Legion #4 Discussion

by doctorvenkman1

20 years, 1 month ago

Okay here we go, loved the issue. Definitely worth the wait of the 9 months to get the whole series out. Its a million times better than I could've imagined. The colors of the ghosts leapt right off the freakin page. Amazing colors, Blond. Draverhaven still freaks me out. Did anyone catch the cameo appearance of the ghost from “Stick Business” in Grand Central Station? The one that was “too fast”. That ghost breaking the trap was as Peter said “new”, and very cool. It was cool to see the ghosts fight back in a new way. Wireless traps? Very cool. Nice to see Winston the one coming up with the idea too. There's just so much I love about this issue. The ghosts actually being afraid is a damn cool touch. Peter waiting for his revenge on Slimer, I don't care what other people think, I loved that. Ray playing the hero, I loved that. Great to see him standing up for the city he loves. Ray getting that mad was really cool. Wow, just wow. Can't wait for this series to continue so we can see the unrivaled talent of 88 MPH.

by fomeboy

20 years, 1 month ago

I loved this issue. I loved the whole series.
It was so funny to read Peter saying “I quit. The starbucks around the corner is hiring and I like coffee. All the espresso I drink and a lot less slime. It's the perfect fit, really” when the streets of New york are full of ghosts :-)
And when he saw Slimer and said “The spud!” :-@
88MPH Studios did a great job. I am like so glad to be living here in Québec with those guys just around that made the Ghostbusters go back into business!
Let's all wish them good luck with all their future projects and with the new ongoing Ghostbusters series!

by dontebell

20 years, 1 month ago

those two slime building almost look like the twin towers.

by 9sam11

20 years, 1 month ago

i noticed something, on the page where peter is saying that he wants to go to starbucks and stuff the wings of the Ecto-1 were painted white not red, i guess there was a error or somethhing


20 years, 1 month ago

I absolutely loved this issue. The art work was incredible once again. The detail showing emotions in the character faces was perfect. There were some good comedic lines in this issue. The line where Peter saying he wants to quit and get a job at Starbucks fits his character perfectly. It was a good conclusion to the Legion story that left you wanting more. The aspect that there are bigger entities out there gunning for the Ghostbusters got me excited to see what more threats 88MPH can think of to challange the Ghostbusters, and I also like that they didn't kill off Mike which leaves him available to return in later issues as a recurring villain. Overall, another excellent job from the 88MPH crew. Great job 88MPH.

by GuyCC

20 years ago

Overall, I was very pleased., especially since issue #3 and #4 came out so close together. As a whole, the series was very solid and entertaining. Issue #4 picked up the pace again, and I'm glad that they tied up all the loose ends with Peter/Dana and Egon/Janine.

Three questions now:

1.) Will the ongoing series pick up right after the mini-series?

2.) Will there be a TPB coming out soon?

3.) Barring that GB2 is not the way the series is going to go, can we ever look forward to seeing Janosz Poha as a cameo? For that matter, what about Mayor Lenny or Walter Peck?

Good job, 88MPH!

by Kingpin

20 years ago

Overall, I was very pleased., especially since issue #3 and #4 came out so close together. As a whole, the series was very solid and entertaining. Issue #4 picked up the pace again, and I'm glad that they tied up all the loose ends with Peter/Dana and Egon/Janine.

Three questions now:

1.) Will the ongoing series pick up right after the mini-series?

2.) Will there be a TPB coming out soon?

3.) Barring that GB2 is not the way the series is going to go, can we ever look forward to seeing Janosz Poha as a cameo? For that matter, what about Mayor Lenny or Walter Peck?

Good job, 88MPH!

1) Unknown, though, Legion 4 seems to set up the aformentioned Janine/Egon date in Ongoing# 2

2) There is a Trade Hardcover expected out in March which contains Legion, Zeddemore Factor and pieces of concept artwork.

3) Unknown, while I expect we'll be seeing Lenny and Peck sometime soon, I don't know if 88 can portray any recgonisable vision of Janosz.

by GuyCC

20 years ago

Hardback, eh? Very cool. I'll be all about that.

Thanks for the heads-up on the other stuff. Even if GB2 is not going to be touched, I would like to see some of the latter characters, elements mentioned or used in some capacity.

I'd rather the GBs stay in business than get sued out and doing birthday parties.

by egonspengler5

20 years ago

“I'd rather the GBs stay in business than get sued out and doing birthday parties.”

This never took place. The current series continues 6 months after the events of Gozer - GB2, and it's storyline, will not happen at all. Sebastien made it clear that the comic series will playout as if GB2, and the events, NEVER OCCURRED.

by GuyCC

20 years ago

Oh, I know. Just saying that I prefer the idea of that they never went out of business, and kept busy, like in the animated series.

But I've kept up with the comic and the revised timeline, so it's all good.