length of the game

by PeterVenkmen

16 years ago

LOL There better be save points if the levels really are that long.

Scott Sommer;135270
My brother gets all the hidden items in a game all n the first run because he is the type of gamer who looks at every corner and every pixel.

Actually, there are probably certain conditions you'll need to unlock stuff too, so you really might not be able to unlock stuff in one play if there are certain condition.

by austinthe5thgb

16 years ago

so did anyone see those pics fo the ghostbuster firgures, they would be a key part to my collection. im seriously loving life with all the new ghostbusters stuff. i feel like im a kid again

by Kingpin

16 years ago

so did anyone see those pics fo the ghostbuster firgures, they would be a key part to my collection. im seriously loving life with all the new ghostbusters stuff. i feel like im a kid again

What's that got to do with the length of the game?

by austinthe5thgb

16 years ago

nothing just throwing that out there becuase im excited. my bad kingpin

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

Peter Venkmen;135280
Actually, there are probably certain conditions you'll need to unlock stuff too, so you really might not be able to unlock stuff in one play if there are certain condition.

Like what?

Doesn't this happen to all games though? In FEAR 2 there are moments where you have to go forward, turn off a valve, and then go back to where you were before to get intel and a power up.

Is that what you mean? Because he does that too. In any case, unlockables are different from Hidden Items. You say one thing I said another.

We know for this game, we need to find the “blue” ecto pick ups which if you run through the whole level a few times just to find them will increase longevity of the game.

by PeterVenkmen

16 years ago

Certain conditions meaning beating it at a certain time or getting a certain rank. Something like that you probably couldn't do if go over everything single place carefully in a level to if it's got a certain clear time to unlock something. That's just a THEORY because I know there are some games that have that.

by doe_ray_egon1

16 years ago

I think what he means is if you like clear the game with like a a-ranking you unlock a new area that wasn't in the game or something

by PeterVenkmen

16 years ago

Pretty much. Or special content. It would be nice if it was like that cause it means more replay value.

by austinthe5thgb

16 years ago

well they did announce there would be new levels for multiplayer, maybe they are unlockables for ur expertise with a protonpack

by ScottSommer

16 years ago

I personally don't see a “time trail” a la Mirror's Edge or something to be in a game like this.

This game is not really built for speed and I doubt you are supposed to just run through the level as fast as you can. This game is like a search and destroy type of game and is made to make you search and explore the levels finding hidden things. As we can see, somethings don't occur until you sniff them out so I doubt think time is a factor in the ranking if there is one.

I recall that you can save people who are being pestered by a ghost and save them. This will probably unlock things if you gather them all in the levels or something. Again playing on the concept of search and destroy.

Multiplayer on the other hand is a different story, but this does not constitute to the campaign playtime.