Legends of Ghostbusters

by Veedramon

21 years, 7 months ago

Ray: Nice to hear from you after all this time! Did you see “Opening Night, Part One”? I did mention Leon once…Fritz sent his assistant to buy him a postcard. I've been trying to develop the Fritz/Leon backstory some, particullarly something you said about Fritz starting as a friend of Leon's brother Nick, who got killed in front of you…I'll try to get something put down in type soon.

Team unity vs. Geographic practicality? That's the issue on our HQs…Ludicris has endorsed the “one HQ” idea, raising a point that makes a lot of sense: if we're geographically seperated we're really two teams that cross over occassionally. A compomise? Say we have only one HQ for now. Maybe open a second office later when we're established and have some cases under our belt–and have more time to bond and consider ourselves “one team in two units”.

Otter: The NOMAD crossover occurs in July 2003 (about right now, actually, as July 4th is part of the story), while “Opening Night” will end around the end of May. Thus, if you are hired any time in June, you can be on hand for the NOMAD story, “Stars and Stripes” (I'll be trying to talk to Jesusfreak about that some once I get “Opening Night Part Two” done…I've been staying off AIM until I get it finished–it is such a time eater!!! :d )

by RayParkerJr.

21 years, 7 months ago

sounds good dude, i think the fritz/hogan bond could be a good one and im lookin forward to writing stories together. Oh by the way i may have been the only one who was against the whole origin story at the movies idea but i stand corrected, opening night was a great beginning

by PeterKong

21 years, 7 months ago

Another question that popped in my mind. Is anyone designated to be the driver? Like Winston was?

by Ludicris

21 years, 7 months ago

Well, if you remember Winston wasnt the only one to drive, even though the cartoons generally showed him driving and catering to the hardware of the car. Its up to each team really. For the northern division, the majority of the driving will be done by Robert, due to his character being a “winstonesque” character.

Veedramon and Egon - You explained my reasoning perfectly.


by SpecterHarness

21 years, 7 months ago

I like the idea of one base. It could lead to some very interesting morning stories… keep in mind these are only little parodies

::Line of 8 people outside the bathroom::

Fritz is grooming inside the batroom when he hears a rapid beating on the door. He opens it and sees Dr. Harness twitching and jumping in the doorway in front of some now angered ghostbusters. Andy can't talk, he can just jump and twitch unaware of Fritz already answering the door.

Odd grunt.
“Oh boy! Nothing like a game of charades, Andy.” Slams door
Hears another knock.
“I was trying to tell you that I needed to use the bathroom but I couldn't talk, but now I can talk and I need to use the bathroom.”
“Fasincating” slams door again
Hears another knock
“Can I use the bathroom now, Fritz?”
“Andy go use your own bathroom!”
“I don't think I can make it. Please?”
“Okay, make it quick.”
A sense of relief covers Andy's face.
“That's okay.”

by Otter

21 years, 7 months ago

From what I have gathered from Ludicris, both division will be housed in one HQ. The designation of North and South is another way of saying team 1 and team 2. We are all going to be in the same central location. We have two teams which can cover the other during “busy” days. Both teams may be deployed in very serious situations. The Ecto-1A and maybe a water vehicle should be enough. A “heavy artillery” van may not have to be required, seeing as, now that there is an engineer on the team of all busters, modifications to the Ecto-1A can be made possible very simply. So, in a way, the two divisions are just a conglomerate cumulated inside a single HQ. Quantity and supplies should be disussed though. Teams should always have equal equptment. Two bases may become too difficult to write about and stories may get too one sided, if you know what I mean (since this is already becoming apparent). If GBWC has only one HQ, it would be much easier to include as many characters as possible in future writings.

Veedramon - If you do include me, have me already hired on the team. My story tells of my arrival (dont worry, it is NOT a one manned story, ask Ludicris). So just act as though I have been on the team for some time.

-with a word from upstairs, Otter

by PeterKong

21 years, 7 months ago

perhaps one of us should draw what the HQ looks like. I could give that a try if Ludi likes the idea of having a pic of the building and a map of inside. We could use this as a reference in our fanfics.

by PeterKong

21 years, 7 months ago

The Reunion first draft is finished.

Once I receive the contact list from Ludi, I'll send it to all members

by PeterKong

21 years, 7 months ago

I have a suggestion for our website. Why not make a page for direct links to our stories. It could list the proper order to read them (keeping them cronologically). The actual stories will still be kept here, but having direct links to each story could prove helpful to fans of the team as well as members.

by Veedramon

21 years, 7 months ago

Ray: thanks for your support. I was a little worried that we were somehow “pushing you out” for a little bit, and I'm a bit reassured now.

Your initial suggestion in regards to our character's relationship was that had something to do with Fritz's friendship with Leon's dead brother Nick. One idea I had, drawing on an autobiographical detail, is that Fritz and Nick meet at Alabama summer camp in 1983, and stayed in touch over the years. Fritz and Leon may not have actually met until Nick's funeral, but the years of correspondance and mutual connection to Nick contributed to their own strong bond developing. To make this work, the fictional Nick Hogan would have to be around the same age as Fritz (born around, but not necessarily, 1971) Tell me what you think about this suggestion, or if you have any other ideas of your own.

Otter: I've read your story, and don't really have any important suggestions to make–it's great as is, a great retelling of the “how we met Otter” concept Ludicris posted minus the senseless vehicular homicide. There are a couple of very small suggestions I'll try and get mailed to you today.

Ludicris: I still haven't recieved anything from you on email. I'm a little concerned–I'm at the same email address as the previous letters, so I don't know where the problem is.

Peter: Looking forward to that also. I'll admit, I've had some fun writing Jake Senior in “Opening Night” as a bit of a cranky old man. Maybe he can make the occassional cameo and whack Andy over the head with his cane .

To go along with Peter's suggestion: we might start looking at maps of LA (I'm assuming our base is in LA) to figure out where our headquarters is located.

EDIT: Peter's idea of posting the story links on the GBWC website is a good one, too–especially as between crossovers and other stuff, the stories will probably not all make it out in the order they “happen”. A nice “best read in this order” list could be helpful.

Kyle: Are you still interested in writing “Opening Night, Part Three”? I haven't heard anything from you about it lately, and I know you're now busy with your own story. Just let me know–I have no problem with writing it myself.

All: “Opening Night, Part Two” is almost done. I hope to get it finished and emailed to all of you (as well as Kingpin and possibly Sinister) later today.