legion 3, is that slimer?

by andy1

20 years, 3 months ago

I agree with most of what you said, KWilliams.

I don't buy that Slimer was “made” in some ritual. He's got way too many human characteristics - and then the “how” comes into it. Like you said, there's never been any actual case where someone has claimed to have “created” a ghost from nothing. You say “except in Hollywood”, though, but I don't think Ghostbusters falls into this. Dan Aykroyd wrote the concept and the script and his strong interest in the paranormal means it's obvious he'd have based most of his concepts on facts and theories.

IF Slimer was a result of a ritual in the basement, he must have been summoned rather than “created”. So he would have already existed, but summoned to the hotel. You see this in the sequel when the Scolari Brothers are summoned by the emotions of the judge - it looked like they were created from the slime, but they already existed as they were once alive.

Anyway, about Slimer in the comic, this is definately him. I think the way he's been introduced is awesome. I was expecting a crappy introduction like “oh look, it's that first ghost we caught, let's get him!” type of thing. But in this he's not even mentioned as who he is - he's just there, waiting to attack Ray. It looks so sinister and is a great way to introduce him.

by rutherford

20 years, 3 months ago

I found a book in a Borders a while back that had tons of movie monsters categorized. Each had a write up and some pics from respective movies/tv shows-including buffy, godzilla, dracula,ghostbusters etc etc etc

Slimers write up says something to the effect that he was once a wealthy gluttonous big who stuffed his face while watching a withc being burned at the stake. The witch cursed him to wander the earth after death trying in vein to devouer everything in sight.

Not a direct quote mind you-im pulling it from memory.

Point being-there are obviously lots of stories on what slimer is/was. None of them are necessarliy true, but then again, one theory is just as valid as the next…

…unless Dan Aykroyd shows up and makes a decision on a character he created.

by samhain2

20 years, 3 months ago

i know im going to upset geek club but

sometimes i think you guys take this stuff way too seriously beyond the point of geekyness
who else were they trying to make the ghost look like if not slimer
seriously, slimer is probably the most familiar ghost in all of gbhistory from the tv shows and movies
of course they're gonna have him in there

the comics are going by the movie, so last time slimer was seen was after he escaped

slimer is in the comic, who cares, the end

by andy1

20 years, 3 months ago

SaM HaiN
i know im going to upset geek club but

sometimes i think you guys take this stuff way too seriously beyond the point of geekyness

slimer is in the comic, who cares, the end

This is the Internet, what else is it for other than a giant resource for geeks to debate their sad interests with other geeks (whilst downloading a virtual girlfriend of course)?

But, anyway, this conversation was more about Slimer's origins. We all know it's Slimer in the comic and haven't really debated that.

So, erm, how does this go? Ah yes:

RoFL LoLL P0wNeD!!!11ONE