Hey all,
I'm back. My trip was cut a bit short. I was going down the hall in my hotel when a nurse on vacation noticed my right foot. She said it had a slight discoloration and that I should have it looked at. I went to the hospital and the doctor took a scan and came to the conclusion that my right leg artery was futher pinched since my accident. But wait, I am getting too ahead of myself. Lets go back two and a half years…
Me and my dad were in a car accident with a semi. The front of our car was crushed and so were our legs. We both had a fracture on our coccyx, a lower section on your spine, that left us paralyzed from the waist down. My dad got it worse, he lost his right arm as well. Thank God he was left handed! Don't have much of a choice now, does he? Anyway, you all have probably come to the conclusion that I am a cripple……..I mean retard. thank you for clarifying that Specter. I often forget the steriotype I am classified under.
Back to my foot, blood is not circulating correctly through it. It is beginning to decay internally, but very slowly. I may have to have surgery. The surgery will consist of removing an artery in my left left and transferring it to my right. It is very risky, though. The doctors say that I may loose a lot of blood and the artery may not be accepted by the right leg, leading to amputation. Not to worry though, the odds are somewhat in my favor and I know that God's decision will be for the best; either ridding me of this hellish world or continuing to live while upholding the few good morals I have as well as learning new ones. Either choice works for me. They say you should not admire anything on this world more than God.
-upset vacation was ended so, Otter