Legends of Ghostbusters

by Otter

21 years, 7 months ago

That is exactly how mine was planned to be. Everyone is included in my story. Since Dr. Masterson is not a buster, he will not be in it too much. I mean, they dont have engineers with proton packs on their backs these days…

-dreaming, Otter

by PeterKong

21 years, 7 months ago

Although the story I'm writing does involve a family revisit, the whole team (at least the South Division) is involved.

And in general, since out team is pretty much huge, no single character will be in every episode. Meaning, that every character will be left out once in a while. For example, not everyone appeared in “Opening Night”.

by Veedramon

21 years, 7 months ago

Quite true.

I also wish to point out the following topic: The Ghostbusters Inc. Development Timeline.

(Some of you know Sinister and I're starting to work on a larger timeline, a “Ghostbusters Inc. Omnibus Timeline” if you will, but don't worry about that yet.)

To keep the timeline intact, please set no stories with the GBWC as active Ghostbusters earlier than June 2003–“Opening Night” starts on April 18, but the next major events in the team's formation will take place throughout late April and May (the recruitment drive, ect.), but to allow the team to be in buisness for just a few weeks before “Stars and Stripes”, the crossover with NOMAD that's taking place..well, according to the timeline, pretty much Right Now. :s :d

And of course, you are free to not put any time line notes on the stories and let Sinister and I figure it out later

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

Hello all.

Veedramon - Thanks for backing me up, up there. By the way, I sent you the first draft of my fan fiction via email, though it already has us set as ghostbusters. I was just thinking we could submit it officially after all of opening night has been submitted. So this way, we can still be writing and not infringing on any timeline aspects/dates.

Egon 901 - I was excluding your fic from my “lecture” up there, allowing you to continue with more of a character piece though giving the ghostbusters quite a bit to do.

Peter Kong - I will start working on the team's contact sheet immediately.


by PeterKong

21 years, 7 months ago

There are a few points I wish to bring up and feel need to be discussed. I don't think they're been talked about much yet:

1. The HQ: is it a firehouse? Do all of the members live in it or does everyone or a few people own their own apartments?

2. What is our vehicle? Do we have more than 2 since our group is divided in half? What are they called?

3. Containment Unit. How is our containment built? Is it like RGB, the movie, or our own custom design?

by SpecterHarness

21 years, 7 months ago

I'd like to acquire this info as well, for I can't start my story without it.

BTW, the Ecto-1S from the ETGB stories will be included in the south team's work. The boys already got a new Ecto for season 2 of the ETGB, so I take this one out west. It's a bit more modified than it was in TN but I don't use it much in stories. It's more of a go-to-town type car.

by egon901

21 years, 7 months ago

Ok guys, this is what I heard from ludicris. Our cars are probably going to be 59 caddy kit cars or something like that. Secondly, I went over my gbwcd e-mail list, I realized that I was missing four instead of three. With Ray Parker Jr.'s e-mail, it makes three. This is the ones that I have including mine:

baugh, fritz fritzbgb@yahoo.com
CHADDERBOX mchd_22@hotmail.com ?
KONG, PETER stantsfield@yahoo.com
LUDICRIS Ludicris00001@netscape.net
otter otter1@tampabay.rr.com
Parker Jr., Ray Slimms98@aol.com
SPECTERHARNESS Harness04@aol.com
Stevens, Kyle kylestevens8383@juno.com
wolverine901@yahoo.com (egon901)

Hope this helps. And ludi, I knew what you ment, but I wanted to include you guys anyway . And anyway, I get knocked out and continue my dream during the battle, so more me than anyone else

by Otter

21 years, 7 months ago

I can at least answer the second question:

2. What is our vehicle? Do we have more than 2 since our group is divided in half? What are they called?

In a recent chat with Ludicris, our cars will be the Ecto-1's, which are refurbished ambulance's. As for the amount we have, I think it would be necessary for each divion to have at least one, seeing as how each division seems to do their own thing.

Egon - thanks for cumulating the emails. It was a big help.

-answering, Otter

P.S. There is something up with my email. My server seems to not be working. I'll send my story to you guys when it is fixed.

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

Hello all.

Otter's answer to question 2 is correct. I decided by myself that it would be less confusing to new readers if our cars just used the same name, ecto-1. They will be exactly the same in appearance as the original ecto-1, except for the logo being orange.

To answer question 1, we discussed having the HQ be a type of warehouse which we refurbish into our HQ, leaving enough room for us to live, research, store equipment and other related activities considering we are a big team. For the numbers of HQ, I decided on having one, to in a way, unify the team. If we did not share an HQ, we wouldnt be a team really but more of two seperate teams occasionally crossing over. This way, other members from other subdivisions can appear in the south subdivision stories as a walk on, in a way, making both teams one.

Now, to answer question 3, to be honest I have never given that issue any thought. Continuing on the size of our HQ, it would probably be best to have the Real ghostbusters containment unit with mabye acouple of adaptations from nathaniel masterson once he arrives to our team. I personally think this is the best way to go, just to make more use of the size of the HQ.

If anyone would like to suggest we do something different please let me know. I am open to suggestions.

NOTE: I am practically done with a ghostbusters west coast division contact sheet, which I will be emailing everyone, containing the names of the members, their email addresses and their aim screen names. Hopefully, we can add this to the site, to go along with Peter Kong's suggestion of making us more accessible to fans.


by kyleogb1983

21 years, 7 months ago

Ok, Team, How about we do a vote on the vehicle matter at the moment. Here the selectons that I have came up with, and no, they're not the best choice either |.

1) Ecto-1 prtotype
2) Van
3) Armored Vehicle
4) Boat ( underwater missions)
5.) Submarine ( just a thought)

That's could think of, can anyone else think on any other idea for the team's vehicles ?