Legion #1 Cover Art!

by Scoleri_Brother

21 years, 3 months ago

I love what they've done with the art, it looks awesome.

“has the power to turn New York into the city of the dead.”

That is perhaps the coolest thing I have read in a long long long time. AHHHHHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

by silverexpress57

21 years, 3 months ago

I love the cover art! I can't describe how I felt when I saw that pic.

Besides the warm fuzzy feeling… I did notice something. But before I say it, let me say that I do know that they have a different artist doing the comic book than the one who did the wall paper pic of the 4 'busters.

What I noticed, the guys are drawn a bit differently than the wall paper pic. I thought that the new artist was going to draw them the same way the first artist did. Also, the proton gun looks slightly different than from the movies along with the trap. Is it just me? or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

by bigjohnman84

21 years, 3 months ago

From what i can see, the straps on the gloves seem to be gone, but i may not be looking at it correctly. Your right, the guns do look different, but in good way. The trap looks the same, but I can't realy tell. I wish february where here NOW!!!!!!!!!! :-)

by dantheman1

21 years, 3 months ago

Evil Toaster
what's this Monday thing?
A much bigger (I'm assuming it's bigger) preview is supposed to be posted over at Newsarama.com this monday, with some brand new art by Steve Kurth as well as the first cover (which I'm hoping will be much bigger).

The thing that interests me most about the preview I initially linked to is "What’s worse, traps or proton beams have no effect on their adversary because he's alive!" Over at 88's website their own GB preview states, "…the four part tale LEGION, which pits the guys against an enemy from their distant past…" Walter Peck?!? (*_*)

by bigjohnman84

21 years, 3 months ago

I am glad that I am not the only one to think of Walter Peck, perhaps he wants his revenge on the Ghostbusters. So he decides to kill every one. I mean, who hasn't thought of turning the world into zombies and taking total control. :p It will be an interesting story to read. (^_^)

by geimryk

21 years, 3 months ago


That's just beautiful…..*sniff*

by Kingpin

21 years, 3 months ago

Sweet! Fucking ace! :-) Man, I am SO looking forward to it.

And no, I also got the feeling it could be Peck, but if so, where did he get the power to turn New York into a Necropoilis?

by OrkoIsKing

21 years, 3 months ago

I love the cover art! I can't describe how I felt when I saw that pic.

Besides the warm fuzzy feeling… I did notice something. But before I say it, let me say that I do know that they have a different artist doing the comic book than the one who did the wall paper pic of the 4 'busters.

What I noticed, the guys are drawn a bit differently than the wall paper pic. I thought that the new artist was going to draw them the same way the first artist did. Also, the proton gun looks slightly different than from the movies along with the trap. Is it just me? or are my eyes playing tricks on me?

I noticed this as well. I don't think Steve was going to draw EXACTLY like Billy, but it is similar. As for the equipment, it does differ from the movie. Hopefully, as Steve gets used to drawing the GB, it'll look more movie accurate.

by DocFritz

21 years, 3 months ago

Peck? Maybe…but they said “distant” past…since the new comic picks up not long after GB1, their meeting with Peck wouldn't be all that “distant”…

by divia1

21 years, 3 months ago

Not bad. It's nice. Doesn't get me all excited however. I'll pick up a copy. I'd like to see a preview of the first four pages. Are we going to get that on Monday?