanding and good catch Veedramon.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Lud, I'll be more than happy to work with Tom.

Tom is a cool guy.

Tom is a good writer and uh… wait!

Who the hell is Tom? LOL (I honestly don't know his GBN name)

Fritz, you have to enable your IE to accept ALL cookies, that turned out to be a real problem for me as well until I figured out what in the 9 hells was going on. HA

Hope that works for ya.

by Veedramon

21 years, 8 months ago

A statement from the Official Historian

A member of this team has come to me with some concerns about two pieces of content in “Opening Night, Part One” in regards to the Ghostbusters Inc. timeline currently being developed by Sinister. His suggestion is that I have somehow “screwed up” things for all other GBI fanfics. I wish to provide some answers to the issue before things get out of hand.

Point of Contention Number One:
Wow…Peter thought to himself. They should've gotten THAT guy to do the Garfield movie instead of Bill Murray! He sounds just like Lorenzo Music!!!
To be honest, yes, on that point there was some stubborness involved; I have made little secret of the fact that I consider the RGB versions from Season One just as valid and definitive as the GB1 versions of the original Ghostbusters. It is Lorenzo's voice I hear in my head reading–and writing–Venkman's lines, not that of Bill Murray and certainly not Dave Coulier. The same goes for Egon (Maurice Lamarche), Ray (Frank Welker), Winston (Arsenio Hall), and Janine (Laura Summer). I also considered the line a great way to reinforce Peter Kong's animation background. I am willing to not make mention of this fact any further in GBWC stories, but I will certainly not ever say “Venkman sounds just like Bill Murray” either. Because to me he doesn't.

Point of Contention Number Two:
ever since Columbia closed their parapsychology department in 1983
First, it was not my intention to “screw up” anything, nor to say “anybody saying anything else is wrong” I have bent over backwords saying “This is my interpretation of Ghostbuster continuity, based on the evidence as follows.” And there's over sixty pages of it available in the link in my signature line. But at no point have I said “This is the only interpretation and everybody else is wrong” I go into WHY I say 1983 in my works. But never have I said “1984 is wrong” All I ask is the same courtesy in return.

And one more point: for a length of time a few days ago, the 1983/1988 dates for the movies, the same ones I use, WERE posted on Sinister's timeline. By the time I noticed he'd changed them back, “Opening Night Part One” had already been submitted.

I know this may sound strange coming from me, but the world will not end if every GBI story is not in 100% agreement continuity wise. The world will not end if I describe Egon as blond in my stories and Sinister or Jesusfreak says he looks like Harold Ramis in theirs. As long as none of the other actual GBInc stories are outright contradicted (like I say “Ron Daniels? Got killed in a bust last week” or “Bo Holbrook hates pie” for no reason whatsoever)

And my last quibble with the debate is this: why didn't anyone raise these specific concerns sooner? The link to the draft has been posted twice in this thread. Only now, with “Opening Night” posted on GBN and the text to it set in stone, as it were, is anybody raising these objections–not back when I could've done anything about it. I would've been willing to compromise if anybody'd said anything earlier…“the mid Eighties” and “Wow! That guy'd make a pretty good Garfield too!” (without mentioning names). But a weakness of the GBN fan fic system is that I can't. As the software stands right now, it is impossible for me to edit the story.

I feel strange having to defend myself on some of these issues, and am troubled that I may have unwittingly caused problems for this team and all of GBInc. I hope a mutally agreeable solution can be hammered out–I am now registered for AIM and hope to contact Sinister soon in regards to this issue and Doomsday.

If the problems cannot be ironed out, I will have to take steps to remove myself from the situation for the good of GBWC and GBInc. I hope it does not come to that. I have been invigorated by the collaboration, and hope it will be able to continue.

by PeterKong

21 years, 8 months ago

As far as I always understood, GBInc. is suppose to be set in the cartoon universe of Ghostbusters (making RGB the actual world) while GBI is set in the movie universe (with the actors instead of the cartoon characters). There are 2 universes in Ghostbusters.

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 8 months ago

Very well put, Kong.

Vee, it has been from my experiences that people only have a problem with stuff once it's final. LOL

Don't you even think of quitting because someone didn't want to say anything earlier. (I think they didn't even read it the first time.)

But I've had people bitch about my works as well, cuz lets face it boys and girls; I don't think some people like the idea of their characters having to be in the same universe as some equally talented teenagers.

BTW, I heard that ETGB and WCD are partners in the Doomsday Fic. That will work out great because most of you have already read the ETGB fics and have an idea who we are, and likewise, my guys have kept me informed on the happenings of this thread in my times of absense (stupid McDonalds)

I hope to see a lot come out from this team.

by Sinister

21 years, 8 months ago

Ok I think there has been a little misunderstanding here, I have in no way attacked you, I admire the work you did on the timeline, and I had no complaint about the columbia uni parapsychology dept been shut down… I didn't notice it.

I admit I did ask Kyle to pass on a REQUEST that you don't do the omnibus timeline reference in your fic, due to certain things with Fanfic groups, to be honest I don't mind the stuff about the garfield thing either, I would get upset if you went on about Bill Murray making a third Ghostbuster movie etc…

But I apologise for any and all offence taken.

My main request was that you miss out the Timeline date.

by Sinister

21 years, 8 months ago

Oh and btw, the 1983/88 dates are still in debate with me on the timeline, yes they have changed back and forth! With different evidence been put before me I am constantly tryinto pelase all here.

Secondly, GBInc and GBI are not one movie one cartoon, GBI is for those who can actually make props and use costumes and GBInc allows for those who can't.